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810 ZATERDAG                                                                    Entertainment                                                                      Colofon                                                                                               AMIGOE

S e r v i c e &12MAART2016                                                                                                                                         UITGEVERIJ AMIGOE NV                                                  Elize Augusta
                                                                                                                                                                   Telefoon (centrale): 767- 2000                                        Medewerkers: Norwin Reineta,
                                                                                                                                                                   Kaya Fraternan di Skèrpènè z/n                                        Angelique Fidanque-Paula.
                                                                                                                                                                   Curaçao N.A.
Televisieprogramma's                                                                                                                                                                             Directie:                               E-mail:
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Fax: 767-2060                           Linda van Eekeres (bladmanager)
Nederland                             5:15    Geloofsgesprek             6:10   Kaal of kammen                                                                                                   E-mail:             Tel: 736-9050
                                      5:30    Eucharistieviering         6:30   Kaal of kammen                                                                                                   Ernest Voges
16:35   De kwis                       6:35    De nieuwe wereld           6:50   Kaal of kammen                                                                                                   Michael M. Voges                        Opmaak:
17:25   Studio sport Eredivisie       7:19    Wilde ganzen               7:15   Brugklas                                                                                                         Elham El Hage (secretaresse)            E-mail:
18:25   Studio sport                  7:25    De verandering             8:05   Peperbollen                                                                                                      Karin Wooning                           Hoofd: Lillian Cordilia
18:55   Journaal                      7:55    Fryslân dok                8:35   Mijn vader is de beste!                                                                                                                                  Wendela Ataliede
19:00   Dokter Deen                   8:25    Was Von Kooten und         9:30   Hip voor nop                                                                                                     Redactie:                               Stephanie Heyer
19:55   EenVandaag                            Der Bie noch zu            10:00  Willem Wever                                                                                                     Fax: 767- 4744                          Ludwig Rama
20:25   Journaal                      9:20    sagen hätten               10:30  De kinderen                                                                                                      E-mail:             Edseline Angelo
20:30   Journaal                      9:50    Andere tijden                     van Timpelbach                                                                                                                                           Marisa Eduarda
20:53   Tekst-tv                              Het uur van de wolf:       12:00  Zappsport                                                                                                        Eindredacteur:                          Freddy Jiménez
                                      11:20   Foto Eddy - Negatieven     12:20  De magische winkel                                                                                               Liesbeth Mantel                         Andre Nagtegaal
Zondag 13 maart                       11:51   van mijn vader             12:35  Thunderbirds are go!                                                                                             Verslaggevers:
1:35 Nederland in beweging            12:00   100% Hindoe?               13:00  Caps club                                                                                                        Raily Polonius,                         ICT:
2:00 Studio sport                     12:10   Socutera                   13:30  Zapp weekjournaal                                                                                                Marija Stojanovic,                      E-mail:
2:55 Studio sport                     12:40   Journaal                   14:00  Welkom in de                                                                                                     Jomaira vd Meulen-Angela,               Shernon Haynes
3:40 Studio sport                     13:10   Jacobine op zondag                Gouden Eeuw                                                                                                      Nelly Rosa,
4:30 WNL op zondag                    14:15   Kunstuur                   14:25  Zapp echt gebeurd                                                                                                Shelley Tjauw-Foe,                      Drukkerij:
5:30 VPRO Vrije geluiden              15:15   Podium Witteman            14:49  Socutera                                                                                                         Jeroen Baldwin (sport)                  Barbara Blom
6:20 VPRO Boeken                              Close Up: Black dandy      14:50  3 op reis                                                                                                        Johannes Visser                         E-mail:
7:00 Journaal                         16:05   Langs de oevers            15:25  Project Orpheus                                                                                                  Marcy Rozendal
7:10 Buitenhof                        17:00   van de Yangtze             16:20  Draadstaal                                                                                                                                               AMIGOE (BONAIRE)
8:10 Studio sport                     17:35   VPRO Tegenlicht            16:50  Missie Aarde                                                                                                     Bureauredactie:                         E-mail:
9:15 Studio sport                     18:05   Nieuwsuur                  17:25  Micha Wertheim:                                                                                                  Ad van Loon,                            Redacteur: Janita Monna
10:25 Studio sport                    18:35   De monitor                        Voor je het weet                                                                                                 Nathaly Dalnoot (secretariaat),         E-mail:
11:55 Studio sport                            Kruispunt                                                                                                                                          Correctie: Ari Manse (coõrdinator),     (+5999)795-0307
13:00 Journaal                                Adieu God?                                                                                                                                         Ingrid Kerstjens,                       Advertentie en incasso:
13:10 Studio sport                                                                                                                                                                               Ellen Rink (bureauredactie/correctie)   Eric Beeldsnijder
14:00 Studio sport Eredivisie                                            TeleCuraçao                                                                                                                                                     E-mail:
15:00 Journaal                                                                                                                                                                                   Correspondenten:                        +599-7861542
15:25 De reünie                       Nederland                                                                                                                                                  Curaçao: Judith Ramautar                Abonnement:
16:20 Eén tegen 100                                                                                                                                                                              Bándabou: Xavora Ricardo-van der Biest  Persagentschappen:
17:15 Studio voetbal                  16:20   Empire                     16:00  Arte pa Tur (r)                                                                                                  Nederland: Otti Thomas                  ANP
18:10 De Avond van                    17:10   De Zwarte Lijst            17:00  KPEK (r)                                                                                                                                                 AP
                                      18:00   Standing in the            18:00  Ban Halsa e Standarte (r)                                                                                        Advertentie:                            Samenwerkingsovereenkomst:
             de filmmuziek                    shadows of Motown          18:30  Curaçao On                                                                                                       Fax: 767-4524                           The Daily Herald (St. Maarten).
                                      19:15   Mr. Robot                  19:00  Leu Fo’i Kas                                                                                                     E-mail:          De Ware Tijd (Suriname)
Nederland                             20:00   Gomorra                    20:00  TeleNotisia                                                                                                      Contactpersoon: Marloes Tak             Foto’s: AFP/AP
                                      21:00   Weekendcrashers            20:30  Reina Seú2016                                                                                                    Acquisitie:
                                      21:25   Het beste van 101TV        21:00  Wega di Number Kòrsou                                                                                            Yolène Hollander,                       Distributie/abonnementen:
                                      23:28   Tekst-tv                   21:10  Partsispashon di Morto                                                                                           Joyce Gijsbertha,                       Office manager: Arletty Lacroes
                                                                         21:15  Reina Seú ta sigui                                                                                               Karin van der Lubbe,                    E-mail:
16:20   Andere tijden                 Zondag 13 maart                    24:00  Raphael Lowpro Monsanto                                                                                                                                  Tel: 747-0630/747-0631
17:00   Nieuwsuur                     1:30 Kabouter Plop                 2:00   Curaçao Vive (r)                                                                            vents                                                        Fax: 747-0651
17:35   Whitechapel                   1:35 Mike de ridder                3:00   Dimelo Kantando (r)
18:30   I Wish                        1:45 Pieter Konijn                 3:30   Party Time (r)                                                                                     NIGHTLIFE                                             Come and Play Chess
20:31   De nachtzoen                  2:00 Wickie de Viking              4:00   Bo ta Sigur? (r)                                                                                                                                         March 12, 1.30 PM
20:40   Nieuwsuur                     2:10 De wereld van Zappelin        4:30   Tiempo Real (r)                                                                                            Madero Club Night                             Sambil Food Court
21:15   Nieuwsuur                     2:25 Kindertijd                                                                                                                                      March 12, 10 PM
21:44   Tekst-tv                      2:50 Shaun het schaap                                                                                                                                Madero                                        De L*Lverhalen
                                      3:00 The jungle book                                                                                                                                                                               March 12, 8 PM
Zondag 13 maart                       3:10 Twisted whiskers              Zondag 13 maart                                                                                                   Roots Rock Reggae:                            Landhuis Brakkeput Mei Mei
1:55 Jacobine op zondag               3:25 Studio snugger                7:00 Youth Experience (r)                                                                                         The Lions Band
2:25 Adieu God?                       3:40 Zappsport                     8:00 2 Mi, Bo, Nos Salu (r)                                                                                       March 12, 10 PM                               Bos di nos Pueblo
2:55 De wandeling                     4:00 Ik ben Willem                 9:00 Ban Papia di Salú (r)                                                                                        27                                            March 12 - 13, 8 PM
3:25 De verwondering                  4:15 Weekend met Willie            10:00 Herensia – Reini Trenidad                                                                                                                                 La Tentashon
3:55 Bakkie troost                    4:25 Beestieboys                   11:00 Vaye di Alabansa                                                                                            Bubbles & Beats
4:10 Nederland zingt op zondag        4:45 Taarten van Abel              11:30 Santu Sakrifiso di Misa                                                                                     March 12, 10 PM                               TEDXCuraçao
4:55 De kapel                         5:15 SpangaS                       13:00 Show Musikal - TCFM                                                                                         Club 1850                                     March 12, 6 PM
5:05 Metterdaad                                                          16:00 Freeland Properties (r)                                                                                                                                   District 1850
                                                                         16:30 The Empire Files – Oil (r)                                                                                  Jazz Cubano
BVN                                                                      17:00 Pagina Sosial Sbil (r)                                                                                      March 12, 10 PM                               2nd Edition Share2Uplift
                                                                         17:30 Wega di Number Kòrsou                                                                                       Miles                                         Conference
15:30:  BinnensteBuiten               06:25:  EenVandaag                 17:45 Sorteo Ekstra                                                                                                                                             March 18, 8 AM
16:00:  Weekoverzicht SpangaS         06:55:  NOS Sportjournaal          18:00 Before & After Magazine                                                                                     Sonora Curaçao                                Marriott Beach Resort
16:50:  Sesamstraat                   07:00:  VRT Journaal               19:00 De Frente ku Lupe                                                                                           March 12, 5 PM
17:05:  NOS Journaal                  07:35:  Kalmte kan u redden        20:00 TeleNotisia                                                                                                 Zanzibar                                      Givingism Dinner & Auction
17:10:  CupCakeCup                    08:25:  NOS Journaal               20:25 Partisipashon di Morto                                                                                                                                    March 19, 7 PM - 11 PM
18:00:  NOS Koningspaar               08:45:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika  20:30 Kantadó Mayó 2016                                                                                           Edsel Juliet                                  Centrale Bank van Curaçao
18:25:  EenVandaag                    08:50:  DWDD University:           21:00 Muhé                                                                                                        March 12, 9 PM                                en Sint Maarten
18:55:  NOS Sportjournaal                     Terrorisme, door           22:00 Curaçao Vive                                                                                                Mundo Bizarro
19:00:  VRT Journaal                  09:50:  Beatrice de Graaf          23:00 Dokumental                                                                                                                                                Farm to Table Workshop
19:35:  Kalmte kan u redden                   De Stoutste Jongen                                                                                                                   ART & CULTURE                                         March 19, 9 AM
20:25:  NOS Journaal                  10:35:  van de Klas                             The Rolling Stones                                                                                                                                 Hofi Cas Cora
20:45:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika     11:05:  Rambam                                                                                                                                       13th ProKids Tennis
20:50:  DWDD University:                      NOS Studio                        RQ                                                                                                         Tournament 2016                               The taste of Santa Martha
        Terrorisme, door              11:55:  Sport Eredivisie                                                                                                                             March 11 - 13                                 March 26, 4 PM - 8 PM
21:50:  Beatrice de Graaf             12:25:  Nieuwsuur                                                                                                                                    Curaçao Sport Club (CSC)                      Landhuis Klein Santa Martha
        De Stoutste Jongen                    Weerbericht
22:35:  van de Klas                   12:30:  Amerika/Caribiën                                                                                                                                         HOUD UW                           April Fool’s Comedy Show
23:05:  Rambam                        12:55:  NOS Studio Sport                                                                                                                                           EILAND                          March 26
        NOS Studio Sport              13:00:  Iedereen beroemd                                                                                                                                          SCHOON!                          WTC
23:55:  Eredivisie                    13:30:  VRT Journaal
        Nieuwsuur                     15:35:  De zevende dag                                                                                                                                                    Ņůď
                                      16:30:  Buitenhof
Zondag 13 maart                       16:55:  Willem Wever                      Fostering second chances   Horoscoop Voor morgen                                   LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Keep a bully at bay. Use
00:25: Weerbericht                    17:05:  De week van karrewiet               Als u tijdelijk een                                                              your intelligence to outsmart anyone who tries to use
                                      17:10:  NOS Journaal                                                 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Stimulate your mind          manipulative tactics to sway your opinion or take you
             Amerika/Caribiën         17:25:  De Magische Winkel                hond wilt opvangen..       and satisfy your needs by trying something new. A       for granted. Do what you can to improve your appear-
00:30: NOS Studio Sport               18:30:  Podium Witteman                                              change will do you good and should be welcomed,         ance, surroundings and attitude. Reassess a difficult
00:55: Iedereen beroemd               19:10:  Nederland Zingt op Zondag       not ignored. Don’t let impatience take over when        relationship.
01:00: VRT Journaal                   20:05:  VRT Journaal                                                 you should let situations unfold naturally.             3 stars
01:30: Fans of Flanders                       NOS Studio                                                   3 stars
01:55: Terug naar Faro:               21:00:  Sport Eredivisie                                                                                                     SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Communicate, par-
                                      21:15:  NOS Journaal                                                 TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Emotions will flare up         ticipate and put your heart and soul into unusual
             ‘Beste’ meneer Schröder  21:20:  Weerbericht Europa/Afrika                                    if you don’t get your way. Think twice before making    pastimes, romance and delving into creative endeav-
02:40: Landinwaarts                   22:10:  De Ridder                                                    a fuss -- it’s obvious that someone is only trying to   ors.Your unique way of deciphering what’s going on
03:05: Puberruil Zapp                         Het Uur van de Wolf:                                         surprise you. Socializing will enhance your chances     around you will help you make positive choices. Ro-
03:30: BinnensteBuiten                23:10:  De jongensdroom -                                            of meeting someone you feel has talent and poten-       mance should be a priority.
04:00: Weekoverzicht SpangaS          23:35:  Theo Jansen                                                  tial. 3 stars                                           3 stars
04:50: Sesamstraat                            Missie Aarde
05:05: NOS Journaal                           Andere Tijden                                                GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Making close observa-          SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Recognizing what
05:10: CupCakeCup                                                                                          tions will help you to gain a better understanding of   you are up against will be taxing. If you don’t have a
06:00: NOS Koningspaar                                                                                     the people you deal with the most. Keep moderation      clear picture or you feel the least bit confused, back
                                                                                                           in mind when socializing. Indulgence will lead to do-   away. Take your time and don’t let anyone pressure
                                                                         sudoku 10 mrt                     ing or saying something that you will regret.           you into making a choice you aren’t ready to make.
                                                                                                           3 stars                                                 3 stars

                                                                                                           CANCER (June 21-July 22): Take control and              CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Interact with people
                                                                                                           make a difference. You can change the way things        you find unusual or who are into very different life-
                                                                                                           are done or help a cause you believe in if you are      styles or professions than you. What you learn by
                                                                                                           dedicated. A partnership will enable you to reach       delving into the unknown will be of assistance to you
                                                                                                           your goals and boost your popularity. Romance is        when you get back to your everyday routine.
                                                                                                           highlighted.                                            5 stars
                                                                                                           4 stars
                                                                                                                                                                   AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Don’t let emotions
                                                                                                           LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Do what you have to do to        cost you. Make prudent decisions to protect your
                                                                                                           fit in, but don’t let it cost you financially. You can’t  financial security. Emotional blackmail will surface if
                                                                                                           buy acceptance, love or popularity. Offering solid      you let a child or loved one get away with too much.
                                                                                                           suggestions and practicality will far exceed flaunting   Don’t waffle when discipline is required.
                                                                                                           what you have. Use wisdom instead of brute force.       2 stars
                                                                                                           2 stars
                                                                                                                                                                   PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your instincts will kick
                                                                                                           VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Start a new hobby or          in, helping you make wise choices when it comes to
                                                                                                           make a new friend. Participate in something you         emotional matters. Explore your options and make
                                                                                                           think you might enjoy. New beginnings can help you      suggestions that will encourage the people you love
                                                                                                           end old habits. It’s important to be true to yourself   to see things your way. Romance is encouraged.
                                                                                                           and to walk away from unhealthy situations.             4 stars
                                                                                                           5 stars
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