Page 7 - AHATA
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                                                                                                                           Saturday 22 February 2020

            Fishing in Aruba is on fire

            By Joris Zantvoort           February continues to bring
            ORANJESTAD  —  On  a  good  weather  to  Aruba.
            cruise  looking  for  a  stop-  With  temperatures  just  un-
            over? Or are you planning  der 90 °F, this place is per-
            a winter angling getaway?  fectly  suited  for  water  ac-
            Either  way,  you’re  in  luck  tivities.
            because  fishing  in  Aruba  More  importantly,  the  is-
            is on fire! After years of fly-  land provides easy access
            ing under international an-  to some of the finest fishing
            glers’  radars,  it  seems  like  grounds in the entire Carib-
            this colorful island is finally  bean.                      Captain of the Month                      have all the necessary gear, as well as
            starting to get the attention                               Captain  Dennis  has  fished  around  the  live  bait and drinks. There will  be a first
            it  deserves.  And  it’s  pre-  In  February,  there’s  a   globe in various major tournaments, with  mate  on  board  to  assist  you  with  your
            cisely in the dead of winter,  whole  host  of  exciting  fish   numerous  wins  under  his  belt.  A  fisher-  gear and technique. You can bring your
            when half the world freezes  to catch here. The nearby      man  in  the  most  genuine  sense  of  the  kids along, too, as long as they are older
            over,  that  Aruba’s  fishery  flats are great for catching   word, he is used to landing big fish, first  than 6.
            shines the brightest.        Baby Tarpon and Snook on       as his sport, now as his job.
                                                                                                                  Once you’re back ashore, you’ll split the
                                                                        The Captain’s pride and joy is, of course,  catch with the crew, and they will fillet
                                                                        his  beautiful  boat,  Lady  Sarah.  This  and  clean  it  for  you  so  you  can  have
                                                                        40-footer  comes  with  all  the  amenities  that nice dinner afterwards.
                                                                        you’ll  need  on  an  offshore  trip,  includ-
                                                                        ing a fish finder, fighting chair, and air-  For  more  information:  https://fishing-
                                                                        conditioning. On a trip with Dennis, you’ll

                                                                      the fly. If you’re lucky, you  Lady Sarah just caught sev-
                                                                      might  even  hook  a  Per-   eral Wahoo on one trip the
                                                                      mit  or  two.  Fly  fishing  can  other day.
                                                                      be challenging due to the  The great thing about a trip
                                                                      windy conditions, so make  like this is that your guide will
                                                                      sure  you  have  an  experi-  clean and fillet your catch,
                                                                      enced guide with you.        so you can just bring it to a
                                                                                                   local restaurant for dinner.
                                                                      If  you’re  looking  for  some-
                                                                      thing  a  little  less  demand-  The  action  doesn’t  stop
                                                                      ing,  head  for  the  reefs.  there,  however.  Head  fur-
                                                                      Here,  you’ll  find  some  of  ther  out,  and  you’ll  get  a
                                                                      the  best  food  fish  the  Ca-  chance  to  battle  some  of
                                                                      ribbean  has  to  offer!  Wa-  the most exciting game fish
                                                                      hoo and Mahi roam these  around. From Bull Sharks to
                                                                      waters,  and  they’ve  been  White  Marlin  and  Sailfish,
                                                                      absolutely fabulous recent-  Aruba’s  offshore  grounds
                                                                      ly.                          will  put  even  the  experi-
                                                                      Captain  Dennis  aboard  enced angler to the test.q

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