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CONDOLENCIADialuna 14 Maart 2016

Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada,                  It is with profound sadness we announce the passing of our
den cunucu di yerba berde E ta pone mi sosega.                 beloved husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather,
E ta hiba mi na awa trankil, pa mi bolbe haya forza.           uncle and friend:
Salmo: 23.1
Cu inmenso tristeza, pero conforme cu
 boluntad di Dios nos ta participa fayecimento tragica-
mente di:

Dyron Maishell Franken                                         Mr. Henrique H. Curlingford
                *19 September 1992                                      Better known as Henry and /or Daddy
                   †07 Maart 2016                                               Sunrise: January 13, 1922
                                                                                 Sunset: March 05, 2016

                                                               Left to mourn are:
                                                               His wife:	   Rosalia Curlingford (deceased)
                                                                                                                            Pa medio di esaki señora y
Na nomber di su                                                Daughters:	  Bernadine and Lucien van Hootegem-		            famianan kier gradici tur es-
Mama:	 Jeanette Kelly                                          		           Curlingford (Aruba)                             nan cu di un forma of otro a
                                                               		           Angelica Curlingford(SXM),                      mustra nan atenshon y sos-
Tata:		  Juan”Maikito” Franken & Grace Geerman                 		           Caluda & Nestro Poulina-Curlingford 		          ten durante fayecimento y
                                                               		           (Aruba)                                         entiero di nos defunto stima:

Rumannan:	 Jeanella Franken & Anthony Winterdal
		       Jeantymee Kelly                                       Sons:		      Rudolf Curlingford & Alma Tip
Sobrina(Poppetje) stima:Jeaneelly Winterdal                    		           Orlando & Marga Curlingford-Teuling 	
Welo y Welanan:Jozef (Cheppy) & Filomena (Mena)
		       Kelly-Kelly                                           Grand Children: Patrick & Murvin Priest, Sharmilla
		       Juan (Maiky) Franken & Flora de Cuba                  Muller, Sharon, Faye
		       †Sylvia (Chiba) Tromp                                 & Angelo Arnell, Igmar, Ivan and Indra Poulina, Gwen
                                                               Curlingford, Kevin & Fallony Curlingford, Kiturah & Mar-
Tanta y Omonan:                                                cel Krozendijk-Curlingford, Denise Kortland
		       Juan (Johny) & Ika Franken
		       Judella Franken & Richard (Midi)Raaz                  Great Grand Children: Saphara & AhnaLee Krozendijk, J
		       † Gregory Franken                                     ‘Amari de Groote, D’Vine Curlingford, Victoria Muller.
		       Jean Marc Franken & Jahaida Geerman
		       y famia                                               Aunts: 		    Eunice Richardson, Babydoll Richardson             Richard
Primo y Primanan:Joan Raaz & Nestor Petrocchi y yiu            (deceased)                                                       Eduard
		       Joell Raaz & Joally Tromp y yiu                       Nephews:	 Victor Curlingford & fam (SXM), Ray-                   Jacobs
		       Naichell Henriquez & Adriana Quandt                   mond Bernier & fam 	 (USA), Theodore Bernier & fam
		       y yiunan                                              (USA)Kenneth /Carty & fam, 	 Leonardo Carty & fam.           Un gradicimento ta bai na tur
		       Jason Henriquez y yiu                                                                                              famia, amigonan, conocirnan
		       Zu-Kean & Zu-Jean                                     Nieces:		    Patsy Carty (AUA),Lorna , Debbie & Hel-         y su amigonan futbolista. Pa
Madrina y Padrinonan:	Suzie Croes                              ena Carty                                                    e atenshon y cariño brinda
		       Gregory Nicolaas                                      Cousins:	                                                    na nos defunto stima. Nos
		       Franklin Croes                                        Cousins:	    Cousins:Countess Rey (AXA), Belto Rich-         kier a gradici Aurora Funeral
Su pepe grandi stima:	 Crispina Kelly                          ardson & fam, Wilmoth Guillaume Gumbs (USA), many            Home pa nan excelente ser-
                                                               other nieces & 	 nephews too numerous to mention.            vicio y profesionalidad. Dan-
Amigo(a)nan di cas:	 Joshua Tromp                                                                                           ki di profundo di nos curason
		       Dylan Lacle                                           Special Friends:	Sylvia Carty, Briezen family (neighbour),   na Edmund Harms founda-
		       Jean-Pierre Kelly                                     Carlos Violenus, Franklin Brison                             tion pa cu atenshon y con-
		       Charmaine Britten                                                                                                  prenshon pa cu nos defunto.
Guia Spiritual:	 Pastor(a) Albert & Joland Lampe               Close neighbours:	 Henry Dedier & family, the Webb           Hopi danki di nos curason,
		       Pastor(a) Gino & Monica Frans                         family, the Morris family, 				                              boso atenshon y presencia
Tanta y Omonan grandi, Achterprimo(a)nan, tur su               the Illis/Brown family and the Briezen family.               tabata un gran consuelo pa
amigo(a)nan di Billard y demas famia: Franken, Kelly,          He was related to the Curlingford, Bernier, Arrindell, van   nos. Alavez nos kier a invita
Tromp, Raaz, Winterdal, Henriquez, Lacle, Leonora, Lev-        Hootegem, Poulina, Priest, Rey, Richardson, Gumbs, Arn-      na 3 santo sacrificio di misa
enstone, Croes, Maduro, Fuentes, Boekhoudt, de Cuba,           dell, Bute, Flanders, Brill, Fortuno, Emmanuel and Viole-    cual lo tuma lugar Dialuna14
Sint Jago, Bustillas, Thiel, Kock, Jansen, Ras, v/d Biezen.    nus families                                                 di Maart pa 7:00 anochi,
Adress pa condolencia: Aurora Funeral Home, diasabra 12        If by chance we have forgotten any one in our time of        Diaranson 16 di Maart pa
di maart 2016 for di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi.                   berievement, please know that this was an oversight and not  7:00 anochi y Diasabra 19 di
Ta invita pa acto di entiero cu lo tuma lugar dialuna 14 di    intentionally done.                                          Maart 7:00 anochi na misa La
maart 2016 pa 4’or na Aurora Funeral Home despues pa           There will be viewing at the Aurora Funeral Home, Mon-       Birgen di Fatima na Dakota,
Santana catholico Sta. Anna na Noord. Restonan mortal di       day March 14th 2016 from 7 to 9 pm.                          despues di e ultimo misa lo
“Dyron” lo ta reposa for di 2’or na Aurora Funeral Home.       Internment will be held on Tuesday March 15th 2016 at the    tin un rosario na cas di e de-
Nos ta pidi nos disculpa si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida  Santa Theresita Church from 2 to 4 pm.He will then be laid   funto Socotorowijk#7.
un of mas famia y cu si por bin na colornan alegre.            to rest in the catholic cemetary in San Nicolas.
Alavez ta bai tin un box disponible di donashon pa Funari
lo ta altamente aprecia.                                       May his soul rest in peace.
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