Page 34 - DESPA 2 MARCH 2016
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HEALTHWednesday 2 March 2016

Finding Balance through Nature

       By: Dr Carlos Viana        sleeping pills. The average      stressful circumstances.           ter in the body. Today, qual-      taking.
                                  sixty year old is now averaging  Like acupuncture treatments,       ity licorice root supplements      Get The Point! Adaptogenic
Imagine one medicine that         nine medicines a day.            garlic oil can both raise low      remove the glycyrrhizin and        therapy like acupuncture and
could normalize blood pres-       Interestingly, today’s pharma-   blood pressure or lower hy-        it is identified as deglycyrrhiz-  herbal medicine are unique
sure by either lowering or rais-  ceutical medicines have their    pertension, lowering the risks     inated licorice, also known as     from other substances. Adap-
ing your body’s blood pres-       history in herbal medicine.      of heart disease. Some peo-        de-glycyrrhizinated licorice, or   togens have a normalizing ef-
sure. How great would it be       More than eighty percent of      ple worry about garlic odor.       commonly referred to as DGL        fect on the body and are ca-
to have a pill that in the morn-  drugs today are synthetic rep-   Parsley helps freshen up garlic    licorice. DGL licorice helps re-   pable of either toning down
ing gets you going, yet taken     licas of the healing parts of    breath is great for bones and      pair the walls of the stomach      the activity of over- active
at night provides sound restful   medicine plants. Of the many     is a mild diuretic for those who   and intestines significantly re-   organs or strengthening un-
sleep. Imagine a tablet that      types of medicine, herbs are a   need this.                         ducing the size of gastric ul-     der- active systems. They are
increases your mental sharp-      unique category of plants we     We can use green tea in the        cers, reducing the recurrence      natural substances able to
ness, yet calms, relaxes and      herbalist call adaptogens.       morning to energize our start      and hastening healing. In our      help the body maintain opti-
shuts down your racing mind.      The word adaptogen is used       and then again at night to         clinic, DGL has shown to be an     mal homeostasis or balance.
	 Your healthy body               by Traditional Chinese Medi-     promote restful sleep. Green       effective treatment for duo-       When using these natural
has the ability to balance it-    cine (TCM) to refer to a treat-  tea contains vitamin C, E and      denal ulcers.                      adaptogens together, we see
self while adjusting to chang-    ment like acupuncture, or a      B complex, making it a great       Another herb known for ad-         amazing results. Could your
ing conditions. An example        natural herb product that in-    antioxidant that helps block       renal support is Rhodiola root     body, mind or spirit use some
of this is temperature regula-    creases the body’s resistance    cancer-causing chemicals,          that increases availability of     balancing? Call to make an
tion in a room by a heating       to stresses such as trauma,      and reduces tumors. Green          energy during the day, but         appointment.q
or air-conditioning thermo-       anxiety and fatigue. All herbal  tea has also been shown in         also reduces stressed feelings.
stat. In the body, a system       adaptogens contain antioxi-      studies to increase metabo-        It increases endurance, but        CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is an Ori-
controlled by the brain, regu-    dants, but not all antioxidants  lism and may aid in weight         also, provides greater mental      ental Medical Doctor (O.M.D.)
lates breathing, metabolic        are adaptogens. Antioxidants     loss. Green tea now comes in       alertness, and provides deep,      having studied in China; a US
rates, blood-vessel size, and     help slow damaging oxidation     capsules for those on the go.      restful sleep. This great adap-    Board Cert. Clinical Nutritionist
blood-sugar levels in response    or ageing of cells.              What makes green tea work so       togen significantly speeds up      (C.C.N.), an Addiction Profes-
to changes caused by tem-         To the skepticism of modern      well is an amino acid in green     the recovery process after ill-    sional (C.Ad.), Chairperson of
perature, hormones, disease       medicine, TCM physicians         tea called L-Theanine. Able to     ness. Individuals that “burn the   the Latin American Commit-
and other factors. This ability   have acupuncture treatments      cross the blood-brain barrier,     candle at both ends” have          tee of the International Acad-
of the body to find balance is    which are adaptogens. For        theanine has psychoactive          found supplementing with this      emy of Oral Medicine and
called homeobalance.              example, the same acupunc-       properties. Theanine has been      herb helpful.                      Toxicology (IAOMT), a Rejuve-
	 Without its ability to          ture treatment can be used       shown to reduce mental and         Perhaps the best known             nating Cell Therapist specializ-
maintain a balanced body,         to either raise or lower blood   physical stress, and improves      adaptogen and known for its        ing in Age Management, has
we become stressed, our re-       pressure. Similarly, one treat-  cognition and mood.                Chinese medicinal qualities is     a weekly radio program, writes
sistance falls, sleep eludes      ment can be used for anxiety     The Chinese were first to use      Ginseng root; this immune sys-     and lectures extensively. For
us, and we begin an invari-       or over-confidence; depres-      licorice to treat the liver since  tem stimulant also increases       information: VIANA HEALING
able slide into disease. Many     sion or over- exuberance. You    it neutralizes liver toxins.	      work capacity. Western medi-       CENTER, Kibaima 7, St Cruz TEL:
people start out with medi-       get the picture. An adapto-       Known to stimulate the pro-       cine recognizes that ginseng       585-1270 Web Site: www.via-
cine to lower high cholesterol    gen treatment or herb helps      duction of the cortin hormone      increases resistance to stress,
then have to take high blood      the body regulate itself.        useful when the body is under      increases endurance and is         “Prescriptions from Paradise”
pressure medicine and then        Knowledge of adaptogens          mental and emotional stress,       especially known as an aph-        - Dr. Viana’s Award Winning
                                  dates back thousands of years    licorice also contains a cor-      rodisiac that enhances libido      BOOK: Prescriptions from Para-
                                  to ancient India and China.      tisone-like property that has      and sexual performance in          dise, Introduction to Biocom-
                                  Scientific study began in the    been found beneficial and          men. There are many qualities      patible Medicine – Available
                                  40’s when Dr. Nikolai Lazarev    nourishing on adrenal glands.      and types of ginseng. Since        at local Bookstores, Hotel Gift
                                  defined an adaptogen as an       Historically the only drawback     herbs vary, when choosing an       shops and Boticas. Signed
                                  agent that allows the body       of using licorice is that it can   herbal supplement, make sure       copies at Viana Healing Cen-
                                  to counter adverse physi-        increase blood pressure in         you look for “standardized” on     ter, EBooks: Amazon kindle,
                                  cal, chemical, or biological     some people. One of the sug-       the label, like “Standardized,     Nook, Itunes check for Events
                                  stressors by raising resistance  ars found in licorice, glycyrrhi-  Full Potency, Korean Ginseng       at:
                                  toward such stress. Raising      zin has been reported in some      Root.” This means that you         ingcenter. Join the discussion:
                                  resistance to stress allows the  people to increase blood pres-     are sure about how much of
                                  organism to “adapt” to the       sure or cause retention of wa-     the active ingredient you are      scriptionsformparadise
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