P. 9
Wednesday 30 august 2017
Pre - diabetes and diabetes management
Here in Aruba, as in tion largely depends on sistance. We also know disturbances in fat me- check for events. Let us
most modern societies, lifestyle issues, including that the risk of develop- tabolism are devastating help you become your
everyone knows some- diet, weight manage- ing type II diabetes is to blood sugar balance best doctor.
one who has diabetes. ment, and physi- and weight man-
The World Health Orga- cal exercise—a agement. Ac- CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D.
nization estimates that many-sided com- celeration of this is an Oriental Medical
by 2025, the number of bination of factors negative cycle Doctor (O.M.D.) hav-
people with diabetes that makes treat- and the collapse ing studied in China; a
will reach over 300 mil- ment complex of pancreatic in- US Board Cert. Clinical
lion—a staggering 122% and challenging sulin production Nutritionist (C.C.N.), an
increase in less than 30 Obesity is a sym- change Meta- Addiction Professional
years. Type 2 diabetes bol of type II dia- bolic Syndrome (C.Ad.), Chairperson
is an epidemic requiring betes. or Pre-Diabetes of the Latin American
global attention and ur- A tendency to- which can be Committee of the Inter-
gent action. However, ward belly fat is controlled or national Academy of
controlling your blood associated with slowed with life- Oral Medicine and Toxi-
sugar levels and pre- increased insulin style changes into cology (IAOMT), a Reju-
venting diabetes type II resistance and the ever deterio- venating Cell Therapist
can only be managed contributes to its rating health con- specializing in Age Man-
by you early onset. This dition, Diabetes. agement, has a weekly
As a medical anthro- may explain why Get The Point! radio program, writes
pologist I know diabetes 85% of children Diabetes is the and lectures extensive-
exhibits a strong eth- in Aruba who develop highest among obese one of the top causes ly. For information: VI-
nic preference: Native type II diabetes are over- people who have an of death Aruba, Bo- ANA HEALING CENTER,
Americans, Hispanic-La- weight or obese at the abnormal accumulation naire, Curacao the Unit- Kibaima 7, St Cruz TEL:
tino Americans, and Afri- time of diagnosis. of fat. Determining insulin ed States and Europe. 585-1270 Web Site: www.
can-Americans show an The preclinical stage resistance is not so much From a study I conduct- or www.
increased prevalence (pre-diabetes) of type by the amount of body ed on Aruba and then
compared to the non- II diabetes is Metabolic fat as by where the fat is published I was invited to healingcenter
Hispanic white popula- Syndrome or Syndrome located. lecture to an internation- “Prescriptions from Para-
tion. X. Metabolic syndrome In fact, one of the best al scientific group of ex- dise” - International Book
Misunderstood as a sim- is a collection of chang- predictive markers for in- perts on the prevalence Award Winner, Alterna-
ple sugar imbalance es in your body that sulin resistance is excess of Insulin resistance and tive Health - ta optenible
that can be readily cor- progress silently over a body weight, in particu- related metabolic fea- na Aruba na Viana
rected through medi- period of years. The criti- lar around the waist or tures, I presented facts Healing Center, Tur libre-
cal treatment; diabe- cal change is increased hips. and treatment options. ria, Gift shops y centro
tes, in fact, it is a com- resistance to insulin, the In the change from be- Options that showed im- nan di salud di calidad.
plex medical disorder. hormone that suppresses ing overweight to be- provement in symptoms tambe ta disponibel
Our communities have liver glucose output and ing obese, the liver be- and on blood tests from den forma do print y pa
fundamental genetic removes excess glucose comes resistant to insulin lifestyle changes such as Kindle download pa nos
predisposition, made from the blood. and the hormone’s abil- drinking more water, us- amigo nan pa fo di Aru-
worse by our social, be- Your body is making the ity to suppress liver glu- ing a metabolic or blood ba na
havioral, dietary, and insulin, but the insulin in cose production. type diet, daily supple- com Pa anuncio nan
lifestyle factors. The dis- not available to your Under these conditions, ments and regular exer- acerca di mas evento
ease has serious implica- cells to convert glucose the excess insulin turns cise. nan y firmamento di buki
tions for vision, cardio- to energy. We know that the liver into a ‘fat-pro- If you are interested in check , check corant
vascular health, kidney virtually everyone who ducing factory’ with all getting your sugar under nan local, radio y televi-
and nerve functions. develops type II diabe- of its negative effects. control, read my book, sion tambe como riba
Its control and preven- tes starts with insulin re- Once established, these make an appointment,