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Wednesday 5 april 2023
Women run the fictional world of ABC’s ‘General Hospital’
By ALICIA RANCILIO surround them, then that’s
Associated Press awesome and great, but
As “General Hospital” marks they don’t need it,” said
its 60th anniversary, much McCoy. “We’re not arm
remains the same for the candy. We have things to
longest-running scripted bring to the table.”
series in production in the Offscreen, the actors also
United States. A hospital is make an important im-
still the backdrop for the pact. Tabyana Ali, who
soap opera, many of the plays Trina Robinson, is part
veteran characters remain, of a beloved bi-racial cou-
the wealthy Quatermaine ple on the series. Last week,
family looms large and the fans purchased a billboard
stories are about love, mys- in New York’s Times Square
tery and adventure. to play a video montage
But in a shift, many of the devoted to the pairing of
most powerful residents of Trina and Spencer Cas-
Port Charles are women. sadine (Nicholas Chavez)
Genie Francis’ legacy known to fans as Sprina.
character Laura Collins, Ali admits to being surprised
whose 1981 wedding to by how much the relation-
Luke Spencer drew 30 mil- ship meant to viewers, par-
lion viewers and is still the ticularly those who could
highest-rated soap opera relate personally. “I didn’t
episode in US history, is now realize that the people that
the mayor of Port Charles. This image released by ABC shows Genie Francis, center left, and Tanisha Harper in a scene from are in interracial relation-
The police commissioner is “General Hospital.” (Troy Harvey/ABC via AP) ships, this means a lot for
a woman (played by Tani- Associated Press them. They feel very seen,”
sha Harper), and the chief Hughes’ Anna Devane to lead. even tells her love interest, she said. “I’m honored to
of staff at General Hospital solve mysteries. “You go back and you had Dex (Evan Hofer) that he be part of it.”
is also a woman (played by “I’m really proud to say Kim Zimmer on ‘Guiding can’t dictate where they Cynthia Watros, who plays
Cassandra James.) that the show now feels Light,’ who played Reva stand. Nina Reeves, the editor of a
Kristina Wagner, a longtime very woman-centric,” said Shayne. Erika Slezak play- “It’s like this wall went up high-fashion magazine and
cast member who plays Wagner. “Most of the sto- ing Viki (‘One Life to Live’), between us and you have co-owner of a hotel (soap
Felicia Scorpio, first joined ries revolve around women Susan Lucci playing Erica to protect little old me from characters juggle their time
“General Hospital” in 1984 more than they ever have. on ‘All My Children.’ You big bad you,” Josslyn said well), says even her male
as a literal princess and We’ve changed with the had some strong women, to Dex in a scene. “I call BS co-stars have noticed the
romantic interest for Frisco times and that’s a real but you had like, one. Now on that. I make my own de- shift.
Jones (Jack Wagner), form- perk. That’s what makes we see so many,” she said. cisions. I know the risks I’m “We’ve had some conver-
ing a soap supercouple. me keep coming back.” Eden McCoy who plays taking. If you don’t want sations with some of the
While agent Frisco was out Laura Wright, who plays Carly’s daughter, Josslyn me, just say that.” guys on the show who’ve
chasing bad guys, Felicia Carly Spencer, has acted Jacks, has grown into a McCoy says the characters been here for a while.
would wait in Port Charles. in three different soap op- fiercely independent wom- stand on their own. And it has shifted a lot (to)
But now, Felicia long di- eras, and says it used to be an in her own right. She “They’re good enough women commanding the
vorced from Frisco takes common for each soap to doesn’t ask for a man’s help characters on their own, show,” said Watros. “I give
down villains herself and have one woman who was easily and has no problem and they don’t need men a lot of credit to (executive
often teams up with Finola the standout, strong female standing up for herself. She surrounding them. If men producer) Frank (Valentini)
and the writers for allowing
Yiyun Li’s ‘The Book of Goose’ wins this show to be so women
PEN/Faulkner award The women also feel a
strong kinship with one an-
other behind-the-scenes.
Rebecca Herbst, who
NEW YORK (AP) — Yiyun Li’s received numerous other and Fabienne, haunted us plays Elizabeth Baldwin,
novel “The Book of Goose,” prizes, including the PEN/ with their radical ingenu- joined the show as a teen
the story of two mischie- Malamud Award for Ex- ity and bold, unruly ambi- in the ‘90s and says the
vous teenage girls in post- cellence in the Short Story, tions. We kept finding that “GH” set is truly another
World War II France and presented to her last De- we wanted to press this home. She counts Francis,
their improbable literary cember. book on others,” the judg- Wright, Jane Elliot, Kelly
success, has won the PEN/ On Tuesday, PEN/Faulkner es’ statement reads. Monaco and Kirsten Storms
Faulkner Award for fiction. judges praised her for writ- The other PEN/Faulkner fi- in her “friend circle.”
Li will receive $15,000 for ing “a dazzling, conven- nalists Jonathan Escoffery, “Sometimes it doesn’t even
the PEN/Faulkner, which tions-defying, nuanced for “If I Survive You”; Kath- feel like a job. When I get
in previous years has been novel.” “It’s a tale of a ryn Harlan, for “Fruiting in my car, I’m just going to
given to Philip Roth, Ann complicated friendship, of Bodies”; Dionne Irving, for This cover image released go see my second family,
Patchett and Deesha Phi- two girls bending toward “The Islands”; and Laura by FSG shows “The Book and I get to work and we
lyaw, among others. She and away from each oth- Warrell, for “Sweet, Soft, of Goose” by by Yiyun Li, all just kind of get to play
has published both novels er. The prose is singular; the Plenty Rhythm” will each winner of the PEN/Faulkner together. q
Award for fiction.
and story collections and central characters, Agnès be awarded $5,000.q Associated Press