Page 7 - IVA
P. 7
CLASSIFIED Tuesday 5 december 2017
Graduate students Oranjestad
protest proposal to Dr. Wijngaarde
Tel. 588 2992
tax tuition waivers San Nicolas
By MARIA DANILOVA Divi Phoenix Divi Phoenix Tel. 584 6427
COLLIN BINKLEY one bedroom unit # 633 sleeps one bedroom 2 full bath room # EMERGENCIA 911
Associated Press up to 6 people week 1 and 2 633 price $4500 for 2 weeks
WASHINGTON (AP) — have 37 weeks left price $37000 call or text 215 9067397
Graduate students around for 2 weeks e-mail
the U.S. are staging cam- ________________________________208196
pus walk-outs and lobby- or call 215 9067397 mrs Lydia POLICE 100
ing Congress in an effort to ________________________________208196 ORANJESTAD 527-3140
keep their tuition waivers For Sale Timeshare STA. CRUZ 527-2900
tax-free. Casa del Mar SAN NICOLAS 584-5000
They have the support of Week 1 + deed 2 bedroom and POLICE TIPLINE 11141
their schools in arguing that 2 bath #1313 Presidential FIRE DEPT. 115
a provision in the House Re- ocean view $ 19.500 FIRE DEPT. 582-1108
publican tax bill could, as HOSPITAL 527-4000
graduate student Shawn DENTAL CLINIC 587-9850
Rhoads says, “upend the ________________________________208200 IMSAN 524-8833
American Ph.D. system.” ASSOCIATED REALTORS RED CROSS 582-2219
Rhoads is pursuing a doc- For Sale
torate in neuroscience at spacious warehouse, in san Women in Difficulties
Georgetown University. He Nicolas, build-up of 281 m2, PHARMACY
worries that if the House tax property land of 1291 m2 Oranjestad:
bill becomes law, his annu- with lots of space for more Eagle Tel. 587 9011
al tax bill would balloon so construction and reduced now to San Nicolas
high that he’d be unable $290,000.00 Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
to make ends meet. call mito at 593 6318
“It’s an outrageous finan- _________________________________208670 INFORMATION 118
cial burden for graduate ASSOCIATED REALTORS TAXI-TAS 587-5900
students,” said Rhoads, 24, For Sale PROF. TAXI 588-0035
who works as a research New house close to the TAXI D.T.S. 587-2300
and teaching assistant at ayo rock Formation with SERVICE AUA 583-3232
the university in the na- 3 bedrooms &1 bathroom A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
tion’s capital. including an apartment for 280-2828
Many schools waive tuition $238,000.00 call mito 593 6318 cruIse sHIP
as a benefit for students ________________________________208670
who work as teaching or ASSOCIATED REALTORS
research assistants while For Sale
pursuing advanced de- family house with three
grees. bedrooms and two bathrooms December 5
Under current rules, it’s not situated at Washington on crown Princess
taxed as income. property land and for $205,000 star breeze
But the House tax bill ap- call mito at 593 6318 Aruba Airport 524-2424
proved in November _________________________________208670 American Airlines 582-2700
would make the amount of Avianca 588-0059
the tuition waiver taxable. Aruba Airlines 583-8300
The Senate’s version would Jet Blue 588-2244
keep the tuition waivers Surinam 582-7896
tax-free. Aruba Foundation
A group of graduate stu- For those Visually Incapasitated
dents from Illinois, North Tel. 582-5051
Carolina, California and AL-ANON group
other states announced Sabana Liber #8, Noord
plans to protest at House Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
Speaker Paul Ryan’s office
in Washington on Tuesday, FUNDACIONS
citing the waiver provision Tel. 582-4433
and other parts of the tax
bill that they say will “dev- Centro Diabetic Arubano
astate higher education.” Tel. 524-8888
Speaking at the Ameri- Narcotics Anonymous
can Enterprise Institute last Tel. 583-8989
week, Republican Rep. QUOTA Club
Kevin Brady of Texas, chair- Tel. 525-2672
man of the House Ways
and Means Committee, Women in Difficulties
said lawmakers were lis- Foundation
tening to supporters of the Tel. 583-5400
waiver provision and that it Bloodbank Aruba
would be addressed when Tel. 587-0002
the House and Senate try
to reconcile their bills.q