Page 20 - AHATA
P. 20

                                                       Tuesday 20 March 2018

Aruba Honors Loyal Visitors at the Aruba Beach Club

PALM BEACH - Recently the     of the Aruba Beach Club      land, the beaches, the
Aruba Tourism Authority       bestowed the certificates    excellent cuisine, and be-
honored a group of loyal      on the Ambassadors and       cause it’s truly their home
visitors as Goodwill Ambas-   handed some presents to      away from home.q
sadors of Aruba as a token    the honorees and thanked
of appreciation for visiting  them for choosing Aruba as
the island for 20-to-34 con-  their vacation destination
secutive years.               and as their home away
                              from home for so many
The honorees were Mr.         years on behalf of the Gov-
Abraham and Ms. Sarah         ernment of Aruba.
Ambroza of Lima, Ohio.        These loyal guests say they
Ms. Darline de Cuba rep-      love Aruba because the
resenting the Aruba Tour-     people are very welcom-
ism Authority and members     ing, the beauty of the is-
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