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SPORTS Thursday 16 February 2023
MLB’s spring training a test run for new rule changes
By DAVID BRANDT first day of spring training.
AP Sports Writer That might lead to some
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) irritated players and awk-
— Spring training games ward moments during late
might be a little ugly this February’s spring training
year, particularly during the games.
first few weeks. Former big league pitcher
For Major League Baseball, Joe Martinez, who is MLB’s
that’s a feature, not a bug. vice president for on-field
The Grapefruit and Cactus strategy, demonstrated
League games in Florida some of the logistics on
and Arizona over the next Tuesday at Talking Stick
month will be used as a Field, spring training home
petri dish for the sport’s rule of the Arizona Diamond-
changes, including a pitch backs and Colorado Rock-
clock, bigger bases and ies. He also detailed some
limits to infield shifts. The of the technology that will
idea is that the worst kinks be used to make the new
will be worked out before pitch clock system happen,
opening day on March 30. including buzzers for um-
Though there’s multiple pires, which vibrate when a
innovations, one stands pitcher has run out of time.
above the rest. The new, larger base is seen with the older, smaller base at Salt River Field Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023, Here are some other up-
“The pitch timer is by far in Scottsdale, Ariz. dates as MLB camps get
the biggest change that’s Associated Press going in Florida and Arizo-
coming this season,” said na.
MLB executive vice presi- following the introduction when runners are on base. the previous year, then de- MLB said it’s looking for-
dent Morgan Sword said of the PitchCom electronic Some pitchers particularly clined to 407 in 1989 and ward to a season without
Tuesday. “Frankly, it’s prob- device to signal pitches, relievers have funky idio- 288 in 1990. The total has COVID-19 as a main con-
ably the biggest change down from a record 3:10 in syncrasies in their deliveries been under 200 annually cern. The past three sea-
that’s been made to base- 2021. Sword said MLB’s re- and never come to a com- since 1989 and was 122 last sons have at least been
ball in most of our lifetimes.” search indicates fans pre- plete stop before deliever- year. partially affected by the vi-
The pitch clock has been fer games that are around ing a pitch. Sword said many MLB play- rus, which shut down spring
tested for a few years at the 2:30. That’s technically a balk, ers who spent time in the training during March 2020.
minor league level. Pitch- The pitch clock’s effect but umpires usually let minors during 2022 grew No fans were allowed to
ers will have 15 seconds on minor league games those tics slide. to appreciate the clock, attend games during the
to deliver their pitch with in 2022 was substantial. A complete stop with no even though there was an shortened 2020 regular
no runners on base and 20 Games that used the clock movement becomes more adjustment period. He said season and attendance
seconds when runners are were, on average, 25 min- significant because the most players needed a few was severely curtailed at
on base. There will be 30 utes shorter than those that pitch clock operator turns weeks to a month to get many parks through much
seconds between batters did not. off the clock once the used to the changes, which of 2021, when the aver-
and 2 minutes, 15 seconds “Fans want a crisper pace,” pitcher’s motion toward is about the length of spring age crowd was 18,901. Last
between innings. Sword said. the plate begins. training’s game schedule. year’s average of 26,843
MLB games averaged 3 Sword said umpires will be Balks rose to 924 during a Sword said the rule chang- was down 5.3% from 2019’s
hours, 4 minutes last season watching for more balks 1988 crackdown from 356 es will be “full go” from the 28,339. q
Kanaan to make final start at Indy 500 before retiring again
By MICHAEL MAROT a video shot at Indianapo- May until August and then
AP Sports Writer lis Motor Speedway as the ran with no fans in the
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Tony highlight calls fade away. seats, Kanaan didn’t think it
Kanaan, the 2013 India- “I will still have the pleasure was the proper way to say
napolis 500 champ, said to drive through the bricks goodbye.
Wednesday he will com- one last time. Thank you So he returned in 2021 and
pete in IndyCar’s biggest all and I’ll see you on race then in January 2022 an-
race this May before retir- day.” nounced he would return
ing again. For one of the series’ most again that season, too, this
The 48-year-old Brazilian popular, most successful time as a teammate of sev-
made the announcement and longest-tenured driv- en-time Cup champ Jim-
on Twitter. ers, this is becoming part of mie Johnson on the power-
He is scheduled to appear an annual ritual. house Chip Ganassi Racing
at a news conference in He first announced that team.
Indianapolis later Wednes- 2020 would be his last “Last While Johnson finished
day as part of the 100-day Lap” season as series of- 28th in his first 500, at age
countdown to this year’s ficials created a special 46, Kanaan revved up the
500. The race is May 28. logo for his five-race fare- crowd by qualifying sixth,
Tony Kanaan, of Brazil, watches during qualifications for the “It’s been a wonderful in- well tour. But when the CO- finishing third and refiring
Indianapolis 500 auto race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, credible journey, but it’s VID-19 pandemic forced his hopes of coming back
May 21, 2022, in Indianapolis.
Associated Press not done yet,” he said in the 500 to be moved from once more in 2023.q