Page 60 - KPA AUG 27,2015
P. 60
Lila de Cuba di Aruba Caribbean Cargo a sostene e
Di 6 Aruba Caribbean Cargo/Arumia Logistics Taekwondo Cup 2016
ORANJESTAD(AAN): Lila carga situa na Doral Miami gistics Aruba na Brazil Tae- niza den Luna di September bon comienzo bek y pa asina
de Cuba di Aruba Caribbean a contribui pa di 6 biaha con- kwondo Stichting. Tur aña e net despues cu school habri wak si nan por clasifica ainda
Cargo cu su warehouse di secutivo hunto cu Arumia Lo- campeonato ta wordo orga- pa e muchanan por haya un pa Best of the Best.
Aruba Caribbean Cargo/Aru-
BibaÊcadaÊmomento Cumana # 76 mia Logistics Taekwondo
The family of the late Anchie/ Blue Mack in grateful ap- Tel: (297) 588-6699 Cup ta wordo organiza dia
preciation wishes to thank everyone who extended words 19 di September na Centro
of encouragement, comfort, prayers and (297) 593-0857 di Bario Brazil y e schoolnan
other expressions of love and concern dur- Invitashon cu ta competi por bringa pa e
ing the passing away of our beloved Pa medio di esaki rumannan y demás famiata invita pa Best Team Cup y hopi premio
asisti na un santo sacrificio di misa pa recorda mas. Brazil Taekwondo Stich-
Clarence Andre Mc Bene Courtar 3 luna di fayecimentoy alaves fecha natal di nos difunto ting su team pa e Best Team
stima:. Cup lo wordo publica dia cu
Special thanks to all family, friends, Nos Clifford Rasmijn ta bek na
cu Nos Bikers, acquintances, those who telephone, visited, Cecily Julaina Canhigh Aruba.
gave words of comfort. Maybe you did it with a kind word, Nos Brazil Taekwondo Stich-
handshake or your presence at the wake one thing forsure Diasabra 29 augustus 2015 pa 7’or di anochina Misa ting ta sumamente contento
it did not go unnoticed. Sagrado Curazon na Savaneta. cu e gesto aki di señora Lila
Boso presencia lo ta altamente aprecia de Cuba di Aruba Caribbean
Fam. Mc Bene Courtar Cargo cu su contribucion un
biaha mas na Brazil Taekwon-
Bernhardstraat 134-136 - San Nicolas - Tel 584 8888 do Stichting pa e di 6 aña.
Avenida E.J. ÒWattyÓ Vos 44 - Oranjestad - Tel 5820000 Teclado di computer
y adapter
ISSE ENTERPRISES N.V. d.b.a. ALL SAFETY WEAR Diamars mainta 9 or polis di
The owners, staff and management of Playa a bay Lagoenweg na
Gastech Aruba N.V. wish to express Wish to express their deepest condolences to Casino Wezen unda articulo-
their most heartfelt sympathies to the the friends, family and nan a keda atras cu probable-
family, friends and management and Valero colleagues of: mente lo ta di ladronicia.
personnel of Valero Aruba Refining Nan a topa cu un teclado di
Company, with the sudden passing way Mr. Robert (Bob) Bauermeister computer pc marca Dell, y
of our esteemed Valero colleague and un adapter preto. E trahador-
He was an exemplary Aruba resident, great nan a bisa di no sa di unda
friend: professional, nice and kind person and esakinan a bin. Polis a con-
a very capable member of Valero’s fisca e articulonan aki.
Mr. Robert Bauermeister (r.i.p) management team.
A mira
former Director of Supply Chain We will miss him cacho cu
Execution banchi ros
riba caya
Den Ruby a wordo controla
relaciona cu cacho cu ta cana
riba caya y a mira un cacho
cu un banchi roos riba caya
publico. Ora a acerca e cacho
esaki a bay na cierto adres y
polis a laga tas un advertencia
y un flyer pa e doño. Nan lo
controla den 24 ora atrobe.
He will be missed! We wish his Valero colleagues, his many
friends in Aruba and in particular his family,
May God provide him with eternal
peace. great strength in this moment of grief.
May Bob rest in Peace