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                                                                                                           local Tuesday 16 april 2024

            Discover why Aruba is called “One Happy Island” in Jason Silva’s

            new documentary Blue Lizard Effect”

            premiering April 17th

            During an evening under the  Emmy-nominated filmmaker,
            stars  at  Arikok  Park,  in  the  is at a pivotal moment in his
            presence of special guests,  life and is seeking transfor-
            producers, and participants  mation and a better under-   The  series  consists  of  four  ney of self-discovery and en-
            of the documentary, A.T.A.  standing of the essence of  captivating  episodes  ac-     lightenment.                 Starting  April  17,  2024,  the
            presented  an  exclusive  a happy life. Jason does this  cording to the four natural                                documentary     can    be
            screening of the documen-    in Aruba to discover why it's  elements:                  Episode  3  -  Wind:  Feeling  watched  on  MAX,  as  well
            tary "Blue Lizard Effect". It's a  called The Happy Island. The  Episode 1 - Water: Immersed  the elemental force of the  as  the  Warner  Channel  at
            groundbreaking documen-      happiness of its inhabitants  in the present as Jason Silva  wind as Jason Silva encoun-  8 p.m. for four consecutive
            tary series that delves deep  and how he can learn from  explores the importance of  ters  the  importance  of  air  Tuesdays with a repeat on
            into the fascinating world of  each person he encounters  living on a Caribbean island  in  shaping  Aruba's  identity  Thursdays  at  11:30  a.m.  in
            Aruba from a different angle;  and how this can help him  like  Aruba.  Discover  the  and  its  unique  concept  of  countries  such  as  Colom-
            the series explores the ener-  achieve  personal  transfor-  profound  influence  of  the  happiness. Explore how the  bia,  Aruba,  Ecuador,  Ar-
            getic concept of happiness  mation.  The  documentary  sea on Aruban culture and  island's landscape is shaped  gentina,  Peru,  Chile,  and
            and the profound connec-     features local artists includ-  identity through the eyes of  by the forces of nature, leav-  Venezuela. TNT: 6:00 PM for
            tion that the island's culture,  ing  Daexo  Croes,  Rolly  Bis-  three local individuals who  ing a permanent mark on its  four  consecutive  Tuesdays
            people, and nature provide  lik,  Kyra  Hoeverts,  Nichole  inspire and connect with this  people.                  with a repeat on Mondays
            for it. Aruba is portrayed as  Danser,  Harold  Kelly,  Trudy  elemental force.                                     at 11 a.m. in countries such
            the stage where discussions  Lampe,  Watra,  Armando                                   Episode 4 - Fire: Discovering  as Colombia, Aruba, Chile,
            about  a  happy  life  take  Goedgedrag,  Ethan  Wes-     Episode 2 - Earth: In the Earth  the transformative power of  and  Argentina.  Finally,  on
            place and how to focus on it.  tera, Natusha Croes, Nathaly  episode, Jason Silva immers-  fire as Jason Silva reveals the  Discovery  at  4:30  p.m.  for
                                         de Mey, Ciro Abath, showing  es himself in a quest to rede-  essence of the "Blue Lizard Ef-  four  consecutive  Tuesdays
            Protagonist Jason Silva, a re-  their ways of life, why they  fine happiness as he explores  fect" and its profound impact  with a repeat on Fridays at
            nowned figure in the televi-  feel happier, and how the  the  historical  and  mystical  on Aruba's evolution. Experi-  8:30 a.m. in countries such as
            sion world, known for his sto-  elements  keep  them  alive  origins  of  Aruba.  Through  ence the origin of the island  Argentina, Brazil, Colombia,
            rytelling, speaker at various  and active.                an exploration of the island's  and the spirit of constant and  Ecuador,  Peru,  Venezuela,
            important conferences, and                                past, Silva embarks on a jour-  transformative renewal.   and Chile.q

            Lessons from our elders:

            Plants and fruits for medicinal use (part 2)

            (Oranjestad)—In  last  week’s  edi-  said to be aid blood circulation in  Originated  from  Persia,  this  plant
            tion,  we  shared  with  our  readers  the body, as well as help those with  can  grow  almost  everywhere.  In
            some medicinal use for plants and  hemorrhoids or diarrhea.             Aruba,  there  are  many  homes
            fruits, passed down from our elders  Many of our elders opted to plant  that have a tiny or big pomegran-
            through generations. This week, we  sweet potatoes themselves, mostly  ate  tree.  You  may  be  wondering
            present two more uses of fruits and  because of how easy it was to do  what the difference is between a  In  terms  of  medicinal  use,  pome-
            plants for medicinal use.           so. Cut the end of a sweet potato  small  and  big  pomegranate  tree,  granate  skins  are  said  to  have  a
                                                let it sit in shallow water until it starts  for  which  the  answer  is  based  on  few  benefits  for  our  health.  Ac-
                       Sweet potato             to sprout. Then you may plant it in  harvest  time.  Tiny  trees  produce  cording to customs, pomegranate
            According to our elders, sweet po-  the ground. Sweet potatoes need  tinier  pomegranates  that  can  be  skin tea can help those that suffer
            tato is mostly useful for low blood  plenty of water to grow, especially  harvested early on. Contrarily, big  from diarrhea. Dried pomegranate
            pressure.  People  who  suffer  from  in  the  first  week  in  the  ground.  It  trees  produce  bigger  pomegran-  skin tea is also good for people who
            low  blood  pressure  were  advised  was said that once you start to no-  ates,  but  they  need  enough  time  have worms. Pomegranate flowers
            to eat sweet potato 2 to 3 times a  tice the ground crack underneath  to  fully  ripen  before  harvesting,  can be boiled to make a drink and
            week.  However,  if  you  have  high  the flowers, it is time to harvest. This  otherwise  you  might  end  up  with  this can be used for irritated gums;
            blood pressure, it is best not to eat  should happen around month 3.    bitter  seeds.  Pomegranate  trees  just take a swig and let the tea sit in
            too  much  sweet  potato,  as  this                                     are also very easy to plant. In es-  your mouth for a couple minutes.
            raises blood pressure. Sweet pota-             Pomegranate              sence,  if  you  just  throw  the  seeds  Source: Remedi i Kustumber di nos
            toes are also great for people who  Pomegranates are also one of the  on  the  ground,  they  could  grow  Bieunan  (Medicine  and  Customs
            work hard labor jobs, and it’s been  easier  fruits  to  plant  and  harvest.  into a tree.                 of our Elderly) by Dinah Veeris q
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