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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 5 January 2021
            EU rejects criticism for slow vaccine rollout across bloc

            By SAMUEL PETREQUIN                                                                                                 philosophy was to diversify
            Associated Press                                                                                                    our portfolio, not to put all
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  The Euro-                                                                                        our eggs in one basket.”
            pean  Commission  defend-                                                                                           De  Keersmaecker  said  the
            ed its coronavirus vaccina-                                                                                         contract  with  Moderna
            tion strategy Monday amid                                                                                           provides  for  an  initial  pur-
            growing  criticism  in  mem-                                                                                        chase  of  80  million  doses
            ber  states  about  the  slow                                                                                       on behalf of all EU nations
            rollout  of  COVID-19  shots                                                                                        but  that  the  commission
            across the region of 450 mil-                                                                                       intends  to  use  its  option
            lion inhabitants.                                                                                                   to request a further 80 mil-
            Vaccinations  programs  in                                                                                          lion  doses  once  the  vac-
            the  27  nation-bloc  have                                                                                          cine is approved. With the
            gotten  off  to  a  slow  start                                                                                     Pfizer-BioNTech   vaccine,
            and  some  EU  members                                                                                              the commission has an op-
            have been quick to blame                                                                                            tion for an extra 100 million
            the  EU’s  executive  arm  for                                                                                      doses that will bring the to-
            a  perceived  failure  of  de-                                                                                      tal to 300 million shots. Both
            livering  the  right  amount                                                                                        vaccines require two shots
            of doses. In Finland, health                                                                                        to  be  fully  effective.  The
            authorities  are  reportedly                                                                                        Commission  added  with-
            unhappy  that  the  coun-                                                                                           out elaborating that it is in
            try  only  received  about                                                                                          negotiation with Pfizer and
            40,000 doses in December,    A nurse prepares a vaccine prior to the vaccination of elderly people at a nursing house in Athens,   BioNTech for the purchase
            instead of the 300,000 that   Monday, Jan. 4, 2021.                                                                 of additional doses
            were expected.                                                                                     Associated Press  The slow rollout of vaccines
            Facing a barrage of ques-    EU has sealed six vaccines  ing  “has  not  concluded  the  vaccine  producers  of  has  sparked  widespread
            tions on vaccines during a  contracts,  with  Moderna,  today”  and  would  con-       their  choice.  “Ultimately,  disappointment     across
            news conference, EU Com-     AstraZeneca,  Sanofi-GSK,  tinue Wednesday. It said it  these vaccines have to be  the bloc. The cautious ap-
            mission   spokesman    Eric  Janssen    Pharmaceutica  wouldn’t comment further.       produced,  delivered,  and  proach has seen just a few
            Mamer said the main prob-    NV,  Pfizer-BioNTech  and  Mamer  also  clarified  the  some of the logistic chains  hundred  people  vacci-
            lem  with  the  deployment  CureVac. But only the Pfiz-   role  of  the  commission  in  involved  are  very  sophisti-  nated  in  France  after  the
            of  vaccination  programs  er-BioNTech  vaccine  has  securing  contracts  with  cated,” Mamer said, insist-        first  week,  while  the  Dutch
            “is  an  issue  of  production  been  approved  for  use  so  potential  drug  makers.  He  ing  that  vaccination  pro-  government  faced  criti-
            capacity, an issue that ev-  far in the 27-nation bloc.   said  the  executive’s  arm  grams  have  just  started,  cism for its late start in deliv-
            erybody is facing.”          The  European  Medicines  “acted  as  an  investor”  to  and  that  the  big  deliver-  ering vaccinations, lagging
            “We  have  actually  signed  Agency’s  human  medi-       provide  funding  to  phar-  ies  of  doses  are  foreseen  well  behind  many  other
            contracts  that  would  al-  cines committee met Mon-     maceutical      companies  around  April.  Asked  why  EU  nations.  Consequently,
            low  member  states  to  get  day to discuss the Moderna  developing  vaccines.  The  the  Commission  did  not  the  Dutch  health  ministry
            access  to  2  billion  doses,  vaccine, but didn’t issue a  goal was to speed up pro-  buy more doses of the Pfiz-  said  it  is  bringing  forward
            largely  enough  to  vacci-  recommendation  for  it  to  duction capacities and re-   er/BioNTech  vaccine,  Ste-  the  start  of  vaccinations
            nate  the  whole  of  the  EU  be given the green light for  search,  with  all  EU  nations  fan  de  Keersmaecker,  the  by  two  days,  with  the  first
            population,” he said.        use  in  the  EU.  The  agency  free  to  decide  how  many  Commission’s health policy  shots  being  administered
            As  part  of  its  strategy,  the  tweeted  that  the  meet-  doses they would buy from  spokesman, said the “main  Wednesday.q

            Alberta leader reverses course, punishes for pandemic travel

            By ROB GILLIES               of his government after he  Thursday  after  being  or-
            Associated Press             said  he  learned  of  travel  dered  home  by  Ontario
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Alber-     abroad  by  a  number  of  Conservative Premier Doug
            ta’s  premier  has  reversed  people in his government.   Ford.
            course  and  is  now  punish-  “Over the weekend I have  Federal opposition Conser-
            ing members of his govern-   listened  to  Albertans  who  vative  Senate  leader  Don
            ment  for  vacationing  out-  are  sending  a  clear  mes-  Plett also traveled to Mexi-
            side  Canada  despite  gov-  sage  that  they  want  real  co on Dec. 28 for personal
            ernment  guidelines  urging  consequences,”     Kenney  reasons, a spokesperson for
            people to avoid nonessen-    tweeted Monday.              his office said in an email.
            tial  travel  during  the  pan-  Politicians travelling abroad  “Senator  Plett  travelled  to
            demic.                       for  vacations  during  the  Mexico on December 28th,
            Premier Jason Kenney said  pandemic  became  a  big  upon  arrival  he  reflected
            Monday he asked his chief  story  in  Canada  last  week  on  his  decision  to  travel
            of  staff  to  resign  and  ac-  after it became known that  and immediately made ar-
            cepted  the  resignation  of  Ontario’s  finance  minister  rangements to return home   This  June  9,  2015  file  photo  shows  then-Canadian  Defence
            his  Municipal  Affairs  minis-  went  to  the  luxury  Carib-  on  December  31st,”  the   Minister Jason Kenney in Warsaw, Poland.
            ter. Several other members  bean  island  of  St.  Barts  for  statement said.                                                  Associated Press
            of  his  United  Conservative  weeks and seemingly tried  Before  he  traveled,  Plett
            party  have  also  been  de-  to hide the fact by sending  posted a video message on  us to change some of those  da’s  Conservative  leader
            moted for travelling outside  social media posts showing  twitter where he tells Cana-  traditions, since we cannot  said  federal  conservative
            Canada.                      him  in  a  sweater  before  a  dians this Christmas will be  travel  and  gather  as  we  party lawmakers were told
            Kenney  said  last  week  he  fireplace.                  different this year because  normally would.”             not to travel before the hol-
            would not punish members  Rod  Phillips  resigned  last  “the pandemic has forced  A  spokesperson  for  Cana-      idays. q
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