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                  Monday 14 october 2019
            Facebook's Libra currency battered by defections, pushback

            By BARBARYA ORTUTAY          Libra also poses new ques-   ___                          a  letter  to  Facebook  re-  are  they  going  to  do  with
            AP Technology Writer         tions for the social network:  REGULATORY CHALLENGES      questing a halt on moving  that  information  and  what
            Facebook  faces  a  rough  Given  that  cryptocurrency  The  financial  industry  is  forward  with  the  currency  are  they  going  to  put  in
            road ahead with Libra, but  is lightly regulated now, if at  more  heavily  regulated  and  with  the  digital  wal-  place to safeguard that in-
            defections  by  high-profile  all, how will financial regu-  than internet companies —  let,  called  Calibra,  which  formation?"
            partners  are  still  unlikely  to  lators  oversee  Facebook's  especially in the U.S., where  would be used in the new  Cryptocurrencies  such  as
            spell the end for the digital  plan?  And  just  how  much  tech  companies  have  of-  currency  system.  House  Libra  store  all  transactions
            currency.                                                                                                           on  a  widely  distributed,
            On Friday, Visa and Master-                                                                                         encrypted  ledger  known
            Card announced their de-                                                                                            as  the  blockchain.  Libra
            partures from the Libra proj-                                                                                       is  designed  so  transac-
            ect,  as  did  e-commerce                                                                                           tion  amounts  are  visible,
            giant  eBay  and  payments                                                                                          but   transaction   partici-
            startup  Stripe.  Last  week,                                                                                       pants  can  be  anonymous
            PayPal  became  the  first                                                                                          — at least until they move
            major  company  to  drop                                                                                            money  into  real-world  ac-
            out  of  Libra.  The  exodus                                                                                        counts.
            comes amid growing — not                                                                                            Facebook    said   people
            to  mention  stronger-than-                                                                                         can  keep  their  individual
            anticipated  —  regulatory                                                                                          transactions  from  appear-
            pushback  against  Libra  in                                                                                        ing  on  the  blockchain  by
            the U.S. and elsewhere.                                                                                             using  Calibra's  wallet  app,
            "It's a big setback for them                                                                                        though  in  that  case,  Cali-
            but  it's  not  the  end,"  said                                                                                    bra itself would have peo-
            Gartner  analyst  Avivah  Lit-                                                                                      ple's data.
            an.                                                                                                                 Calibra said it won't use fi-
            Facebook CEO Mark Zuck-                                                                                             nancial data to target ads
            erberg  will  appear  before                                                                                        on Facebook. It also said it
            Congress later this month to                                                                                        won't  share  financial  data
            talk  about  the  company's                                                                                         with  Facebook,  though
            plans for Libra. Rep. Maxine                                                                                        there  are  exceptions  that
            Waters, the California Dem-  In this April 11, 2018 file photo, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before a House Energy   haven't  been  fully  spelled
            ocrat who heads the House    and Commerce hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington.                                    out,  including  situations
            Financial Services Commit-                                                                         Associated Press   where  data  sharing  would
            tee  where  Zuckerberg  will                                                                                        "keep people safe."
            testify  on  Oct.  23,  called  more personal data will this  ten  been  given  free  rein.  Democrats   also   have  ___
            Libra "a new Swiss-based fi-  give  the  social  media  gi-  Companies  creating  Libra  threatened  legislation  that  IS FACEBOOK TOO BIG?
            nancial system" that poten-  ant, anyway?                 are  in  for  a  "rude  awak-  would block big tech com-  Congress,   the    Federal
            tially  is  too  big  to  fail  and  Litan said Facebook can still  ening"  if  they  expect  the  panies  from  getting  into  Trade Commission and the
            could  require  a  taxpayer  easily launch Libra in coun-  same  model  of  light  regu-  banking.                  Justice Department are all
            bailout.                     tries  with  no  pushback,  of  lation, said Karen Shaw Pe-  One hurdle Facebook and  looking  into  whether  Big
            Libra's  supporters  say  it  which there are plenty. She  trou,  managing  partner  of  its  partners  will  face  is  the  Tech  giants  such  as  Face-
            could open online purchas-   also dismissed the idea that  Federal  Financial  Analytics  potential  for  criminals  to  book  and  Google  have
            ing  to  millions  of  people  Facebook  needs  partner  in Washington.                use it for money laundering  gotten too big.
            who do not have access to  companies  such  as  Mas-      She  expects  Libra  will  fall  and fraud, given the pseu-  Adding another major busi-
            bank  accounts  and  could  terCard or Visa in order to  under  U.S.  regulations  ad-  do-anonymous  nature  of  ness  will  make  Facebook
            reduce  the  cost  of  send-  keep Libra afloat.          opted  in  the  wake  of  the  Libra and other digital cur-  bigger  —  if  Libra  takes  off
            ing  money  across  borders.  "The only reason they want  2008  financial  crisis.  Which  rencies.                 as  intended  —  but  it  may
            It's easy to see how attrac-  the companies is because  agency  will  oversee  the  Facebook  said  it  will  com-  not raise major antitrust red
            tive  an  alternative  like  Li-  it  looks  good,"  she  said.  "It  venture  will  depend  on  ply with all existing financial  flags, said New York Univer-
            bra could be to people in  was  never  a  democratic  what  the  currency  system  regulations.                     sity  law  professor  Eleanor
            countries beset with hyper-  blockchain.  It  was  always  does, she said.             ___                          Fox.
            inflation,  such  as  Venezu-  run  by  Facebook  and  a  In the U.S., the head of the  PRIVACY PUSHBACK            "It is a grass-roots entry into
            ela and Zimbabwe .           couple of financial compa-   House  Financial  Services  Facebook       has    been  a new field and can actu-
            But   Facebook     already  nies that were going along  Committee  wants  Face-        dogged     with   questions  ally  reflect  an  increase  in
            faces scrutiny over its poor  for the ride."              book  to  suspend  plans  for  about users' personal data,  innovation," she said.
            record  on  privacy  and  its  Now, those are just not go-  a  new  currency  until  Con-  especially  since  the  Cam-  Sarah  Miller,  deputy  direc-
            dominance  in  social  me-   ing on the ride.             gress  and  regulators  are  bridge  Analytica  scandal  tor  of  Open  Markets  In-
            dia, messaging and related  "You  have  to  remember,  able to study it more close-    hit last year.               stitute,  which  advocates
            businesses.                  this is the blockchain. This is  ly.                      That appears to be part of  against monopolies, said it
            Will people trust it to create  the internet. It's pretty much  In  July,  Waters  and  other  the  reason  Facebook  cre-  was "insanity" to trust Face-
            a  new,  global  currency?   unstoppable," she added.     committee Democrats sent  ated  a  nonprofit  oversight  book  to  launch  a  global
                                                                                                   association  to  govern  Li-  cryptocurrency  when  it  is
                                                                                                   bra. It also created a sub-  already  facing  regulatory
                                                                                                   sidiary, Calibra, to work on  scrutiny  around  the  world
                                                                                                   the technology, separately  over data privacy.
                                                                                                   from  its  main  social  media  "The  FTC  needs  to  rein  in
                                                                                                   business.                    Facebook  before  the  cor-
                                                                                                   Still,  Facebook  is  "going  to  poration  puts  our  financial
                                                                                                   get access to a lot of finan-  information  and  currency
                                                                                                   cial data," Forrester analyst  systems  at  risk,  too,"  she
                                                                                                   Aurelie  L'Hostis  said.  "What  said.q
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