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28      INTERNATIONAL                                       AWEMainta                                 Diahuebs, 31 Augustus 2023

            Outbreak of Vibrio Vulnificus infections

        claims lives in Connecticut and New York

       IN  a  tragic  turn  of  events,  officials  have  confirmed  the
       deaths of at least three individuals in Connecticut and New

       York due to the contraction of a rare flesh-eating bacteria.
       The  bacterium  in  question,  Vibrio  vulnificus,  is  known  to
       thrive  in  warm, brackish waters,  as  well  as  in  raw shell-
       fish. This alarming revelation has raised concerns regarding

       the  safety  of individuals engaging in water activities and
       consuming raw seafood.

       According to Christopher Boyle,  the Director of

       Communications for the Connecticut Department of Public
       Health, two individuals in Connecticut succumbed to Vibrio
       vulnificus  infections  after  separate  swimming  incidents  in
       Long Island Sound. Additionally, a third individual fell victim

       to the bacterium in July after consuming raw oysters from
       an out-of-state establishment.  Notably, all  three  victims
       were between the ages of 60 and 80.                                        piercings, or new tattoos, it is imperative to avoid exposing
                                                                                  the  skin to warm seawater in coastal environments.

       Vibrio vulnificus, a bacterium belonging to the same family                Alternatively,  one  should  cover  the  affected  area  with  a
       as the  one responsible  for cholera, typically  resides  in               waterproof bandage. Swift medical attention is advised if a
       warm seawater and falls under the category of “halophilic”                 skin infection develops following potential exposure to the
       bacteria, as it necessitates a saline environment. Ingesting               bacterium.

       contaminated seafood or having an open wound exposed to
       contaminated seawater can lead to Vibrio vulnificus infec-                 Disturbingly, Vibrio vulnificus is responsible for an estimated
       tions. Symptoms range from vomiting, diarrhea, and abdom-                  80,000  illnesses  and 100  deaths annually in the United
       inal pain in healthy individuals to severe and life-threatening            States, as reported by the US Centers for Disease Control

       illness characterized by fever, chills, decreased blood pres-              and Prevention.
       sure, septic shock, and blistering skin lesions in immuno-                 In  light  of  these  concerning  developments,  officials  from
       compromised persons, particularly those with chronic liver                 both Connecticut and New York strongly recommend that
       disease.                                                                   individuals exercise caution when consuming raw oysters or

                                                                                  coming into contact with salty or brackish water. Dr. Manisha
       Alarmingly, Vibrio vulnificus bloodstream infections have a                Juthani, Commissioner  of the Connecticut  Department  of
       fatality rate of approximately 50%.                                        Public Health,  emphasized the  importance  of considering
       Adding to the concern, Governor Kathy Hochul of New York                   the potential risks associated with raw shellfish consump-

       announced the detection of Vibrio vulnificus in an individual              tion, particularly during the hottest months of summer when
       who tragically passed away in Long Island. Officials are dili-             bacterial overgrowth is more likely.
       gently investigating whether this bacterium was contracted
       in New York waters or elsewhere.                                           Governor  Hochul  of  New  York  echoed  these  sentiments,

       Vibriosis, the bacterial infection caused by Vibrio vulnificus,            urging all New Yorkers to remain vigilant and take respon-
       can manifest in various ways, including skin wounds, blis-                 sible precautions to safeguard themselves and their loved
       ters, abscesses, and ulcers. Common symptoms encom-                        ones. This includes protecting open wounds from seawater
       pass chills, fever, diarrhea,  stomach  pain, and potentially              and, for individuals with compromised immune  systems,

       vomiting. Individuals with underlying  health conditions,                  abstaining from the consumption of raw  or undercooked
       such as liver disease, cancer, diabetes, HIV, or any ailment               shellfish, which may carry the dangerous Vibrio vulnificus
       that suppresses the immune system, are more susceptible                    bacterium.
       to severe cases and septicemia.                                            In the face of this emerging health crisis, proactive measures

                                                                                  and heightened awareness are paramount to prevent further
       For those who may be at risk due to open wounds, recent                    casualties attributed to Vibrio vulnificus infections.
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