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              Thursday 26 OcTOber 2017

            November 16 - 17 at the Hilton Aruba Resort:

            ‘Sustainability in Motion’ the Theme of Green Aruba 2017

            PALM  BEACH  –Get  Ready
            for  the  8th  edition  of  the
            Green  Aruba  Conference
            (GAVIII), which will be held
            at  the  Hilton  Aruba  Carib-
            bean Resort on the 16th and
            17th of November 2017. This
            year’s  theme  is  “Sustain-
            ability  in  Motion”,  which
            captures the focus on what
            it takes to move from talk-
            ing  about  sustainability  to                                                         perience on how to reach  and industry partners in the
            actually  doing  things  in  a                                                         full  sustainability,  through  Caribbean  with  currently
            more sustainable manner.                                                               best  practices  and  inno-  106  members.  It  focuses
                                                                                                   vations.  Most  importantly,  on  electric  utility  advo-
                                                                      Conferences  on  sustain-    this  conference  has  made  cacy,  growth  and  sustain-
                                                                      ability  often  center  them-  it  possible  for  other  coun-  ability  in  the  Caribbean
                                                                      selves  around  the  Why  of  tries, institutions and experts  region,  Central  and  South
                                                                      sustainability  (concern  ori-  from  all  over  the  world  to  Americas. Together, Green
                                                                      ented),  or  the  What  (inno-  share valuable information,  Aruba  and  CARILEC  will
                                                                      vation oriented). GAVIII dis-  knowledge,   experiences  enable  more  opportunities
                                                                      tinguishes  itself  from  other  and best practices.      for the conference partici-
                                                                      conferences by also focus-   In  the  context  of  creating  pants to engage in moving
                                                                      ing  on  the  How  of  sustain-  sustainable   partnerships,  sustainability  forward  by
                                                                      ability  (best  practices  of  this  year  the  Green  Aruba  providing  valuable  insights
                                                                      Aruba and other nations).    will  host  the  conference  into  how  the  evolution  of
                                                                      Since  2010,  Green  Aruba  in  collaboration  with  CAR-  the electric utility sector will
                                                                      has  served  as  an  excep-  ILEC.  CARILEC,  founded  in  affect us all.
                                                                      tional  platform  to  deliver  1989,  is  the  leading  asso-  Visit
                                                                      premium  informational  ex-  ciation  of  electric  utilities  for more information.q

            Visit the New Aruban Donkey Sanctuary in Bringamosa!

            BRINGAMOSA  -  After  al-    day of the week.             and taken care of in a safe
            most 20 years at Santa Lu-                                environment.
            cia, it became high time for  The  move  was  unavoid-    The stables are baby-proof,
            the  Aruban  Donkey  Sanc-   able,  as  the  herd  had  be-  so  that  newborn  donkeys
            tuary  to  move  to  a  newer  come  so  large  that  it  had  can  take  their  first  steps
            and larger area to house its  to  be  housed  at  three  dif-  there. There is also a donkey
            130  donkeys,  so  last  year  ferent locations. At Bringa-  aid  station  for  veterinary
            the  new  Donkey  Sanctu-    mosa  all  the  donkeys  are  treatments  and  dentistry;
            ary’s  doors  at  Bringamosa  together, plus there are lots  they can be washed there
            opened wide for all to en-   of new facilities: six stables  too, if necessary. A donkey
            joy! The new opening hours  for  sick  or  pregnant  don-  KIA (prison) will incarcerate
            are from 9am to 4pm, every  keys,  who  may  be  nursed  the  animals  that  are  not

                                                                                                   100%  to  be  trusted;  these  you came by to meet the
                                                                                                   are  often  donkeys  with  donkeys in their new habi-
                                                                                                   traumas following abuse or  tat;  it  could  be  an  edu-
                                                                                                   an accident. There is also a  cational  way  of  spending
                                                                                                   spacious  location  for  don-  your  free  time.  Enjoy  sip-
                                                                                                   key  feed,  running  water  ping  your  drink  or  eating
                                                                                                   and  electricity;  especially  an ice cream at Bringamo-
                                                                                                   water is a first necessity for  sa.  Take  the  road  at  your
                                                                                                   the donkeys.                 left  to  Frenchman’s  Pass
                                                                                                   For  guests  there  is  a  cozy  when  coming  from  Santa
                                                                                                   visitors’  center  where  one  Cruz and take a left again
                                                                                                   can have a cold drink and  as  soon  as  you  can.  From
                                                                                                   an  ice  cream  on  the  cov-  there you will find signs how
                                                                                                   ered  porch,  buy  a  souve-  to  find  our  new  Donkey
                                                                                                   nir  in  the  shop  and  make  Sanctuary.  You  are  more
                                                                                                   a  stop  at  the  restrooms.  than  welcome  from  9am
                                                                                                   All this makes a visit to the  until 4pm. Please come!
                                                                                                   Aruban  Donkey  Sanctuary  For  more  information,  call
                                                                                                   worth your while.            593-2933, or visit www.aru-
                                                                                                   It  would  be  very  nice  if q
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