Page 6 - HOH DEC 12 2020
P. 6
clAssifieds Saturday 12 december 2020
World carbon dioxide HEALTH
emissions drop 7% in DOCTOR ON DUTY
pandemic-hit 2020 Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Tel. 527 4000
By SETH BORENSTEIN wave. Also China's emis- San Nicolas
AP Science Writer sions are more industrial Imsan 24 hours
A locked-down pandem- based than other countries Tel.524 8833
ic-struck world cut its car- and its industry was less af- Women in Difficulties
bon dioxide emissions this fected than transportation, PHARMACY ON DUTY
year by 7%, the biggest LeQuere said. Oranjestad:
drop ever, new preliminary The calculations — based In this Friday, March 20, 2020 file photo, extremely light traffic Eagle Tel. 587 9011
figures show. on reports detailing energy moves along the 110 Harbor Freeway toward downtown Los An- San Nicolas:
The Global Carbon Project, use, industrial production geles in the mid-afternoon. Aloe Tel. 584 4606
an authoritative group of and daily mobility counts — Associated Press Women in Difficulties
dozens of international sci- were praised as accurate OTHER
entists who track emissions, by outside scientists. show that from 2018 to 2019 the pandemic, scientists Dental Clinic 587 9850
calculated that the world Even with the drop in 2020, emissions of the main man- are wondering if 2019 be Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
Urgent Care 586 0448
will have put 37 billion U.S. the world on average put made heat-trapping gas the peak of carbon pollu- Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
tons (34 billion metric tons) 1,185 tons (1,075 metric increased only 0.1%, much tion, LeQuere said.q +297 588 0539
of carbon dioxide in the air tons) of carbon dioxide into smaller than annual jumps Women in Difficulties
in 2020. That's down from the air every second. of around 3% a decade or EMERGENCY
40.1 billion US tons (36.4 Final figures for 2019 pub- two ago. Even with emis- Police 100
billion metric tons) in 2019, lished in the same study sions expected to rise after Oranjestad 527 3140
according a study pub- Noord 527 3200
lished Thursday in the jour- Sudoku Sta. Cruz 527 2900
nal Earth System Science San Nicolas 584 5000
Police Tipline
Data. By Dave Green Ambulancia 911
Scientists say this drop is 1 5 8 Fire Dept. 115
chiefly because people Red Cross 582 2219
are staying home, travel- 9 3 6
ing less by car and plane, TAXI SERVICES
and that emissions are 5 2 Taxi Tas 587 5900
expected to jump back Prof. Taxi 588 0035
587 2300
Taxi D.T.S.
up after the pandemic Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
ends. Ground transporta- 7 4 A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
tion makes up about one- Women in Difficulties
fifth of emissions of carbon 5 2 TRAVEL INFO
dioxide, the chief man- 2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
made heat-trapping gas. 9 1 Aruba Airport 524 2424
"Of course, lockdown is American Airlines 582 2700
absolutely not the way to 9 3 Avianca 588 0059
588 2244
Jet Blue
tackle climate change," Surinam 582 7896
said study co-author 6 8 4 Women in Difficulties
Corinne LeQuere, a cli- AID FOUNDATIONS
mate scientist at the Uni- 4 5 2
versity of East Anglia. FAVI- Visually Impaired
Difficulty Level
The same group of scien- 12/12 Tel. 582 5051
tists months ago predicted Solution on Page 14 Alcoholics Anonymous
emission drops of 4% to 7%, Tel. 736 2952
depending on the progres- Narcotics Anonymous
sion of COVID-19. A sec- Tel. 583 8989
ond coronavirus wave and Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583 5400
continued travel reduc- Centre for Diabetes
tions pushed the decrease Tel. 524 8888
to 7%, LeQuere said. Child Abuse Prevention
Emissions dropped 12% in Tel. 582 4433
the United States and 11% Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
in Europe, but only 1.7% Women in Difficulties
in China. That's because General Info
China had an earlier lock- Phone Directory Tel. 118
down with less of a second
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