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P. 23
13 FEBRUARI 2016
“The different cultures of Curaçao inspire me every day”
Merly Trappenberg
If you encounter the paintings of Merly Trappen-
berg, you won’t easily forget them. The paintings
are touching and you can almost feel the emo-
tions of the people on her canvas. Most of the peo-
ple don’t exist, but in Merly’s mind they do live. She
doesn’t work with pictures of people, only with her
mind. “When I’m painting I travel to another world
and just see what happens on my canvas. Some-
times I’m even amazed by the result too!”
By Elisa Koek
Merly grew in Venezuela and attended a Catholic school under the guidance of nuns.
Rules were strict and curiosity was not always appreciated. However, Merly was
tremendously curious about everything. “I always had questions about life, religion
or myself. The word ‘Why’ was probably my favorite.” Maybe that’s the reason why
spent her spare time drawing and painting while going to Catholic school. She aimed
higher every time. “Every chance I got, I took. I wanted to be the best one in the class
so I kept practicing until I was happy with my panting.”
Since Merly was a little girl she and her family visited Curaçao. It always felt a bit like
home and after she graduated as a civil engineer in Venezuela and met her husband
in Curacao, she decided to make the island her home. It’s no wonder Merly’s art work
became more serious when she started her life here, because the island is one of her
biggest inspirations. “Curaçao is the island of happy people, parties and energy. The
colors, the sea and all the different cultures make Curaçao a wonderful place to live
and work. This inspires me every day.”
A big part of Merly’s work is the diversity she hides in her paintings: people with
different skin colors, light eyes or dark ones and hair in all shapes and models. “In
Curaçao there have always been many cultures and connections with different coun-
has always been there too. The true Yu di Kòrsou is diverse and multicultural and
this diversity is the strength of our island. I hope to transfer this message through
my paintings.”
Diversity is not the only message Merly hides in her work. A striking aspect of her
to be taken seriously as a woman. Women all around the world are still not equally
treated and respected as they should be and that’s why they’re put in the spotlight
in her work. “Some women carry their family and home. However, not everybody
enough, but in my work, they are. Women are the mainspring of our home, but also
of our society”.
Valentine’s Day Survey Results Revealed - the Dos and Don’ts to Create the Perfect Valentine’s Day
In the build up to 14th February men and women all over the world fall
into total panic! The outbreak of this epidemic is due to the psychological
phenomenon called Perfectionism Romantica.
By Craig Bailey write to her how much your Valentine means to you or so perhaps create a voucher for a sensuous back rub
Perfectionism Romantica derives from the intense ZULWHDERXWWKH¿UVWWLPH\RXPHW$QGGRQRWHQGWKH with oils for one hour or even a late night back get out of
pressure of wanting to be the perfect Valentine and by letter with Best Wishes. jail free card he can redeem next time he goes out with
creating the perfect Valentine’s Day. To buy their Valen- Don’ts - Things NOT to do for your woman on Valen- the boys and gets in a little too late!
tine the perfect gift; to write the perfect message in the tines Day Do support his hobby. Most men have a hobby they
perfect card with perfect handwriting. Don’t buy clothes or lingerie. You will either buy her love almost as much as you (and in some cases more).
In reality though, the old saying it is the thought that something too small which will mean your Valentine You may not understand it, you may hate it and for 364
counts really does really does hold true. will feel fat or you will buy something too big which will days a year you may moan at the amount of time he
NQRZQ\RXUORYHUIRUMXVW¿IW\GD\VKHUHDUHWKHEHVW Don’t leave it to the last minute. Remember, remember for one day in the year embrace it and buy him a gift
do’s and don’ts for this Valentine’s Day as recommend- like you have never remembered before. A tiny bit of relating to his hobby. This is true love and he will be re-
ed by our Valentine’s Day survey. thought and a dash of planning will go a long way. minded of this every time he spends time on his hobby.
For Men Don’t be generic. She is your Valentine, the love of your AND, his friend’s will be saying, Wow, you sure have a
Dos - Things to do for your woman on Valentine’s Day life, your favourite person in the World. Give your gifts cool girlfriend / wife!
Do roses. Roses are synonymous with Valentine’s Day or your message a little thought and personalise. Start Do fun. Men want their partners to be their best friends
and women love receiving them. If you are on a tight with Dear... not just You’re my Valentine, love me. too, so this year on Valentine’s Day arrange something
budget a single red rose is deemed more romantic than Don’t cook a heavy meal. If you cook a heavy meal, it fun for you both to do. Take him paintballing or go kart-
a bunch. will take all your energy while it digests and will make ing as a treat. It may not seem like fun now, but on the
Do chocolates. Chocolates also go hand in hand with you and your Valentine feel tired. Your Valentine may day you will really enjoy it and it is a great bonding ex-
Valentine’s Day and are a perfect aphrodisiac for later even feel a little fat. This is not conducive to a romantic ercise... one again, you will be seen as one super cool
on in the evening. evening. Cook light. A salad would be perfect. chick!
Do surprises. Women love surprises, even the tiny For Women
ones. Organise a spring clean for them. Have your Dos - Things to do for your man on Valentine’s Day Don’t - Things NOT to do for your man on
Valentine’s car cleaned inside and out. A clean car is a Do massage his ego. This seems like an obvious point, Valentine’s Day
happy car which is a happy driver and is thus a happy but a lot of Valentine’s Day is geared up to making the Don’t write on his Facebook wall. In your man’s mind he
Valentine! lady feel special. Tell him you love him more each day is old school. Cave man, me Tarzan you Jane. He has
Do go back to the future. Turn back the time and act and he still rocks your world. The ego in him will love it! his street cred to think about and the last thing he wants
like teenagers again. Go on a teenager daytime date Do buy lingerie. This shows your Valentine you are is for all his friends to see the sweet, soppy Valentine
like ice skating or bowling or a visit to a museum. Hold making a special effort just for his eyes only. message his woman has written in the public domain of
hands, giggle, have fun, eat burgers and drink milk- Do arrange a dirty weekend away. Let your Valentine his Facebook wall. Be discreet. He may do all the baby
shakes. go to work the following week basking in all the glory talking and whisper you sweet nothings when it is just
Do run a bath. According to the women in our survey, of just having the best naughty weekend ever. This the two of you, but in front of his mates... no way Jose!
this is another winner. Light some scented candles, add Valentine’s Day falls on a Saturday, so perhaps book Don’t buy a teddy or other cuddly toy. Most men like
some relaxing bath salts and whack on the Kenny G. a romantic trip away to a beautiful location. And do not their women sexy and provocative not girly and pink.
Sprinkle some rose petals in a path to the bathroom forget to take some little treats with you such as a deck 'RQ¶WUHQWDFKLFNÀLFN
for extra brownie points. A quick do not... DO NOT get of cards for some strip poker! Don’t criticise his efforts. No matter how small they ap-
in the bath with your Valentine, unless of course she Do vouchers. It really is the thought that counts this Val- pear or how inappropriate please do not look upset or
explicitly asks you too. entine’s Day, so give your special someone some Val- angry with any gifts, message, or date he arranges for
Do write a love letter. If you are not a true romantic at entine Vouchers. Be creative and think of some ideas Valentine’s Day. Men are men and do their best and
heart, you do not have to write a corny poem. Simply for the vouchers which he can redeem at any time he do not always get it right. Once again, it is the thought
chooses. Men generally never look after themselves, that counts and that’s the most important thing this Val-
entine’s Day.
So, with this advice... wishing you and your Valentine
the perfect Valentine’s Day!