P. 30

PAGINA 30  DIARIO                                                                                                                          DIALUNA 2 FEBRUARI 2015

SUSTAINABILITY. The government’s PR machine has been working overtime sustaining the                         Fiscal a pidi pa
Prime Minister’s image as an environmental champion at the Caribbean Energy Summit, and among             declara sospechoso
visiting dignitaries. It is important, a country needs a vision, and it is the Prime Minister’s job to   liber di tur acusacion
carry that torch but this week again I changed license plates on my car and every time I do that, I get
frustrated at what seems like empty talk, because all we are sustaining is the business embossing the    ORANJESTAD(AAN): Recientemente e sospechoso
plates, Retraco NV, and as a result burdening our environment and wasting resources. How about           C.S.A mester a presenta dilanti di mesa berde di huez na
instituting stickers? Peel and stick decals? Minimal cost, maximum savings. When? When can we            corte di husticia, debi na e hecho cu el a wordo acusa di a
expect that common-sense strategy to materialize?                                                        intencionalmente dal un persona cu mokete den cabez riba 19
QUINTA DEL CARMEN. We went for dinner with girlfriends on the occasion of Jacqueline’s                   di October 2014.
birthday and sat in the charming courtyard sipping Meiomi Pino Noire. Four cute little birds slept       Huez a repasa procesverbal di polis di e caso, despues di cual
over our heads on a tree branch, huddled together, so we moved our table a bit for fear of poop, ac-     fiscal a yega na turno pa presenta su caso.
commodating their slumber, we also took pictures. It was the cutest thing, I have never seen birdies     Fiscal sinembargo a indica na huez cu e no ta haya cu e
do that in my garden. I feel bad telling you, but that was the only thing we took pictures of. You       tin suficiente evidencia pa por exigi un castigo contra e
know how plates always come out of the kitchen, and after the initial wow, you all take pictures of      sospechoso.
each dish? We never did during dinner, probably because there was no artistry in the presentation.       Fiscal a pidi huez pa declara C.A liber di tur acusacion.
Quinta del Carmen is the new hot-spot, and the historic mansion is worthy of artistry, and culinary      Abogado Caster, representando e acusado naturalmente tabata
surprises, but the pork with brie tasted like it was prepared in the washing machine and the vanilla     di acuerdo cu locual fiscal a pidi y e tambe a bisa huez cu no
ice cream with frozen caramel wafers felt like I was grinding glass.                                     tin suficiente evidencia contra su cliente.
BEST HOTEL IN ARUBA. An impressive 47 hotels within The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company,                      Na final no a keda nada otro pa huez hasi cu declara C.A liber
have been named award winners in the 2015 edition of U.S. News & World Report’s Best Hotel               di tur acusacion.
Rankings. To qualify for this award, U.S. News & World Report identified the best hotels using an
unbiased system focusing on reputation among travel experts, guest reviews, and hotel class rat-            Telefonnan di DIARIO
ings. Base on all the above, the Ritz-Carlton in Aruba won the accolade of best hotel on the island!      582-6747 Fax 582-8551
We had breakfast at the resort this week, with the ever-charming Myandra Croes, at Solanio, which
served us the most perfectly cooked Eggs Benedict. The handsome Executive Chef Stephen Toevs
swung by our table with a granola parfait and two mini shooters, beet & apple / carrot & ginger. One
sip of the healthy treat, and I immediately felt ten years younger! Breakfast at Solanio is elegantly
served, both buffet and a la carte. The buffet is spread out nicely, and laid out in attractive small
portions of varied offerings at the edge of the exhibition kitchen and on a long rustic table. There
is an ultimate, interactive build-your-own-omelet station on the side, with more choices than you
could count, and a row of Rise & Shine prepared favorites kept warm under gleaming, stainless steel
domes. If I were you I would go for breakfast at Solanio, today.
SCARLET APPRECIATES. Super-charged marketing diva Bettina Daal continues to grow Scar-
let’s share of the local internet market. Her customers report that as a service provider Scarlet is
fast and economic, and her boss, CEO Paul Gelderloos, confirmed that thanks to our insatiable
hunger for data, Scarlet is the biggest wireless high speed internet provider in the Dutch Caribbean,
as it must constantly expand its capacity to keep up with the demand. The tall, Dutch CEO who is a
trained psychologist has a quirky sense of humor. He described his drive in Oranjestad on his way to
the reception at the House of Mosaic as uneventful, then he walked in the door, into Fernando Man-
sur’s opulently decorated and manned universe and he thought he died and went to heaven. Scarlet’s
Business event at House of Mosaic served Ginternet cocktails in over-size goblets chased by elegant
nibbles. The event rewarded top customers such as Aruba Bank and the local Police Research Cen-
ter for their support and their voracious appetite for uninterrupted uploads and downloads, without
the annoying buffering delay.
IS THE FLORIN SAFE. This week, mega headlines assured the general public that the florin
is safe. That declaration of the President of the local Bankers’ Association was immediately fol-
lowed by the speculation that our florin will surely be devaluated. Which one is it. Which part of
the sentence are we supposed to believe. The first, that we’re safe, or the second, that it’s all going
downhill? I am an optimist, I trust the opening statement.

wine importers played host to the Brand Ambassador of Macallan Single Malt Whisky, Joe Cabassa,
who was on the island to share some of his knowledge and passion, educating local bartenders about
distilled spirits, and the art of mixology and Whiskies. As a Whisky Expert and a Master Bartender,
Joe related well to the local crowd. His job he says, is to promote new mixology trends, and conduct
trainings and tastings in more than 70 cities, in 38 countries and across in 5 continents around
the world. I definitely want his job in my next life! Ludwig Estrada, Sales / Marketing Manager
reports that Responsible Alcohol Management, was part of the training so that the local bartenders
are familiar with TIPS, Training for Intervention Procedures, in case a customer has a bit too much.
Just to give you an idea about the Macallan brand: In 2007, a bottle from 1926 sold at auction for
$54,000; In 2010, a 64 year old whiskey in a Lalique bottle, sold for $460,000. The Whisky was
promoted by James Bond in SkyFall, and as a result of that a decanter sold at auction in Hong Kong
for a record breaking $628,205. Good stuff.

REOPENING THE GARDEN CAFE AT AQUA WINDIE’S. Jose Menendez, who many of you
might remember from his days at Sun Development is back on the island, and planning to reopen
the cafe at Aqua Windie’s, in collaboration with two other energetic food and beverage profession-
als. Having managed the Atrium Condo Resort Turks and Caicos, and the Ayada Maldives Resort &
Spa, Jose is looking forward to pamper Aqua Windie’s clients and also those working at the hospital,
and at neighboring businesses, serving well-prepared and reasonably-priced meals. Jose’s wife, Dr.
Juliet Chiew, is working at the University of Aruba, and I remember her good vibes from the lost
but not forgotten Quality Foundation.

tails & music, what a great recipe! Ricky is a charming, affable personality, a singer / musician who
believes in Love, Peace and Happiness. He’s quite good and you should make time for happy hour
on Saturdays, at Divi Phoenix Beach Resort, Pure Beach, from 7 to 10pm or on Sundays, at the
Renaissance Ocean Suites, Sole Bar, from 4 to 7pm.
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