Page 10 - KPA 26 March,15
P. 10
LOCALThursday 26 March 2015
Loyal Visitors Jay & Debbie Honored at the Renaissance Hotel!
ORANJESTAD - Recently, the Aruba of Tourism, Transportation, Primary
Tourism Authority had the great Sector and Culture Mr. O. Oduber
pleasure of honoring Mr. Jay and as a token of appreciation to the
Mrs. Debbie Woodard, residents guests who visit Aruba for 20-to-34
of Auburn, New York, as Goodwill consecutive years.
Ambassadors! The certificate was presented by
The symbolic honorary title is pre- Darline S. de Cuba representing
sented on behalf of the Minister Aruba Tourism Authority together
with Mr. Tino Daal from the Activi- sets, the beautiful blue ocean, the
ties Department of Renaissance friendly Aruban hospitality and the
Hotel. The top reasons for return- local restaurants.
ing provided by the honorees are Congratulation Jay and Debbie,
that they consider Aruba to be the you hold a special place in the
“Happy Island,” the fantastic sun- hearts of Arubans!q
Police Officials Give Informative Drug Awareness Presentation
EAGLE BEACH - Johnny members of management their effects, and what they
Kock, of the Security de- and staffers at the resort actually look like, in order to
partment at La Cabana as they spent an informa- educate employees to rec-
Beach Resort & Casino in- tive hour, giving an interac- ognize any substance and
troduced Dennis Jacobs tive presentation regard- consequently any under-
and Marcel Illis from the lo- ing drug use in Aruba, the the-influence symptoms
cal Police Department to types of drugs in circulation, and behavior.
In its quest for a safe and
secure work and vacation
environment for both asso-
ciates and guests, the re-
sort made the presentation
compulsory, and invited all
staff members during their
lunch break. The two nar-
cotics officers did an excel-
lent job presenting the drug
awareness session, and
were as we can see from
the pictures, received with
great interest by their en-
gaged audience.q
LOCALThursday 26 March 2015
Loyal Visitors Jay & Debbie Honored at the Renaissance Hotel!
ORANJESTAD - Recently, the Aruba of Tourism, Transportation, Primary
Tourism Authority had the great Sector and Culture Mr. O. Oduber
pleasure of honoring Mr. Jay and as a token of appreciation to the
Mrs. Debbie Woodard, residents guests who visit Aruba for 20-to-34
of Auburn, New York, as Goodwill consecutive years.
Ambassadors! The certificate was presented by
The symbolic honorary title is pre- Darline S. de Cuba representing
sented on behalf of the Minister Aruba Tourism Authority together
with Mr. Tino Daal from the Activi- sets, the beautiful blue ocean, the
ties Department of Renaissance friendly Aruban hospitality and the
Hotel. The top reasons for return- local restaurants.
ing provided by the honorees are Congratulation Jay and Debbie,
that they consider Aruba to be the you hold a special place in the
“Happy Island,” the fantastic sun- hearts of Arubans!q
Police Officials Give Informative Drug Awareness Presentation
EAGLE BEACH - Johnny members of management their effects, and what they
Kock, of the Security de- and staffers at the resort actually look like, in order to
partment at La Cabana as they spent an informa- educate employees to rec-
Beach Resort & Casino in- tive hour, giving an interac- ognize any substance and
troduced Dennis Jacobs tive presentation regard- consequently any under-
and Marcel Illis from the lo- ing drug use in Aruba, the the-influence symptoms
cal Police Department to types of drugs in circulation, and behavior.
In its quest for a safe and
secure work and vacation
environment for both asso-
ciates and guests, the re-
sort made the presentation
compulsory, and invited all
staff members during their
lunch break. The two nar-
cotics officers did an excel-
lent job presenting the drug
awareness session, and
were as we can see from
the pictures, received with
great interest by their en-
gaged audience.q