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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 12 June 2024

              Aruba To You Expands Its Network with 20 Restaurants and Partners

              with Property Management Companies for Exclusive Promotions

              (Oranjestad)—Aruba To You, Aruba's innova-     "We  are  excited  about  these  collaborations,  For more information about Aruba To You, to
              tive  food  delivery  service,  continues  to  ex-  which are geared towards creating an even  view the list of partner restaurants, or to learn
              pand  its  offerings  with  nearly  20  restaurants  more  memorable  experience  for  guests  by  more about the special promotions available
              now  part  of  its  platform.  In  a  strategic  move  providing  them  with  convenient  access  to  through  our  property  management  partners,
              to enhance dining experiences for tourists and  some of the best food Aruba has to offer right  please visit, contact us
              locals  alike,  Aruba  To  You  is  partnering  with  at  their  doorstep,"  said  Gianluca  Sardo,  Co-  via  email  at,  or  con-
              leading property management companies to  founder of Aruba To You.                            nect with us on WhatsApp at +297 568 3974.q
              offer special promotions to their clients.
                                                             Aruba To You invites all property management               Contact:
              Since its inception on March 6, 2024, Aruba To  companies on the island to join this initiative,          Gianluca Sardo
              You has rapidly grown, reflecting its commit-  aiming  to  create  a  comprehensive  network              Co-founder
              ment to connecting customers with a wide va-   that benefits both visitors and local businesses.          Aruba To You
              riety of dining options. The service's partnership  Through these partnerships, Aruba To You re-          Email:
              with property management companies aims  inforces its mission to support the local com-                   Phone: +297 568 3974
              to bring unique dining deals directly to the ac-  munity and drive a positive impact on Aruba's           Website:
              commodations of visitors, enriching their stay  tourism and hospitality industry.
              on the island.

            Craving a late-night snack? We got you covered!

             (Oranjestad)—After  a  night  out  it’s  custom  to  Chalo  is  open  Wednesdays  through Mondays  the  Eagle  Bowling  Palace,  right  on  the  other
             grab  yourself  a  late-night  snack  on  the  road.  from  7pm  to  12  am  (Fridays  till  1am),  and  is  side of the road from the Sasaki gas station.
             Here in Aruba, there are dozens of food trucks  located  at  Palm  Beach  178  (a  little  past  the
             that you can visit to enjoy a late-night bite. Here  roundabout near the Piazza Gianni’s). Other Lo-           Habibi Express
             are a few that can be found in the down town/   cations include Tanki Leendert and Savaneta.
             hotel area.
                                                                             Julio's Corner
                             Chalo burger

                                                                                                            Habibi Express is a Lebanese food truck stand,
                                                                                                            one of very few food trucks on the island to sell
                                                             Situated in a nice little corner off the highway,  Mediterranean food. Located right at the en-
                                                             Julio’s  Corner  has  a  huge  menu  comprised  trance of The Local Market near the cruise ship
             Chalo  burger  is  a  favorite  among  locals,  and  of  different  dishes  and  snacks,  all  made  with  port, here you can fill your stomach (and heart)
             it’s due to its popularity that it has branched out  a  Venezuelan  twist!  From  arepa’s  to  chicken  with a variety of options like shawarmas, don-
             to different parts on the island. One of its main  wings, to pizzas and burgers, Julio’s Corner has  ers, kapsalons and more, all 100% halal.  When
             locations is in Palm Beach, near the hotel area.  it all to satisfy your taste! Editor’s choice for what  asked, the chef there recommends all foodies
             Chalo  offers  a  variety  of  fast-food  meals,  like  to get at Julio’s Corner is the quesadilla, which  to  try  their  lamb  shawarma,  as  it’s  a  favorite
             hamburgers,  hotdogs,  loaded  fries  and  more!  comes with a side of fries.                  among guests.
             A popular dish among locals is the Salchipapa:
             loaded fries with sausages, cheese and a mix of  Julio’s Corner is open Mondays through Satur-  Habibi Express is open every day from 5pm to
             sweet and savory sauce. Perfect for those late-  day  from 6pm  to 2am  (Fridays  and Saturdays  12am. While you’re there, how about a picture
             night cravings!                                 up to 4am), and is located in the parking lot of  with the genie?q
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