Page 18 - Amigoe Aruba, Curacao
P. 18

6 ZATERDAG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      AMIGOE
       5 MAART 2016

                                                                       Susan Agnes

                                                                       “Finding your style is like putting puzzle pieces together.”

                                                                       By Francis Koolman                                                  tion. It reminded her of the puzzles she en-
                                                                                                                                           joyed putting together as a little girl. “Every
                                                                       Susan Agnes Athena Rudolf has made                                  piece has its own story,” Susan says.
                                                                       a name for herself in the art world with a
                                                                       genre of art that few venture into, mosaics.                        Finding her footing as an artist proved dif-
                                                                       Mosaics are one of the oldest forms of art;                         ¿FXOWDQGHPRWLRQDOO\WLULQJDWWLPHV6XVDQ
                                                                       it even predates ceramics. Most people                              struggled between the obligations of run-
                                                                       are exposed to more common types of art,                            ning café she owned and operated in Han-
                                                                       such as sculptures, drawings, painting, etc.                        GHOVNDGH&XUD DR¿QGLQJKHUDUWLVWLFLGHQ-
                                                                       Susan was fascinated more by the careful                            tity within the style of mosaics, and being a
                                                                       and methodical placement of all these dif-                          mother. Her days were spent running café,
                                                                       ferent pieces and colors, than she was with                         taking care of her young daughter, Nancy;
                                                                       other forms of artistic expression. With little                     at night, when everyone else slept, Su-
                                                                       to no formal training, Susan carved her own                         VDQKRQHGKHUFUDIWDQGWHFKQLTXH$W¿UVW
                                                                       way in learning and appreciating the depth                          glance, her mosaic pieces look like pictures
                                                                       RI PRVDLFV DQG UH¿QLQJ KHU HYHU HYROYLQJ                     of scene and/or objects. When you take a
                                                                       approach to the art.                                                closer perspective, you can see the shape
                                                                                                                                           of the individual pieces, its careful place-
                                                                       Growing up and going to school in Hungary,                          ment, and the overall pattern they create.
                                                                       art and creativity was something that devel-                        For Susan, the best part is “the ability to
                                                                       oped over time. Susan spent much her time                           express myself through this.”
                                                                       working in the family restaurant business.
                                                                       The love and passion blossomed while she                            Susan has a special feeling and connection
                                                                       was at school. The art program at Susan’s                           with the works she produces. “My works are
                                                                       school was broad, expansive, and kept her                           my babies.” She describes how she spends
                                                                       stimulated more than the other classes did.                         “many hours, days and weeks, sometimes
                                                                       The program included drawing, sketching,                            even months” making sure the mosaics are
                                                                       and painting; it also had dancing and sing-                         exactly what she envisions. The pieces that
                                                                       ing; art in all its forms. Susan reveled in                         she sells are even sold to “forever homes”
                                                                       the different ways she could express what                           where she can visit and see how the art is
                                                                       she was feeling inside. Becoming an artist                          being displayed. For Susan, it is an amaz-
                                                                       and making a living from it was the furthest                        ing feeling of being able to revisit the art
                                                                       thing from her mind. All that changed when,                         she worked so hard on and see how oth-
                                                                       as a teenager, she took a trip to Italy. As                         ers appreciate it as well. She was recently
                                                                       Susan admired the artwork in the churches                           invited to the inauguration of the Austrian
                                                                       and cathedrals, the tiny pieces of glass and                        Embassy/Honorary Consulate in Curaçao.
                                                                       ceramic that were placed together to form a                         Her goal is to create a better connection
                                                                       grand artwork captured and held her atten-                          between both countries through art.

IN tShPeOT LIGHT                                                                                                                                              DIY Spa

Janina Ilha                                                                                                                                       Recipes for All Occasions

 “Yoga takes you into the present                                                                                                          If you want radiant skin as you age,
 moment, the only place where life exists.”                                                                                                  then it’s important to start taking
                                                                                                                                               proper care of your skin now.

By Francis Koolman                                                     live by the ocean and sit under a palm tree.” When she              By Catherine Kate James
                                                                       found about Curaçao and did a little research, it felt like a
Janina’s journey in Yoga and to Curaçao is one that pro-               QDWXUDO¿W$IWHUDUULYLQJLQ&XUDoDRDQGOLYLQJLQ:HVW3XQW      In a perfect world, using commercial beauty creams would help      cream and egg into a big glass bowl or any other non-reactive
gressed naturally and she also worked to make the best of              for awhile, she put more energy and focus into her Yoga             you take care of your skin. Sadly, there is enough evidence to     bowl and thoroughly mix all the ingredients together using a
it when challenges arose. Growing up and coming of age                 practice. She built up enough students to get the attention         prove that majority of the synthetic ingredients that are used     plastic or wooden spatula. Carefully fold all the components
in East Germany, Janina always led an active and athletic              of the entertainment director of one of Curaçao’s hotels,           in the manufacture of some of the common beauty goods, for         over each other until they are completely combined.
OLIHVW\OH7KHUHVXOWVRIVWD\LQJ¿WDQGVSRUW\ZHUHQDJJLQJ          where she now gives weekly classes. Janina also teaches             instance, face masks, are actually harmful to our skin. This
injuries and unfamiliar aches and pains throughout her                 <RJD DQG 3LODWHV DW GLIIHUHQW KRWHOV LQ &XUD DR  -DQLQD  means that if you continuously use over the counter beauty         When you are completely sure are the ingredients are well
body. When she discovered Yoga, Janina found a physical                made her dreams come true by believing in herself and now           products, your skin will age faster due to the ingredients.        mixed up, get a lump and generously apply to your entire face.
activity that challenged and also healed her body in unex-             she really does live by the ocean, however no palm tree.                                                                               If you wish, you may apply the carrot face mask on your neck.
pected ways. Eventually, she made her way to Curaçao to                                                                                    Today, we will be sharing with you some of our exceptional DIY     Spread the mask evenly and allow it to work on your face for
begin living the life in the place where she felt most at home.        Janina also loves to challenge herself by practicing and            spa recipes that you can easily make in the comfort of your        about twenty minutes.
Janina decided to spend her days doing a job she feels pas-            teaching Yoga in unique ways. One of her signature class-           home. Trust us; you will be amazed by the outcome!
sionate about, in a place she loved.                                   HVLV<RJDLQWKHSRRO³3HRSOHZKRKDYHUHDOO\EDGMRLQWV         Who else loves a good face mask? Well, if you do, then you’re      After the twenty minutes are over, just rinse off the carrot mask
                                                                       and pain can do the poses with less stress on their body,”          sure to love this recipe!                                          with some cold water and gently pat your neck, nape and face
Janina’s style of Yoga can be related to how she found her             she says. Recently, she has been experimenting with doing                                                                              with a soft towel. By all means, avoid rubbing your skin after
way to it. Growing up in East Germany, she was active and              <RJDRQDSDGGOHERDUGDVZHOODV<RJDDQGKLNLQJ³3UDF-           Carrot face mask                                                   you have rinsed with water! When you rub your skin, you are
DWKOHWLF WUDFN DQG ¿HOG DHURELFV DQG WKH PDUWLDO DUW &D-  ticing Asanas going uphill gives you a special kick.” Janina                                                                           creating unwanted friction on your skin’s surface, thus injuring
poeira, which she enjoyed the most, at the time. All those             DOVRDSSUHFLDWHVDQGXQGHUVWDQGVWKHVSLULWXDOEHQH¿WVDV          Ingredients                                                        it unintentionally.
stretching, she developed lots of back pain issues. Janina             spiritual balance made me who I am today.” The result is a          1 big carrot( softened and then blended into a thick consistency)  need some assistance from natural Aloe Vera. You will need to
began to have constant pain in her shoulders and back. She             calm mind, and a strong body.                                       4 tablespoons of fresh honey                                       arm yourself with half a cucumber (blended using a food pro-
GHFLGHG WR WDNH XS<RJD LQ RUGHU WR KDYH PRUH ÀH[LELOLW\                                                                        A half cup of the regular cooking cream                            cessor into a thick consistency), a half cup of fresh Aloe Vera
so she can do the fun and crazy movements and kicks of                                                                                     A big avocado( blended into a thick consistency using a food       or pulpy gel.
Capoeira.                                                                                                                                  processor)
                                                                                                                                           To make a carrot face mask, pour the carrot, avocado, honey,

Janina immediately loved Yoga and started doing it as much                                                                                                                                                    Mix both the ingredients and smear copious amounts in the
as she could. “I would do the morning salutations every day,                                                                                                                                                  area that surrounds your eyes. The Aloe Vera thickness does
even when I didn’t have class.” The teacher and the other                                                                                                                                                     not change even after adding cucumber to it, so you should ex-
students noticed her development and dedication – by the                                                                                                                                                      pect this mixture to be slippery and cool. Let the eye gel settle
way, Janina was already in her 40s when she started Yoga.                                                                                                                                                     on your skin for a minimum of a quarter and hour. Do not be
When a serious car accident injured the instructor, Janina,                                                                                                                                                   afraid to apply some of the mixture on top of your eyelids (be
still only a student, was asked to take over in his absence.                                                                                                                                                  sure to keep your eyes closed). Wash the solution off with a lot
6KHZDVUHOXFWDQWDW¿UVWVD\LQJ³,GRQ¶WNQRZKRZWRWHDFK                                                                                                                                                of cool water and gently pat dry. Again, avoid rubbing your skin.
but I know how to do it. I can show it.” Janina began teach-
Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga. Along the way, her teaching style
developed and she became more and more aware of the
needs and abilities of her students. “If they can’t do the pose

Her journey to Curaçao is rooted in not ever feeling at home                                                                                                                                                  Article Source:
in Germany. “I always loved Latin culture, and I wanted to
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