Page 8 - AHATA
P. 8

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 1 March 2022

            Andy Osborne retires from formal work and ATSA

            ORANJESTAD  -  The  retire-  past years Paradise Beach  and  roadside  cleanups
            ment  of  hotelier  Andy  Os-  Villas,  shoulder  to  shoulder  and  the  Security  Founda-
            born  was  announced  re-    with Freddy Albertus.        tion.
            cently at the ATSA meeting,
            the Aruba Timeshare Asso-    Andy was the first president  Andy  announced  he  was
            ciation, held at La Cabana  of  the  Aruba  Timeshare  retiring  from  formal  work
            Beach Resort & Casino.       Association,  as  it  was  just  but not from fun. It was an
                                         formed.                      absolute  pleasure  to  serve
            The meeting was attended  In his own words, the time-     the association, he said, but
            by  the  Minister  of  Tourism  share resorts felt they were  he will from now on direct
            and  Public  Health,  mem-   contributing  to  the  hotel  his  attention  to  a  number
            bers  of  the  Aruba  Time-  association  at  the  time,  of  community  projects  re-
            share   Association,   also  1997,  but  had  no  voice  in  lated  to  the  elderly.  Mem-
            present  Ursell  M.  Arends,  many major decisions. That  ber  of  ATSA  offered  Andy
            the Minister of Integrity, Na-  ‘taxation without represen-  a  lifelong  membership  in
            ture,  Transport  and  Elderly  tation’ propelled the time-  the  association:  “Stop  in
            Care  and  Endy  Croes,  the  share  resorts  to  form  their  for lunch at any meeting,”
            Minister  of  Education  and  own  association,  separate  they  said,  “thanks  to  your
            Sport.  ATSA  President  Lu-  from AHATA, the Aruba Ho-   diligence, we can afford to
            igi  Heredia,  Costa  Linda  tel  &  Tourism  Association,  feed you!”
            Beach Resort, expressed his  and  while  ATSA  is  perhaps
            heartfelt  gratitude  for  ser-  less  vocal  than  its  big  sis-  ATSA’s  15  member  resorts,
            vice rendered in the name  ter AHATA it is nevertheless  are  all  committed  to  con-
            of  the  association  and  to-  very active in the commu-  tinue  making  Aruba  one
            gether  with  Sulaika  Kelly,  nity and works in close col-  of the top popular destina-
            Playa  Linda  Beach  Resort,  laboration  with  the  Univer-  tions in the Caribbean. They
            presented  Andy  with  a  sity  of  Aruba  and  with  the  are:  Amsterdam  Manor;
            lovely  painting,  a  typical  Aruba  Tourism  Authority.  Aruba  Beach  Club  Resort;
            Aruba  landscape  by  artist  Andy,  an  excellent  public  Caribbean Palm Village Re-
            Elvis Tromp.                 speaker,  delighted  the  fo-  sort;  Casa  Del  Mar  Beach
                                         rum with his stories from the  Resort;  Costa  Linda  Beach
            Andy  who  arrived  here  good ol’ days of ATSA with  Resort;  Divi  Dutch  Village
            from Barbados has lived in  fellow-hoteliers Jan van Nes  Beach  Resort;  Divi  Aruba
            Aruba  since  1992  and  has  and  Lee  Di  Giovanni  and  Phoenix  Beach  Resort;  Divi
            worked  tirelessly  for  tour-  the  many  projects  under-  Village Golf and Beach Re-
            ism in various functions. His  taken  by  the  association  sort;  Eagle  Aruba  Resort  &
            career  took  him  from  the  from  adopting  EPB,  a  sec-  Casino; La Cabana Beach
            Aruba  Caribbean  Hotel  to  ondary  vocational  school,  Resort and Casino; La Quin-
            Sun  Development  where  to  Adopt  an  Addict,  and  ta  Beach  Resort;  Marriott
            he  managed  Casa  del  many  beautification  proj-       Aruba Ocean Club; Marriot
            Mar and the Aruba Beach  ects,  including  the  Aruba  Aruba  Surf  Club;  Paradise
            Club,  then  to  the  Mill  Re-  Product   Enhancement  Beach Villas; and Playa Lin-
            sort,  Palma  Real  and  in  Fund responsible for beach  da Beach Resort.q
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