Page 10 - HOH
P. 10
local Tuesday 9 augusT 2022
Minister of Economic Affairs announces price reduction for
gasoline and diesel
minister of Economic Af- He mentioned that the re-
fairs, Communication and duction will be 42.5 cents
Sustainable Development, (12.7%) for the price of gas-
Mr. Geoffrey Wever, during oline, and for diesel it will be
a press conference yester- 34.2 cents (10.9%) per liter.
day morning, confirmed
the news that the price for It is customary – in the
gasoline and diesel will see past – that there are pub-
a substantial reduction on lications with insinuations
the 10th of August. and political motivations when the minister must an- nounce a price increase people of the importance
for fuel, according to the of sustainable develop-
minister. While the news of ment, both in energy and
the price reduction surely in other aspects as well”.
is very good for the people
of Aruba, minister Wever Aruba needs to have un-
wanted to take this oppor- derstanding and coopera-
tunity to assure the people tion for the developments
once again that the price that need to take place in
of gasoline is determined order to push our country
by international develop- to a more sustainable path,
ments in the oil industry. where we can begin to go
in the direction of reduc-
Minister Wever said he is ing the dependence of our
pleased with the reduc- country on external factors.
tion, seeing that it will have This will help us as a country
a positive effect for those to be stronger and to pre-
less fortunate, but accord- vent situations with nega-
ing to the minister, “once tive effects for the entire
again we are reminded community. The minister
that Aruba is at the mercy emphasizes that this is the
of international develop- goal for the following years.
ments. We must use this
opportunity to remind the
According to a survey by A.T.A,
Arubans are satisfied with the tourism development on Aruba
ORANJESTAD – Tourism is data collection. It is impor- ment (44%). More people Regarding the impact of positive.
the only economic pillar tant to point out that this share the opinion that Aru- tourism on local and Aru-
of Aruba and has a great type of survey had already ba needs to invest more in ban families, the sentiment The minister of Tourism said
impact on the lives of our been done in the past, in social development. It can received a positive score of he is satisfied with these
citizens. In order to mea- 2005 and last in 2018. be concluded that this is 3.6 (1 to 5). The impact of numbers, which also en-
sure the effect of tourism on because of the effects of tourism on the local popu- courage him to keep work-
the local population, and The survey this year was the pandemic of Covid-19. lation received a score of ing to benefit our working
to know what feeling reigns carried out in different ways 3.8 (1 to 5), which is also population.
among our community re- and platforms, it was possi-
garding tourism, Aruba ble to participate in person,
Tourism Authority (A.T.A.) on a website, Facebook,
carried out a survey. Instagram or via QR code,
among other methods. In
Minister of Tourism, Dangui total, almost two thousand
Oduber finds this survey to people participated in this
be of great importance survey, encompassing all
for the government to be ages, gender, district, legal
aware of the feelings of status, employment status
the Aruban population, and education levels. That
specially coming out of a is to say that the survey
pandemic which had very counted with the opinion
negative effects on the of every group in our soci-
whole world. ety.
Minister Oduber said that What stood out was that
A.T.A. carried out the sur- compared to previous
vey among our local popu- years, the sentiment for
lation. They received assis- social development (56%)
tance, among others, from this year received a higher
students of the University score than the sentiment
of Aruba, who helped with for economic develop-