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                  Monday 14 october 2019
            Gag! Rotting fish, maggots on menu at Disgusting Food Museum

            By  ALEKSANDAR  LJUBO-                                                                                              lens  onto  ourselves,  on
            JEVIC and VANESSA GERA                                                                                              Swedish  or  American  food
             Associated Press                                                                                                   culture, we are saying, 'We
            MALMO,  Sweden  (AP)  —                                                                                             treat everyone the same,'"
            Sheep  eyeball  juice.  Bull                                                                                        West said.
            testicles.  Maggot-infested                                                                                         West said he has managed
            cheese.    American    root                                                                                         only  to  sample  about  half
            beer.                                                                                                               of the more exotic collect-
            These are among the items                                                                                           ed  consumables.  Asked  if
            considered  palatable  or                                                                                           he ever vomited while pre-
            even  regarded  as  delica-                                                                                         paring  the  exhibition,  he
            cies  in  some  cultures  that                                                                                      said, "Every day."
            the  Disgusting  Food  Mu-                                                                                          Some of the delicacies are
            seum in Malmo, Sweden is                                                                                            so  smelly  they  are  kept  in
            serving up.                                                                                                         glass  jars.  At  a  museum
            The  temporary  museum,                                                                                             preview  last  week,  people
            which  opened  Wednes-                                                                                              took  tentative  sniffs  of  the
            day, clearly braced for re-                                                                                         displays  before  recoiling
            volted visitors to gag at the                                                                                       with grimaces.
            foods  on  display,  most  of                                                                                       "Real  food  in  the  museum
            which  can  be  smelled  or                                                                                         setting can be a problem,"
            tasted. Tickets came in the                                                                                         said  Andreas  Ahrens,  mu-
            form of vomit bags.                                                                                                 seum  director  and  cura-
            Curator  Samuel  West  said   In this photo taken on Sept. 22, 2018 a container of Mice wine on display at the Disgusting Food   tor.  "You  have  to  change
            the  exhibition  is  meant  to   Museum, in Malmo, Sweden. Baby mice are drowned and brewed in rice wine and the brew is   things pretty regularly. You
            entertain,  but  also  to  con-  matured for up to a year before drinking.                                          have  to  make  sure  that  it
            vey  a  thought-provoking                                                                          Associated Press  doesn't start to rot."
            message:  what  is  consid-  sumed in China and Korea,  "casu  marzu,"  a  Sardinian  many others.                  Or as West put it: "You can't
            ered  appetizing  or  repul-  and  Sweden's  "surstrom-   pecorino  cheese  infested  American foods on display  leave  bull  testicles  out  for
            sive  is  learned  and  can  ming," an infamously putrid  by maggots.                  include Jell-O salad, made  too long."
            change.  He  hopes  visitors  fermented herring.          Also  included  are  items  of  gelatin  and  typically  West,  a  clinical  psycholo-
            will  be  encouraged  to  try  Visitors are also introduced  many Western visitors might  fruit;  canned  pork  brains  gist  and  researcher  from
            more    sustainable   food  to  "balut,"  partially  devel-  not  consider  disgusting  at  with  milk  gravy;  and  root  California, was also the cre-
            products  that  are  being  oped duck fetuses that are  all. Swedish visitors are sur-  beer,  a  sweet  soft  drink  ator of the Museum of Fail-
            developed  or  marketed,  boiled  inside  the  egg  and  prised to find salty licorice,  which  Swedes  say  tastes  ure, a successful showcase
            like  insects  and  lab-grown  eaten straight from the shell  popular  in  Sweden  but  like toothpaste.            of products that failed with
            meat.                        in the Philippines, as well as  perceived  as  disgusting  to  "I  think  that  by  turning  the  consumers.  It  also  opened
            "Disgust  is  one  of  the  six                                                                                     in  Sweden  and  will  be
            fundamental  human  emo-                                                                                            shown soon in Shanghai.
            tions,  and  the  evolution-                                                                                        Hakan Jonsson, a Lund Uni-
            ary function of disgust is to                                                                                       versity  ethnology  professor
            help us to avoid foods that                                                                                         who  helped  with  research
            might  be  dangerous,  that                                                                                         for  the  exhibition,  said  no-
            are  contaminated,  toxic,                                                                                          tions  of  what  people  find
            gone off," West said.                                                                                               delicious  and  disgusting
            "Disgust  is  hardwired  as                                                                                         are already changing.
            an  emotion  but  what  we                                                                                          "A lot of big groups in (the)
            find  disgusting  is  culturally                                                                                    Western  world  are  all  of  a
            learned."                                                                                                           sudden  thinking  'Meat  has
            The idea of exploring gross                                                                                         become  disgusting,  some-
            food  came  to  him  with                                                                                           thing that I could never put
            awareness  that  the  "single                                                                                       into  my  mouth,'"  he  said.
            most impactful way we can                                                                                           "And that is something quite
            impact  the  environment                                                                                            new  in  the  history  here,
            is  by  eating  less  meat,"  he                                                                                    where  something  consid-
            said.                                                                                                               ered as being normal, and
            "It's  an  exhibition  that  asks                                                                                   prestigious, being the thing
            visitors  to  challenge  their                                                                                      that  you  were  aiming  for
            notions of what is disgusting                                                                                       Sunday,  and  all  of  a  sud-
            and what is delicious, and                                                                                          den  that  had  become  a
            the aim is to get people to                                                                                         matter of disgust for many
            understand there is no ob-                                                                                          people."
            jective measure of disgust,"                                                                                        The  Disgusting  Food  Muse-
            West  said.  "For  some,  the                                                                                       um is scheduled to run until
            revelation  might  be  that                                                                                         Jan.  27,  2019,  at  the  Slag-
            'maybe  insects  aren't  as                                                                                         thuset MMX in Malmo.
            disgusting as I thought.'"                                                                                          Museum  organizers  said
            The  80  food  items  in  the                                                                                       the  museum  shop  offers  a
            museum's  exhibit  include                                                                                          selection of "unusual" drinks
            a bull's penis, frog smooth-  In this photo taken on Sept. 22, 2018 a bowl of Natto a traditional Japanese food made from   and snacks and promise a
            ies from Peru, a wine made   soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis var, on display at the Disgusting Food Museum, in Malmo,   restaurant operating in the
            of  baby  mice  that  is  con-  Sweden.                                                            Associated Press  building is "not disgusting."q
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