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Tuesday 9 april 2024
Why You Should Not Miss Aruba’s Free City Center Street Car Tour
ORANJESTAD - Aruba’s battery-powered streetcar land’s clear blue skies. Who
City Center Street Car - operation at the Grove in would not enjoy a ride on
or as we call it in Dutch; Los Angeles, USA. Aruba’s this beautiful and naturally
“Tram van Oranjestad’ - is streetcars are powered by air-conditioned vehicle?
a single track tram line in hydrogen fuel cells, which The tour consists of a total
Oranjestad, the capital are charged by the island’s of 9 stops approximately
city of Aruba. It was inau- year-round trade winds. 200 meters apart from each
gurated on 22 December other; all stops are clearly
2012, being the first and so Caya Betico Croes, mostly marked. The tram will bring
far the only passenger rail referred to as our “main you close to different mu-
service on Aruba and the street” has been devel- seums, historical plazas,
rest of the Dutch Caribbe- oped into a pollution-free monuments, the Protestant
an. There are two trolleys, pedestrian mall. The dou- church, Aruba’s high- end
a single-deck one with 42 ble-decker offers you a 360 mall, retail shops, and a va-
seats and a double-decker degree view of the down riety of local and interna-
with 64 seats. The line was town area with a picture tional cuisine restaurants.
inspired by the popular perfect scenery of the is- The “I love Aruba” trade-
mark also belongs to that am sharp with intervals of tour of the beautiful Aru-
list. The third stop on the 25minutes. The last trolley ba’s City Center– it is free
route is close to a 5-minute departs from the cruise port for all! q
walk to the famous Renais- at 5:00pm. Don’t miss this
sance Marina showcasing
luxurious yachts and Aru-
ba’s blue waters.
The “Tram van Oranjestad”
starts from a balloon loop
near the Port of Call and
serves the downtown area
and ends at Plaza Nicky.
The first ride starts at 10:00
Episode CXV 115 - Archaeological Collection
Our island experiences as imagine a time when hunt- dwelling used mud, straw
never before an enormous ing mega fauna was a way and tree trunks. Also during
challenges in keeping its of life on main land South the Neolithic period, they
cultural authenticity intact America todays Venezuela, continued to make stone
in fighting back neolib- going back atleast 30.000 instruments and tools, but
eral progressive incursions Yrs. People that came from these where smoothly pol-
when it comes to the pro- the North crossing Meso ished. As raw materials, flint
tection its historical archi- American and island hop- and quartzite known as
tecture, archaeological ping to reach here. The chert and granite will be
sites and objects of tangi- Neolithic or the New Stone used, and two new materi-
ble and intangible cultural era, was a term coined by als will appear: diabas and
heritage significance. J. Lubbock in 1865 to refer basalt.
to the cultural stage that
We at Etnia Nativa exclaim developed from around The Neolithic period im-
for conscious consideration 10,000 BCE until 3,000 BCE. plied a gradual not sud-
and share awareness by ficking between islands shells and possibly rock art. There is no doubt that the den cultural change, it’s
showing its archaeological and the mail land, who sur- It is indicative that family Neolithic was and is one of divided into stages ac-
salvage collection of past vived on hunting and gath- groups where organized in the most decisive stages in cording to the level of so-
destructions that otherwise ering, while the Neolithic matriarchal clans, sustain- our long history. phistication achieved in
have been lost forever. Ob- community that followed ing themselves by hunting, agriculture, architecture
jects belonging to different consisted also of sea going fishing and gathering of The sedentary society and ceramics.
time periods of our island`s tribes , but dominating the fruits and shell fish. They fol- of the Neolithic period
prehistorical heritage, Pa- art of ceramics while be- lowed the stars and where builded neibourhoods us- To get to know more over
leolithic as well as the Neo- ing an agro- sedentary so- engaged in cultural artistic ing branches and straw to Aruba’s and its origins, its
lithic era. There are great ciety. The material legacy ceremonial activities. cover the roofs of houses animals and culture, we
differences between one of our Paleolithic societies by placing a layer of mud highly recommend you to
another. includes human as well as When we talk about Paleo on top of the straw to give book your visit for our re-
animal boney materials, lithic people visited Aru- it more consistency against nowned cultural encoun-
Nomadic Paleolithic traf- ivory, horns, works in stone, ba we should consider to the elements .Walls of ter session has been enter-
taining curious participants
for decades. Mail us at et-
Article by: Etnia Nativa or
WhatsApp +297 592-2702
Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book to confirm your participa-
your Aruban exprerience tion. Our facilities and ac-
Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels tivities take place close to
high rise hotels.q