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Wednesday 29 January 2025
Alhambra Casino has their Bingo Progressive Winner!
(Oranjestad) - Alhambra Casino is
proud to announce their Bingo Pro-
gressive Winner, who took home the
big prize on January 23rd, 2025 dur-
ing the casino’s weekly Super Bingo
The lucky winner won the progres-
sive of $71.168,44 for the special pro-
gressive game, where players can
hit the jackpot within 50 calls. With
only 1 number missing, G48, the win-
ner won within the last 10 calls. Con-
gratulations to the lucky winner!
Today’s progressive is $ 19, 325.
Alhambra Casino is one of Aruba’s
most visited casinos on the island by
both locals and tourists. Last year
they celebrated their 40th anniver-
sary, marking a huge milestone and
affirming the casino’s position as
one of the leading casinos on the
island. q
Create museum memories
ORANJESTAD — Museums are an integral
part of conserving and honoring cultures, Located at Schelpstraat 42 in downtown
and Aruba is no exception. Take this op- Oranjestad, the renovated historic Ecury
portunity to learn about our island and complex in the area has been transformed
experience a different day beyond the from a family home to a modern museum
beach at the Archaeological Museum of that preserves Aruba’s Amerindian cultural
Aruba. heritage. This 21st century museum is espe-
cially designed to preserve National Archaeological
valuable artifacts dating Museum Aruba disposes of
back to the Pre-Ceramic approximately 500 m2 for
period of 2500 BC. its permanent exhibit. This
exhibit conveys informa-
In the late 1980’s, AMA tion on the origin and cul-
identified its need for an ture of the first inhabitants
adequate housing for its of the island through ar-
collection and activities. chaeological objects and
After studying various op- modern exhibition tech-
tions, a project proposal niques. The new perma-
was drawn up, including nent exhibit gives the visitor
the acquisition and restora- an insight into the cultures
tion of historical buildings in that inhabited the island in
downtown Oranjestad. Pre-Historical and Early His-
torical times. The museum
These historical buildings also hosts attractive public
were formerly the proper- programs, including lec-
ty of the Ecury family. The tures, educational projects,
“Ecury Complex”, is a clus- temporary exhibits and
ter of single and two-story workshops.
historic buildings, mainly
Dutch colonial architec- The museum is open dai-
ture from the late 19th and ly from 9:30 am till 4:30
20th century on a plot of pm. For more information
approximately 1.700 m2. check out the Facebook
page Museo Arqueologico
At the new location, the Nacional Aruba.q