Page 8 - HOH
P. 8
a8 local
Monday 17 october 2022
The 4th grade of La Salle College visits the Prime Minister in
connection with classes about the constitution
Oranjestad - Recently, the about Aruba's government
Prime Minister of Aruba, Ev- structure. Therefore, they
elyn Wever-Croes, and the had a field trip to the Parlia-
Minister of Education, Endy ment of Aruba, followed by
Croes, welcomed pupils of a visit to the Government of
the 9th grade of La Salle Aruba.
The Prime Minister ex-
The pupils are learning plained the daily duties
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the highest-ranking entity
responsible for decision- The Prime Minister thanked
making in the Government. La Salle College for their in-
terest and believes it is es-
The pupils had many ques- sential to instill democratic
tions but particularly about values in our children.
education and sports. The Based on the questions
Prime Minister explained asked, the students show
to the pupils that the Gov- they are well-informed,
ernment is working on cre- motivated, and passion-
ating equal opportunities. ate about these subjects,
However, Aruba remains a which brings hope for the
small island but works with future.q
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