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Diabierna, 19 Februari 2021                                  AWEMainta                                                                       7


         Entrada di conservacion

        valido ta rekeri pa acesa                                                              PUBLIC AUCTION

          Parke Nacional Arikok                                               THURSDAY March 11, 2021

                                                                                On Thursday March 11 , 2021 at 11am, at the Conference Room of the
                                                                                Chamber of Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public pursuant to art.
                                                                                3:268 and 3:254 Civil Code of Aruba:

                                                                                An apartment complex, locally known as

                                                                                                 ROOI SANTO 26

                                                                                situated on a right of long lease until November 3  2040, in total approx.
                                                                                800 m2 in size, situated at Rooi Santo in Aruba, recorded in the Title
                                                                                Registry of Aruba as Second Division Section C number 694.

                                                                                Rooi Santo 26 and Bubali 6-D will be auctioned together for a total price
                                                                                of Afl. 3.000.000,-- If there are no offers for the combined properties, the
                                                                                reserve price for this property will be Afl. 1.100.000,--

                                                                                A residential house, locally known as

       DURANTE e  inicio  di  Covid-19,  naturalesa  a  bira                                   BOEGOEROEI 20-A
       un di e fuentenan mas bishita p’asina comunidad por
       a  relaha  y  alabes  aprecia  e  bunitesa  diverso  di  nos             situated on a right of long lease until April 17  2030, in total 600 m2 in
       naturalesa.  Debi n’e situacion di Covid-19, control                     size, situated at Boegoeroei in Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of
       stricto no tabata ser ehecuta na Parke Nacional Arikok,                  Aruba as First Division Section L number 702.
       pero Park Rangers lo cuminsa efectua  e controlnan
       stricto entrante 20 di februari proximo cuminsando cu                    Starting bid: Afl. 449.000,--
       e areanan mas popular: Daimari, Shete, Conchi, San
       Fuego, Jamanota, Sabana Basora, Butucu y Vader Piet.                     ___________________________________________________

                                                                                A residential house, locally known as
       Cu e introduccion di e Decreto Ministerial di 2009,
       Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba a inicia cu e entrada
       di conservacion pa Parke Nacional Arikok desde prome                              DRIEMASTERSTRAAT 60
       di november 2010. Durante e añanan a sa di expande e
       opcionan na diferente categoria di participacion.                        situated on a right of long lease until September 3 , 2047, 600 m2 in
       Actualmente e structura di entrada di conservacion ta                    size, situated at Ponton in Aruba, recorded in the Title Registry of Aruba
       Afl. 5.00 pa persona local, muchanan bou di 18 aña                       as First Division Section K number 1183.
       di edad ta completamente gratis. Adicionalmente, tin
       e opcion pa saca un miembrecia anual pa Afl. 30.00                       Starting bid: Afl. 194.800,--
       of tin otro categorianan aplicabel, unda bishitantenan
       local  por disfruta 1 aña largo di nos naturalesa. Pa                    _____________________________________________
       ricibi e tarifanan menciona, un ID valido ta rekeri na
       momento di compra.                                                       AUCTION NOTARY: Th.R. JOHNSON

       Durante  e  fin  di  siman  nos  dilanti,  nos  ta  avisa  tur        •   The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
                                                                                 special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary Th.R.
       persona cu ta desea di bishita Parke Nacional Arikok                      Johnson.
       pa cumpra nan entrada di conservacion di anterior of lo               •   Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at its sole discretion.
       por haci esaki mainta tempran diasabra of diadomingo                  •   The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
       entrante 5:30 di mainta. Nos team di sales lo ta cla pa               •   Each bidder must submit a bank guarantee and/or letter of credit issued by a
       juya y duna tur informacion necesario na nos Centro di                    bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal
       Bishitante situa na San Fuego.                                            to the auction costs.
       Na peticion di nos bishitantenan cu ta desea di saca nan              •   A signed and dated private bid can be submitted until February 25 , 2021, 5
                                                                                 PM. A bidding form can be downloaded on our website.
       miembrecia anual online, nos ta dirigi un y tur pa nos
       pagina  di Facebook: Aruba National  Park, caminda                                            For more information:
       e prome post tin tur instruccion p’asina completa  e
       miembrecia anual online.                                                  WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
       FPNA ta encurasha tur bishitante pa yuda nos conserva
       e areanan natural por medio di recrea na un manera
       responsabel y sostenibel.
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