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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 7 september 2022

            Large amount of patients per general practitioner becoming a

            problem for General Health Insurance in Aruba

            ORANJESTAD  –  As  they                                                                                             are  available  to  help  the
            had  been  doing  for  a  few                                                                                       person on the phone or in
            months,  last  July  the  as-                                                                                       person  at  their  offices  in
            sociation  of  general  prac-                                                                                       Rumbastraat.
            titioners  of  Aruba  (HAVA)
            called  attention  to  the                                                                                          “What’s  important  is  that
            huge  amount  of  patients                                                                                          once  you  have  the  AZV
            that each of them has un-                                                                                           app, we make sure to give
            der  their  care,  highlight-                                                                                       you  notifications  in  case
            ing  the  problem  that  Aru-                                                                                       there  is  any  information
            ba  doesn’t  have  enough                                                                                           from  AZV,  we  publish  it  on
            general  practitioners,  and                                                                                        the  app.  We  are  happy
            each of them has an aver-                                                                                           with this and we hope that
            age of 2,300 patients under                                                                                         more clients will download
            their care.                                                                                                         the app”, she said.

            In  a  press  release,  HAVA                                                                                        Regarding medical care, in
            points  out  that  in  order  to                                                                                    case a client feels that they
            make  sure  that  the  pa-                                                                                          are not receiving sufficient
            tient can receive the qual-                                                                                         care when they are suffer-
            ity of care that the patient  larly for patients when they  come  closer  to  each  oth-  development  in  their  AZV  ing from illness or injury, AZV
            needs  from  their  family  say  they  want  to  change  er, to continue talking and  phone app, called ‘Digital  will  look  into  it,  according
            doctor,  stakeholders  need  doctors.                     discussing  the  issue  of  the  zorg pas’, where the clients  to AZV’s director, Edwin Ja-
            to work together to realize  AZV  allows  this,  there  are  amount  of  patients  reg-  can have their health insur-  cobs.
            a quantity of patients that  options  for  example  when  istered  for  each  general  ance  card  from  AZV  in  a
            the  general  practitioner  a person changes their ad-    practitioner.  This  issue  has  digital  format.  According  “If you can find a better so-
            can handle in a sustainable  dress  from  San  Nicolas  to  our  attention,  and  we  are  to  Tchong,  currently  they  lution abroad, it means we
            manner.                      Playa, but it remains a chal-  even trying to find a possi-  have  66,000  clients  regis-  will  send  you  abroad.  But
                                         lenge because the general  bility to organize this in a dif-  tered. They also have par-  mainly it is a specialist that
            “HAVA’s  general  practitio-  practitioners  are  not  easily  ferent way, making it more  ents  who  have  registered  gives  the  order  to  send  a
            ners want to reach a situa-  found. Tchong assured that  efficient  and  maybe  even  their  children.  She  said  patient  abroad  for  excep-
            tion where the primary care  AZV is aware of the issue.   more  helpful  for  AZV’s  cli-  they  also  have  a  service  tional cases, where the cli-
            system  is  not  overloaded,                              ents”, Tchong commented.  for  older  adults,  who  are  ents  make  the  request  to
            so  that  they,  as  specialists  “Together  with  HAVA  we                            not  very  skilled  with  their  go  abroad  and  they  go”,
            in  their  field  of  work,  can  are  trying  every  time  to  AZV  has  been  showing  smartphone,  where  they  he said.q
            provide the best care pos-
            sible.  The  experience  right
            now is that because of the
            expansion  of  the  amount
            of  care  being  requested,
            additional   administrative
            responsibilities   and   de-
            mands  for  quality,  there  is
            not  enough  time  for  each
            patient to receive the care
            that  they  deserve.  This  is
            alarming and HAVA is ask-
            ing for attention to be paid
            to this issue.”

            The  doctors  association
            also  indicated  that  “only
            together  we  can  arrive  to
            a  durable  situation  with
            the  goal  of  improving  our
            healthcare in Aruba, where
            all parties involved will ben-

            Regarding  this  develop-
            ment,  PR  for  the  General
            Health  Insurance  AZV,  So-
            lange  Tchong,  during  an
            interview  expressed  that
            general  practitioners  re-
            main  as  a  challenge,  be-
            cause  there  are  many  of
            them that are at full capac-
            ity, limited availability, and
            this is a challenge particu-
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