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                    Wednesday 5 July 2023

             U.N. nuclear agency endorses Japan’s plan to release treated

             radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean

            By MARI YAMAGUCHI                                                                                                   but tritium, which is insepa-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    rable  from  water.  It  then
            TOKYO (AP) — The U.N. nu-                                                                                           will be diluted by 100 times
            clear  agency  gave  its  en-                                                                                       with  seawater  before  it  is
            dorsement  on  Tuesday  to                                                                                          released. But Haruhiko Ter-
            Japan’s planned release of                                                                                          asawa, head of the Miyagi
            treated radioactive waste-                                                                                          prefectural  fisheries  coop-
            water into the sea from the                                                                                         eratives, said they will con-
            damaged  Fukushima  nu-                                                                                             tinue to oppose the release
            clear plant, saying it meets                                                                                        while concerns remain.
            international    standards                                                                                          “The treated water is not a
            and  its  environmental  and                                                                                        problem  that  ends  after  a
            health  impact  would  be                                                                                           single time or a year of re-
            negligible.                                                                                                         lease,  but  lasts  as  long  as
            The  plan  is  opposed  by                                                                                          30-40 years, so nobody can
            groups in South Korea, Chi-                                                                                         predict  what  might  hap-
            na and some Pacific Island                                                                                          pen,” he told TV Asahi.
            nations  because  of  safety                                                                                        Japan  has  sought  the
            concerns and political rea-                                                                                         IAEA’s  support  to  gain
            sons. Local fishing organiza-                                                                                       credibility  for  the  plan.  Ex-
            tions  are worried  that  their                                                                                     perts from the U.N. agency
            reputation  will  be  dam-                                                                                          and 11 nations have made
            aged  even  if  their  catch   Rafael Mariano Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, left, presents   several trips to Japan since
            isn’t contaminated.          IAEA’s comprehensive report on Fukushima Treated Water Release to Japanese Prime Minister   early  2022  to  examine
            Rafael  Mariano  Grossi,  the   Fumio Kishida, right, at the prime minister’s office Tuesday, July 4, 2023 in Tokyo.   preparations  by  the  gov-
            head  of  the  International                                                                       Associated Press   ernment  and  the  plant’s
            Atomic  Energy  Agency,      ognizes the discharge “has  the  equipment  for  the  dis-  cluding  China,  South  Ko-  operator,  Tokyo  Electric
            submitted  its  final  assess-  raised  societal,  political  charge  are  “in  conformity  rea, the United States and   Power Company Holdings.
            ment  of  the  plan  to  Prime   and  environmental  con-  with  the  agreed  interna-  France, to dispose of water   Some scientists say the im-
            Minister  Fumio  Kishida  on   cerns,  associated  with  the  tional standards and its ap-  containing certain radionu-  pact of long-term, low-dose
            Tuesday.                     radiological aspects.” How-  plication,” Grossi said.     clides from nuclear plants.  exposure  to  radionuclides
            The  report  is  a  “compre-  ever, it concluded that the  He said the dilution of treat-  Much  of  the  Fukushima   remains unknown and urge
            hensive, neutral, objective,   water  release  as  currently  ed but still slightly radioac-  wastewater  contains  ce-  a delay in the release.
            scientifically sound evalua-  planned  “will  have  a  neg-  tive  wastewater  for  grad-  sium  and  other  radionu-  Others  say  the  discharge
            tion,”  Grossi  said.  “We  are   ligible  radiological  impact  ual  release  into  the  sea  is  clides, but it will be filtered   plan  is  safe  but  call  for
            very confident about it.”    on people and the environ-   a  proven  method  widely  further to bring it below in-  more transparency in sam-
            The  report  said  IAEA  rec-  ment.”  Japan’s  plan  and  used  in  other  countries,  in-  ternational standards for all   pling and monitoring.q

             China restricts exports of high-tech metals in a slap at Washington

             ahead of Yellen’s visit

            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China  has  and  other  technology  on  computer  chips  for  mobile
            imposed  export  curbs  on  security grounds. But Beijing  phones,  cars  and  other
            two  metals  used  in  com-  has been slow to retaliate,  products,  as  well  as  solar
            puter chips and solar cells,  possibly to avoid disrupting  panels  and  military  tech-
            expanding a squabble with  China’s  fledgling  develop-   nology.
            Washington over high-tech  ers  of  chips,  artificial  intel-  The  United  States  gets
            trade  ahead  of  Treasury  ligence and other technol-    about half its supply of both
            Secretary  Janet  Yellen’s  ogy.                          metals directly from China,
            visit to Beijing this week.  Yellen is due to arrive Thurs-  according to the U.S. Geo-
            The controls on gallium and  day  as  part  of  efforts  by  logical  Survey.  China  ex-
            germanium  are  intended  the Biden administration to  ported  about  23  metric
            to  “safeguard  national  se-  revive  relations  that  have  tons (25 tons) of gallium last
            curity,”   the   Commerce  plunged  to  their  lowest  year  and  produces  about
            Ministry said late Monday. It  level in decades due to dis-  600  metric  tons  (660  tons)
            said exports will require of-  putes  about  technology,  of germanium per year.
            ficial  permission  once  the  China’s  military  buildup,  The  United  States  has
            rules take effect Aug. 1 but  human  rights  and  other  ir-  blocked Chinese access to
            did not say what restrictions  ritants.                   advanced  chips  and  the
            might be applied.            China is the biggest global  technology  to  manufac-     A Chinese microchip is seen through a microscope set up at
            Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s  source of gallium and ger-   ture them and has persuad-   the booth for the state-controlled Tsinghua Unigroup project
            government  is  frustrated  manium,  which  are  pro-     ed  allies  the  Netherlands   which is aimed at driving China’s semiconductor ambitions
            by U.S. curbs on access to  duced  in  small  amounts  and  Japan  to  limit  exports   during the 21st China Beijing International High-tech Expo in
            advanced processor chips  but  are  needed  to  make  of chipmaking tools.q            Beijing, China, on May 17, 2018.
                                                                                                                                           Associated Press
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