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P. 5
Tuesday 13 March 2018
Research by Aruban Tourism Authority (ATA) under population:
‘Sustainable Tourism is More Important than Ever’
ORANJESTAD- ATA invites ism as the touristic product
the community to give their is a full-grown. There is not
opinion on tourism by par- much room to grow in vol-
ticipation in their research. ume due to the physical
It is necessary that the en- limitation, but there is room
tire community carries re- for a higher quality product
sponsibility for the direction and taking the needs of
of tourism development the islanders’ into consider-
and that is only possible ation. The research ‘Carry-
when people have a voice. ing Capacity’ will indicate
The economic pillar of how much more expansion
Aruba, tourism, is the main is possible in certain areas
income for the island and and how locals think about
all together we must find a this.
way that is balanced well
for everybody. This is the Participation
motivation behind the re- ATA set up a short survey
search. for the community and
emphasizes how important
ATA facilitates several proj- it is for the community to
ects to stimulate action in participate. Therefore you
the necessary direction. are invited to fill in the sur-
For example the plan for vey and hand it in during
product development ‘Cu wish for within the industry for the locals of Aruba. 17 and 18 March. The ATA
Mira pa Futuro’ that is ac- of tourism. Tourism impacts Aruba is rising as touristic What is ‘CARRYING CA- team will be present with
cessible for all. More infor- the quality of life of every- destination while still main- PACITY’? buses at various spots in the
mation can be found at one and the touristic de- taining her position of pre- The research is about the island. velopment should go hand ferred destination in the development of tourism All participants will be able
Integral to this plan and in hand with the econom- Caribbean. Since 2011 and at the same time the to be in a picture with a
other activities of ATA are ics and ecology on the is- the strategic of ATA were preservation and protec- special frame that memo-
the protection of the natu- land. Central point is that to give priority to the visi- tion of the environment, rizes the 18th of March, the
ral and cultural heritage, we need to lift our touristic tors that are ‘affluent’ that culture, quality of life and Day of the National An-
maintenance of our hospi- product for all perspec- came to our island. Also happiness of the local in- them and Flag. In case you
tality and stimulation of in- tives: physical as well as hu- ATA focused on a shift of habitants. The happiness of miss the bus this weekend,
novative entrepreneurship. man referring to the level of mind where we look into a the visitors’ experience that there is still possibility to par-
It is important to find out service. These ingredients durable direction and the we give to them is another ticipate 26-27-28 March in
what are the desires and contribute to the quality of quality of our touristic prod- point of attention within different neighborhoods
expectations of the visitor vacation and the wishes of uct. For this reason ATA is the research. It is essential from 6.30 P on. More infor-
now and in the future, but the visitors and they con- carrying out a research to do studies and set a vi- mation: http://www.aruba.
also what we as habitants tribute to a better lifestyle called ‘Carrying Capacity’. sion for Aruba’s future tour- comq
ATA Honors Loyal Visitors at Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
visiting the island for more
than 10 consecutive years.
The honorees were Mr.
John and Mrs. Jennifer Cal-
vo of New York, celebrat-
ing their 13th consecutive
annual visit to Aruba!
Ms. Emely Ridderstaat rep-
resenting the Aruba Tourism
Authority, and members of
Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort
handed some presents to
the honorees and thanked
them for choosing Aruba as
their vacation destination
and as their home away
from home for so many
years on behalf of the Gov-
ernment of Aruba. These
visitors love Aruba because
the people are very wel-
coming, the beauty of the
island, the beaches, great
EAGLE BEACH - Recently tors and of Aruba at Bucuti restaurants, and because
the Aruba Tourism Authority & Tara Beach Resort as a it’s truly their home away
honored Distinguished Visi- token of appreciation for from home.q