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                    Monday 4 January 2021

            Fauci: Vaccinations are ramping up in a `glimmer of hope’

            By GARY D. ROBERTSON                                                                                                tributed to clinics, hospitals
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and  other  places  where
            The  U.S.  ramped  up  CO-                                                                                          they  will  be  administered,
            VID-19  vaccinations  in  the                                                                                       according to Fauci.
            past few days after a slow-                                                                                         The  20  million-dose  goal
            er-than-expected      start,                                                                                        hasn't  been  reached  in
            bringing  the  number  of                                                                                           part  because  local  health
            shots dispensed to about 4                                                                                          departments  and  medi-
            million, government health                                                                                          cal facilities had to stay fo-
            officials said Sunday.                                                                                              cused on testing to handle
            Dr. Anthony Fauci, the na-                                                                                          a  surge  in  cases,  U.S.  Sur-
            tion's top infectious-disease                                                                                       geon General Jerome Ad-
            expert,  also  said  on  ABC's                                                                                      ams said. And the holiday
            "This  Week"  that  President-                                                                                      season meant health work-
            elect  Joe  Biden's  pledge                                                                                         ers were taking time off, he
            to  administer  100  million                                                                                        said.
            shots of the vaccine within                                                                                         "I  don't  want  anyone  to
            his first 100 days in office is                                                                                     think  I'm  being  Pollyannish
            achievable.                                                                                                         here.  There's  what  we  de-
            And  he  rejected  President                                                                                        livered, and we hope that
            Donald Trump's false claim                                                                                          those  will  be  translated
            on Twitter that coronavirus                                                                                         into vaccinations. That has
            deaths  and  cases  in  the                                                                                         not  occurred  to  the  way
            U.S. have been greatly ex-   A woman receives a coronavirus vaccine from medical staff at a COVID-19 vaccination center in   that we would like," Adams
            aggerated.                   Ramat Gan, Israel, Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021.                                               said on CNN's "State of the
            "All you need to do ... is go                                                                      Associated Press  Union."
            into  the  trenches,  go  into  cording  to  data  compiled  Garcetti  said  the  pan-  Experts  believe  that  the  On Sunday morning, Trump
            the hospitals, go into the in-  by Johns Hopkins University,  demic  is  getting  worse  in   real numbers of U.S. deaths  falsely  tweeted  that  the
            tensive care units and see  while  more  than  20  million  his city as the virus spreads   and  infections  are  much  outbreak  has  been  "far
            what  is  happening.  Those  people  nationwide  have  rapidly  within  households     higher  and  that  many  exaggerated"         because
            are real numbers, real peo-  been infected. States have  and people let their guard    cases  were  overlooked,  in  of  the  Centers  for  Disease
            ple and real deaths," Fauci  reported  record  numbers  down with news of a vac-       part because of insufficient  Control and Prevention's "ri-
            said  on  NBC's  "Meet  the  of cases over the past few  cine's arrival. "This is a virus   testing.  Fauci  said  he  has  diculous" methodology. He
            Press."                      days, and funeral homes in  that preys off of our weak-   seen "some little glimmer of  complained, too, that Fau-
            The  U.S.  death  toll  has  Southern California are be-  ness,  preys  off  of  our  ex-  hope" after 1.5 million dos-  ci  has  been  credited  by
            climbed  past  350,000,  the  ing inundated with bodies.  haustion,"  he  said  on  CBS'   es were administered in the  the news media with doing
            most  of  any  country,  ac-  Los  Angeles  Mayor  Eric  "Face the Nation."            previous 72 hours, or an av-  "an  incredible  job"  when
                                                                                                   erage of about 500,000 per  Fauci  "works  for  me  and
                                                                                                   day, a marked increase in  the  Trump  Administration,
                                                                                                   vaccinations.  He  said  that  and I am in no way given
                                                                                                   brings the total to about 4  any credit for my work."
                                                                                                   million.                     Fauci and others are warn-
                                                                                                   He acknowledged the U.S.  ing that an additional surge
                                                                                                   fell short of its goal of hav-  is likely because of holiday
                                                                                                   ing 20 million doses shipped  gatherings  and  the  cold
                                                                                                   and distributed by the end  weather  keeping  people
                                                                                                   of December.                 indoors.
                                                                                                   "There have been a couple  "It could and likely will get
                                                                                                   of  glitches.  That's  under-  worse in the next couple of
                                                                                                   standable," Fauci said. "We  weeks, or at least maintain
                                                                                                   are not where we want to  this  very  terribly  high  level
                                                                                                   be, there's no doubt about  of  infections  and  deaths
                                                                                                   that."                       that  we're  seeing,"  Fauci
                                                                                                   But he expressed optimism  said.
                                                                                                   that  the  momentum  will  Arizona  on  Sunday  report-
                                                                                                   pick  up  by  mid-January  ed  a  one-day  record  of
                                                                                                   and that ultimately the U.S.  more than 17,200 new cas-
                                                                                                   will be vaccinating 1 million  es,  eclipsing  the  previous
                                                                                                   people a day. Biden's "goal  mark  of  about  12,000  set
                                                                                                   of  vaccinating  100  million  in early December. Health
                                                                                                   people in the first 100 days  officials  said  the  jump  ap-
                                                                                                   is  a  realistic  goal,"  Fauci  pears  to  reflect  infections
                                                                                                   said.                        from  Christmas  gatherings
                                                                                                   Dr. Moncef Slaoui, the chief  but  was  also  probably  in-
                                                                                                   science  adviser  to  Opera-  flated  by  a  reporting  lag
                                                                                                   tion Warp Speed, the gov-    over New Year's weekend.
                                                                                                   ernment's  vaccine  devel-   North  Carolina  and  Texas
                                                                                                   opment  and  distribution  reported  record  numbers
                                                                                                   effort,  told  CBS  that  17.5  of  people  in  the  hospital
                                                                                                   million  doses  have  been  with  COVID-19  —  nearly
                                                                                                   shipped.  About  13  million  3,600  and  over  12,500,
                                                                                                   of  those  have  been  dis-  respectively..q
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