Page 16 - MIN TTC 31 MAART 2016
P. 16

AWEMainta Diahuebs, 31 Maart 2016                                                                                          19

addition to this plan It will      Gerick Croes (MEP):                                               transformando su mes mas den
compliment the idea and
be a far more sustainable          Gobierno di AVP                                                   un BLACK CORRIDOR, pasobra
realistic long term solution       a perde strea di                                                  a rosa tur loke ta berde di flora
to the whole creative idea                                                                           y fauna rond e lagoen di Balashi
behind this Action Plan for                                                                          poniendo BLACK asfalt.
a Marine Biological School                                                                           Aparte cu e lo costa hopi
and Research Center The
Atlantis Hotel Group will          NOORD! (Parti 1)  placa, e asfalt aki no tin un
be an important key player                                                                                                   balor economico agrega!
in the overall success                                                                                                       Sin kita afo e maneho ambiental
of this Sero Colorado                                                                                di Minister Sevinger a continua
development. This hotel
group will also attract a                                                                            cu su BLACK-ACTION cu huma
different kind of tourist to
the location and definitely                                                                          preto saliendo di Dump, cual ta
create new future long
term job opportunities.            “Pueblo por a ripara cu AVP Economia de Meza ta pensa indica cu nada no a cambia desde

7. I would like to see             hopi tempo caba a desvia di GREY, hayando holor di gas (cual 7 aña pasa!
this Action Plan being
executed under a Non               s u p r o m e s a n a n y p r o p i o por cierto no a wordo detecta  
Profit Independent
Organization with no               metanan, vooral ora ta trata di ni explota den 8 aña, segun e E punto central di e comunicado
political involvement. I
have written more plans in         sostenibilidad.                     compania explotador Repsol!). aki ta pa pone enfasis rib’e hecho
the past and my experience
is that as soon as politics        Den e caso specifico aki tur hende Pero ya Minister de Meza ta hole cu Aruba no tin un Gobierno
gets involved the creativity
gets a non realistic twist. I      por a nota Gabinete Eman ta e placa di gas y oportunidad pa serio. Cada plan cu e propone of
would there for like to be
involved in this plan which        papia un cos y haci lo contrario. su propio interesnan.           pensamento riba sostenibilidad
I held awake for so many
years. I never gave up but         E realidad ta cu Prome Minister Ironico ta cu Minister de Meza ta wordo kibra dor di propio
need to make sure that it is
executed accordingly and           Eman ta papia GREEN, Minister publicamente a declara cu e Mandatarionan, cualnan interes
with the vision in mind to
make this a final positive         Mike de Meza ta pensa GREY y refineria lo wordo desmantela, personal ta resalta riba esun di
constructive development
for Sero Colorado and the          Minister Benny Sevinger ta haci p e r o d a n k i n a u n p u e b l o pueblo.
San Nicolas side of the
Island.                            BLACK!                              persistente cu a pone presion a No tin un vision real di parti

Mrs. Radwatie Helen                                                    logra cambia e rumbo y bay pa Gabinete Eman, tampoco un
Mangroelal was born in
Aruba on February the              Ta obvio cu ningun ta comprometi reapertura di refineria.         compromiso pa cumpli, cual
25th has
written many advises               di brinda loke di berdad ta un Kisas tur e esfuersonan aki ta ta ponebo conclui cu Gobierno
behind the curtains of
politics and in the best           desaroyo duradero pa pueblo, pasobra Minister de Meza ta hole ta sin rumbo y no ta pensa riba
interest of the community.
She is the original creator        sino mas bien ta tras di nan un otro gas-deal y beneficio pa bienestar general”, Gerick Croes
and advisor of this Action
Planfor aMarine Biological         propio beneficionan.                su compania?”, Gerick Croes ta ta termina bisando.
School and Research
Center in Sero Colorado            Logicamente nan actonan ta pone puntra.
com                                cu cada biaha pueblo ta considera

San Miguel 59 G mobile             nan mas corupto dor di viola “En todo caso, gas ta box cu e
00297- 746-7571.
                                   principionan di bon gobernacion pensamento di Prome Minister

                                   y nan actonan contra moral y cu Eman y sigur no ta “GREEN” y

                                   ta atacha nos estado di derecho”, cuadra cu loke e supuestamente

                                   segun Gerick Croes.                 kier haci cu Aruba.

                                     Den tur e pensamento GREEN

                                   “Gobernacion den Gabinete y GREY no a keda falta un

                                   Eman ta un ‘free for all’. Esaki Minister pa sigui bruha

                                   pueblo por a nota ora cu cada cos. Actualmente, Minister

                                   Minister ta scoge nan propio Sevinger ta haciendo Aruba

                                   direccion probechando di nan BLACK unda e GREEN

                                   poder pa beneficia nan mes cu CORRIDOR di Prome

                                   loke a resta, ta hiba maneho Minister Eman ta

                                   contradictorio y conflictivo, pero

                                   tambe ta trahando contra otro

                                   tras di lomba di otro.

                                   Prome Minister Eman mes ta

                                   mas den exterior cu na Aruba,

                                   hungando EMBAHADOR GREEN

                                   internacionalmente, mientras na

                                   Aruba e no a logra nada concreto

                                   riba tereno di sostenibilidad

                                   y menos rib’e situacion social

                                   precario cu pueblo ta pasando


                                   Na e otro banda bo tin
                                   un Minister di Energia y
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