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CLASSIFIED Tuesday 15 OcTOber 2019
Dog lost since 2007 found HEALTH
over 1K miles away in DOCTOR ON DUTY
Pittsburgh FOR SALE BY OWNER Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
Marriott Aruba Surf Club
Gold season Tel. 527 4000
Associated Press Animal Rescue location, 2b oceanview villa w/kitchen San Nicolas
PITTSBURGH (AP) — A toy where staffers were able sleeps 8 IMSAN 24 Hours
fox terrier that disappeared to locate a microchip and $12k or best offer Tel.524 8833
from its family's south Flori- trace the dog back to its e-mail: Women in Difficulties
da home in 2007 was found owners in Boca Raton, Flor- ________________________________211723 PHARMACY ON DUTY
this week over a thousand ida. Oranjestad:
miles away in Pittsburgh The dog's owner, Katheryn Halley Time Travel Trupial Tel. 583 8560
and reunited with its owner Strang, drove all the way to San Nicolas:
on Friday. Pittsburgh for an emotional Marriott Ocean Club San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
The 14-year-old named reunion with Dutchess . Gold season Women in Difficulties
Dutchess was found hun- Boca Raton, Florida, is 1 br Ocean View $4500 OTHER
gry, shivering and in serious about 1,130 miles (18184.74 2 br Ocean View $7000 Dental Clinic 587 9850
need of a nail trim under a kilometers) from Pittsburgh. 1 br Ocean Front $7500 Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
Urgent Care 586 0448
shed on Monday, accord- Strang said she couldn't 2 br Ocean Front $14,000 Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
ing to Humane Animal Res- believe it when she got the Renaissace Suites +297 588 0539
cue. call that her dog had been 1 br WK 32 and 35 $2750 each Women in Difficulties
The property owner took found after all these years. 3rd floor pool/ ocean view EMERGENCY
the dog to a Humane q Police 100
Oranjestad 527 3140
Marriott Surf Club
For Sale / Investment For Sale Gold season Sta. Cruz 527 2900
Two large 2 bedrooms/ 1 Gorgeous two story house on a 2 br Garden View $5000 San Nicolas 584 5000
bathroom apartments at bubali/ hill with ocean/country view in 2 br Ocean View $7000 Police Tipline 11141
Noord, one fully furnished, ideal Paradera, 3 bedrooms/ 2 br Ocean side $8500 Fire Dept. 115
for short term rentals and for 3 bathrooms with pool for 2 br Ocean Front $14,000 Red Cross 582 2219
$298,000.00 $470,000 3 br Ocean View $12,500
contact Mito at 593 6318 call Mito at 593 6318 Paradise Beach Villas TAXI SERVICES
_________________________________211749 for more details Taxi Tas 587 5900
2 br Town House WK # 40 /41 Prof. Taxi 588 0035
Pool / Ocean View on eagle Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
beach Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
$6000 each A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Divi Links Golf $5000 Women in Difficulties
1 br wk 40 biulding 10 TRAVEL INFO
2sd floor 33 weeks remain
Aruba Airport 524 2424
American Airlines 582 2700
La Cabana Beach and Casino Avianca 588 0059
1 br and studio WK # 41 Jet Blue 588 2244
Ground floor sunday check in Surinam 582 7896
1 br and studio WK # 41
Ground floor Women in Difficulties
Friday check in 1 br $4000 , CRUISES
studio $3000
1 br wk #43 sunday check in
2sd floor pool/ocean view $3500
Renaissance Suites
1 br WK # 41/42 $5500 each October 16
5th floor pool/ocean view Monarch
Nieuw amsterdam
Costa Linda Beach Resort carnival Magic
Women in Difficulties
2 br wk # 42 Groundfloor Freewinds
Pool/Ocean View for $12,850 AID FOUNDATIONS
Call: 630 1307 FAVI- Visually Impaired Tel. 582 5051 Alcoholics Anonymous
facebookpage:resales&realty Tel. 736 2952
Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583 8989
Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583 5400
For Sale / Investment Tel. 524 8888
House at Pos abao/ Noord with Child Abuse Prevention
Tel. 582 4433
4 apartments, being used now
for short term rentals and for Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
$475,000 General Info
call Mito at 593 6318
Phone Directory Tel. 118