P. 10

Diarazon 22 April 2015                                                                                                              Pagina 31

.....Solo Obituario                                       Ladron tabata sinti su mes
                                                          su so y a dicidi di busca
         Recordando 10 Aña di fayecimento di              un manequin pa compañe

        Natasha Shamira Croes                             Dialuna madruga a drenta             patruya a bin compronde cu aki ta
                                                          informacion di un caso di kiebro     trata di kiebro cu ladronicia di un
              23 April 2005 – 23 April 2015               cu ladronicia na Brasilsul den       manequin. Polis a tuma e keho di
                                                          Lucianitastraat. Mesora a dirigi un  e propietaria.
           Beyond the stars illuminating the night sky    patruya na e sitio. Na yegada di e
                  We laugh and talk of old times
                                                           Aruba Airport Authority N.V. ta anuncia
             The heavens sparkle with Natasha’s love                       fayecimento di
                  And how special they have been
                  A soul that’s left us far too soon      Sr. Pedro Angel “Buchi” Croes
                   The view from here in heaven
                                                          Tata di nos colega Pedro “Juni” Croes
            After so many years our hearts still loom     Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar Diarazon
                  Is like nothing we’ve ever seen         22 di april, 2015 for di 2’or di atardi na

                As she moves up through the years            Aurora Funeral Home na Cumana,
               And although we miss our loved one         Nos ta desea Juni y demas famia hopi

                   Just smiles and love, no tears           forza den e momentonan dificil aki.
                   We’ll pray to keep you strong
                  Life’s worries have all but gone
                  And we’ll wait at heaven’s gates
           Quality time with Holy Trinity all day long
               When the time for us all shall come

                     As heaven is all around us
                 A thousand times we needed you
              Angels are singing our favorite songs

                     A thousand times we cried
                  No rush, no time, no deadlines
                If love alone could have saved you
 We’re back, where we belongyou never would have gone so

                  A heart of gold stopped beating
                 Two twinkling eyes closed to rest
                Your soul is now pleasantly resting

                    Within God’s garden of love
If I could give you, just one thing

                in Life
 I would give you, the ability to
  see yourself through my eyes
 Only then would you see, how
  special you are to me and all
   Bo ta cordialmente invita pa
  un Santo sacrificio di misa pa

      6:00 na Tanki Leendert
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