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Friday 13 december 2024 locAl

            Forgotten gems

            Open air movie theaters

                                                                      which  formed  part  of  the
                                                                      Esso  Club,  also  known  as
                                                                      the Pan-Am Club. It was at
                                                                      this  theater  that  “Talkies”
                                                                      were  first  streamed,  mov-
                                                                      ies with sound. This theater
                                                                      mostly streamed American
                                                                      blockbusters for the Ameri-
                                                                      can  expats,  this  way  mak-
                                                                      ing sure that these migrant
                                                                      were  not  missing  out  on
                                                                      entertainment  from  their
                                                                      home land.

                                                                      In  the  1950’s  and  60’s,  Sa-
                                                                      vaneta saw their own open
                                                                      air theater, located in front
                                                                      of  the  Marinier’s  Kazerne
                                                                      (Marine Barracks). This the-
                                                                      ater  was  mostly  visited  by
                                                                      the  neighboring  marines,
                                                                      who  didn’t  have  much
                                                                      entertainment  other  than
                                                                      movies at that time.
            (Oranjestad)—During     the  bia  in  Oranjestad,  which  The  last  and  most  recent
            span  of  over  100  years,  is  now  where  the  Aruban  open  air  theater  was  con-
            Aruba  only  saw  five  open  census  office  is  located.  structed  in  the  form  of  a
            air  movie  theatres.  Now  The  theater  was  simple;  it  drive-in  theater.  A  popular
            practically obsolete on the  only consisted of a screen,  American  concept,  the
            island, these theaters were  and  visitors  had  to  bring  Drive Inn located in Balashi
            once  frequently  visited  by  their  own  chairs  to  enjoy  was a hot spot for teenag-  2012,  but  was  re-opened  later.  Nowadays  you  can
            locals  and  migrants  in  the  the popular silent movies of  ers,  who  had  the  habit  of   during  the  pandemic  in  still  see  the  stacked  con-
            20th century.                the time.                    cramming all their friends in   July  2020,  where  movies  tainers when you drive near
                                                                      one car to go see the mov-   were streamed on a gigan-    the bridge in Balashi.
            The  first  open  air  theater  American  migrants  who  ies.  For  this  phenomenon   tic screen set up in front of
                                                                                                                                 Source: “De kolibrie op de
            was  constructed  in  1920  worked in the refinery and  there was a separate price     stacked  containers.  How-   rots en meer over de geschie-
            and  was  commissioned  lived  in  the  Lago  Colony  that you had to pay called       ever, this nostalgic form of   denis van Aruba” by Evert
            by Shon Eduard (Eddy) de  in  Sero  Colorado  also  had  the “car crash”.              entertainment  did  not  last         Bongers.
            Veer.  This  theater  was  lo-  their  piece  of  the  pie  with                       very  long  as  it  was  closed
            cated at the Hotel Colom-    their  Open  air  Theatre,  This theater closed around    again  only  a  year  or  two

            Visit the historic museum at Fort Zoutman!

            (Oranjestad)—Located  in  When anyone refers to Fort  then-reigning  king  of  The
            the  middle  of  downtown  Zoutman,  they  are  actu-     Netherlands,  Willem  III.  Wil-
            Oranjestad,  situated  right  ally  referring  to  two  sepa-  lem  III  Toren  was  originally
            next  to  the  government  rate buildings that, over the  a light tower, but after a re-
            building “Cocolishi”, is one  years, have been merged:  quest from Lieutenant Gov-
            of  the  oldest  buildings  of  the  fort  and  the  tower.  ernor Jan Helenus in 1866, it
            Aruba:  Fort  Zoutman.  First  That’s right, the iconic 5-sto-  also became a bell tower.
            constructed  in  1796,  this  ry,  squared  tower  was  not  The fort itself was originally
            site  has  been  used  (or  left  part of the original structure  constructed   to   protect
            unused) in many ways and  of  the  fort,  and  is  actually  the  commerce  bay  of
            have  survived  eras  of  war  called  “Willem  III  Toren”.  Paardenbaai  from  pirates  ment center points, includ-  history of Oranjestad, offer-
            and  attempted  disman-      Constructed  in  1867,  this  and   other   disreputable  ing a tax and stamps office.  ing a glance into how the
            tling.                       tower was named after the  characters  roaming  the  For  some  time  these  two  social  culture  of  the  town
                                                                      Caribbean  Sea.  Unlike  the  buildings also housed a po-  came  to  be.  If  you  are  in-
                                                                      Willem  III  Toren,  Fort  Zout-  lice  precinct  and  jail,  and  terested in history and want
                                                                      man  had  a  more  tumul-    even  experienced  aban-     to learn more about Aruba,
                                                                      tuous  past,  including  the  donment  until  the  Cultural  then  Fort  Zoutman  should
                                                                      on-and-off  reception  of  Center  Aruba  Foundation  definitely  be  included  into
                                                                      unwanted members of the  (CCA)  petitioned  for  its  your itinerary.
                                                                      English military several times  renovation  in  1964,  turning  The  museum  is  open  Mon-
                                                                      (The  Netherlands  was  at  the site into the Historic Mu-  day  to  Friday  from  9am-
                                                                      constant war with England  seum it currently is.          6pm,  and  Saturday  from
                                                                      back in the colonial era).   Despite  its  small  size,  The  10am-2pm. q
                                                                      Over the years, both the fort  Historic  Museum  guards  a
                                                                      and  the  tower  had  func-  rich depository of the com-   Source: The Old Fort of Aruba
                                                                      tioned as different govern-  mercial, military and social        by Jan Hartog.
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