Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200401
P. 32

                   Wednesday 1 april 2020
            SETAR Complete 60+

            ORANJESTAD — SETAR intro-    sists of three services which
            duces  their  newest  pack-  are:  fixed  telephone  line,
            age  especially  for  seniors  cable and internet. Clients
            named  ‘SETAR  Complete  60+  can  choose  between
            60+’  which  includes  an  in-  two packages: the Startup
            crease  in  free  minutes  for  Plan  or  the  Premium  Plan.
            fixed telephone lines.       With  the  choice  of  one  of
                                         these  packages  the  cli-
            Since  October  2019,  SE-   ent  will  receive  additional
            TAR launched their newest  free minutes to fixed phone
            package  SETAR  Complete  lines,  more  TV  channels  to
            60+.  The  package  offers  choose from and a higher
            very  attractive  rates  for  internet  speeds  of  170  to  minutes and also the use of  during  the  day.  For  more  60+ interested to apply for
            senior  clients  at  the  age  250 Mbs. All these         both  packages  has  been  information  check  out  the  the  service  must  pass  by
            of  60  years  and  older.  The  great  services  for  one  increased.  The  free  min-  website  or  any Setar Teleshop or Setar
            beneficial  package  con-    price.  The  additional  free  utes can be used anytime  call  +297  525-1700.  Clients  Store.q

              Positive vibes from our beloved tourists abroad

                                                                      In  these  difficult  times  we
                                                                      would like to reach out to
                                                                      our  friends  abroad  who
                                                                      were  supposed  to  spent
                                                                      their  tropical  vacation  on
                                                                      Aruba or who had to break
                                                                      up their vacation due to the
                                                                      COVID-19  situation.  Aruba
                                                                      Today  invites  you  to  send
                                                                      us your picture and words
                                                                      expressing  your  memory
                                                                      of our island or your dream
                                                                      vacation for the future.

                                                                      Take a look at the wonder-
                                                                      ful  pictures  we  received
                                                                      from  our  readers  these      Frederik Romano
                                                                                                     My parents got married on April 4,1970 , they went
                                                                      Last  but  not  least:  Check   on there honeymoon to Aruba ????, we as a family
                                                                      out our website and face-      had timesharing @playa Linda , Aruba one happy
                                                                      book page!                     island.
                                                                      Thank  you  for  support-
                                                                      ing  our  free  newspaper,
                                                                      we  strive  to  make  you  a
                                                                      happy  reader  every  day
                                                                      again and look forward to
               Annabell misses Aruba                                  have you here with us soon

               Annabell would like to send best wishes and prayers
               to all her Aruban friends. She hopes that this will end
               She is planning on being back on the island October
               27 till November 4, providing it’s safe to travel.
               Hoping to say hi and get more beautiful smiles
               Follow  Annabell  on  her  facebook  page  Annabell

                                               Paula Puleo Healy

                                               I  took  my  daughter  to  Aruba  when  she           Helen Dimi
                                               was  just  8  yrs  old  and  have  been  going
                                               every year since.                                     We were supposed to be in Aruba over the March
                                                                                                     break!  This  is  a  photo  of  my  daughter  visiting  her
                                                                                                     favorite store Vadavas. She was looking forward to
                                                                                                     seeing  Daniella  again  this  year  but  we'll  definitely
                                                                                                     return once it's safe to!
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