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U.S. NEWS Thursday 9 april 2020
Even as virus deaths mount, governments eye exit strategies
Continued from Front Budget Minister María Jes-
ús Montero said that Spa-
In a sharp reminder of the niards will progressively
danger, New York state on recover their “normal life”
Wednesday recorded its hi- from April 26 onwards but
ghest one-day increase in warned that the “de-esca-
deaths, 779, for an overall lation” of the lockdown will
death toll of almost 6,300. be “very orderly to avoid a
“The bad news is actually return to the contagion.”
terrible,” Cuomo lamen- The government has been
ted. Still, the governor said tight-lipped so far about
that hospitalizations are what measures could be
decreasing and that many in place once the confine-
of those now dying fell ill in ment is relaxed, stressing
the outbreak’s earlier sta- that they will be dictated
ges. by experts
In Britain, meanwhile, Prime Without giving specifics,
Minister Boris Johnson spent French authorities have
a second night in intensive likewise begun to speak
care but was improving openly of planning the end
and sitting up in bed, aut- of the country’s confine-
horities said. ment period, which is set
In China, the lockdown to expire April 15 but will
against Wuhan, the indu- An Indian health worker checks the temperature of a man during lockdown to prevent the spread be extended, according
strial city of 11 million where of new coronavirus in Ahmedabad, India, Wednesday, April 8, 2020. to the president’s office.
the global pandemic be- Associated Press. The virus has claimed more
gan, was lifted after 76 delines to make it easier working to stop the virus’s country’s lockdown will than 10,000 lives in France.
days, allowing people to for those exposed to so- spread. remain in place amid ex- France’s Delfraissy, who
come and go. The reope- meone with the virus to re- “That doesn’t mean we’re pectations that some res- leads the scientific coun-
ning was seen as a positive turn to work if they have no going to do it right now,” trictions could be eased. cil advising the president,
sign but also reflected the symptoms. he said on Fox News. “But Discussions are focused first said three things are ne-
communist state’s exten- Under the proposed gui- it means we need to be on opening more of the cessary for people to start
sive surveillance apparatus dance, aimed at workers in prepared to ease into that. country’s industries. leaving home regularly:
and powers of coercion. critical fields, such people And there’s a lot of activity Proposals being floated intensive care beds need
Wuhan residents will have would be allowed back going on.” in Italy include the issuing to be freed up, the spread
to use a smartphone app on the job if they take their The U.S. is seeing bur- of immunity certificates, of the virus must slow, and
showing that they are he- temperature twice a day geoning hot spots in such which would require anti- there have to be multiple
althy and have not been in and wear a mask, said a places as Washington, body blood tests, and al- tests to see if people are or
recent contact with anyo- person who was familiar D.C., Louisiana, Chicago, lowing younger workers to have been infected and to
ne confirmed to have the with the draft but was not Detroit, Colorado and return first, as they show less trace them.
virus. Even then, schools authorized to discuss it and Pennsylvania. The New York vulnerability to the virus. He said the French will also
remain closed, people are spoke on condition of ano- metropolitan area, which Italy, the hardest-hit coun- need to wear masks in pu-
still checked for fever when nymity. includes northern New Jer- try, recorded its biggest blic.
they enter buildings, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nati- sey, Long Island and lower one-day jump yet in peop- British government officials,
masks are strongly encou- on’s top infectious-diseases Connecticut, accounts le counted as recovered beset with a rising death
raged. expert, said that the Trump for about half of all virus and had its smallest one- toll of more than 7,000,
In the U.S., with about administration has been deaths in the U.S. day increase in deaths in said there is little chance
13,000 deaths and 400,000 working on plans to even- In Europe, Italian Premier more than a month. Nearly the nationwide lockdown
infections, the Centers for tually reopen the country Giuseppe Conte is expec- 18,000 have died there. there will be eased when
Disease Control and Pre- and restart the economy ted to announce in the In Spain, which has tallied its current period ends next
vention was considering amid “glimmers of hope” coming days how long the more than 14,000 dead, week. q
changing self-isolation gui- that social distancing is
Closing Days Announcement
The Aruba Today newpaper announces that due to the Holiday Weekend
upon us, we will not be in circulation Friday, April 10th, Saturday, April 11th and
Monday, April 13th, 2020.
We also ask our clients to send ads or articles to be published in next Tuesday's
newspaer by 3pm Thursday, April 9th, 2020.
We will be back bright and early first thing in the morning on Tuesday, April
14th, 2020.
Until then, stay safe and enjoy the Holiday Weekend from the team at Aruba
Today newspaper, Aruba's ONLY enlgish newspaper.
With tears on her eyes and wearing a homemade face mask, Easter is meant to be a symbol of Hope, Renewal and New Life.
a devotee of the "Nazareno de San Pablo" watches a statue Happy Easter!
of Jesus transported in a Pope mobile during Holy Week
celebrations in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, April 8, 2020.
Associated Press.