Page 33 - ARUBA BANK
P. 33
condolencia Diamars 17 OctOber 2017
“Señor ta mi wardador,
mi n’tin falta di nada;
Den cunucu di yerba berde,
E ta ponemi sosega. “For behold this my
E ta hibami na awa tranquil, work and my glory
pa mi bolbe hanja forsa. Salmo to bring to pass, the
23:1,2,3. “Je geloof was je
kracht, je warmte, immortality and
Cu inmenso tristesa na je vrolijkheid, je eternal life of man.
Moses 1:39
nos curason, nos ta anuncia positivisme, je
fayecimento liefde, speciaal voor Gone to rest i sour
di nos mama stima: minderbedeelden.
Wat zullen we je beloved son, brother,
missen...” uncle, cousin and
Sra. Flora Maria Lacle friend:
Miho conosi como: Chichi
*16-10- 1932 † 12-10-2017
Na nomber di su yiunan: Augustina Veronica Clyde Orlando James
Carlos Nicolaas Sunrise: 22nd January 1962
Ronnie, Deta Nicolaas y yiunan de l’Isle-Rafael Sunset: 6th October 2017
Maria (Mary) Nicolaas Mihor conoci como “Mama Tina” of “Tina”
Shirley Lacle Nicolaas y yiu Weduwe van Ernand Horatus de l’Isle Left to mourn are his
Ronald Nicolaas y Mama di su yiunan *29-04-1923 †11-10-2017
Manera yiu: Rudy Lacle y Patricia y yiunan Father: Lucien “Ato” James (St.Maarten)
Albertico Nicolaas y Olga y yiunan Kinderen: Ernand (Papy) de l’Isle
Evelyn (lienchi) Lacle y yiunan Marius (Maiky) de l’Isle Mother: †Yvy Schmidt
Rumannan: Carmelo (Bubu) Lacle Luty & Lies de l’Isle-Reynierse
+Dominico Lacle Zanette & David Vos-de l’Isle Sister & Brother: Rita Schmidt (Aruba)
+Chinda Albertsz Lacle Suzette de l’Isle Lea Lynch (Holland)
Nieto y Nietanan: Trynke de l’Isle-Anema Gracita Dormoy
Anouska Hazel Nicolaas, Esposo y yiunan Anneke Façee-Schaeffer (Holland)
Shavier Nicolaas y yiu Kim Tilleman Essie Dormoy (Holland)
Shavienne Nicolaas Verna Gumbs (St.
Jonathan Nicolaas (Hulanda) Kleinkinderen: Mike & Gillian, Marny & Cedric, Maarten)
Janely Nicolaas (Hulanda) Willy & Denise, Nicole, Sarah & Jose, Remi & Minerva (Holland)
Joally Nicolaas ( Hulanda) Wendel, Daphne, Brian, Marco, Kimberley & George Dormoy (Aruba)
Bisanieto, Bisanietanan: Arnold, Vanessa, Marc & Gita, Dave, Stephanie & Ambrioso Dormoy (
Edillienne Nicolaas Lino, Sadira & Justin, Tiana, Maurice, Iona, Alexi Germany)
Thyshaun y Tamya Hazel Achterkleinkinderen:
Jadrick Nicolaas y S_Jay Rodriguez Ella, Dylan, Jesse Ch., Quentin, Eva, Uncle’s: Stanley Tross (Holland)
Elize Nicolaas Autumn, Miko, Jesse, †Lara, Taro, Sophie, Tony Tross (New York)
Iha: Diego Vrolijk Naomi, Ravi, Lea, Zoey, Yuna, Mila, Elijah, Bernard Schmidt (Aruba)
Bon Amiganan di cas: Chenda Croes Benjamin, Serge, Kyano, Mason
Chicka Hose Nieces, Nephews, Cousins, Neighbours &
Sula Jansen Broer: Eloterio (Techi ) Friend
Marcolina Kock Overige familie en vrienden
Aling Wing Met speciale dank aan SorMarleny en Leticia The Late Clyde James was related to : Aalse,
Mildro Geerman Gelegenheid tot condoleren op maandag 16 Panthophlet, Janse, Schmidt, Godett, Lynch,
Tur Cuñanan, Subrino y Subrinanan, Primo y oktober 2017 van 19:00 - 21:00 uur bij Aurora Dormoy, Tross, James, Connors, Gario,
Primanan, , Comer y Compernan, demas famia, Funeral Home. Manathan & Peterson.
amigo y conocirnan. Er is ook gelegenheid tot afscheid nemen
Miembronan di Flor di Brazil y Flamboyan op dinsdag 17 oktober 2017 vanaf 2 uur The funeral will take place on friday 20th of
Ex coleganan di Gele Koorts Muskiet Bestrijding. in St. Franciscus kerk te Oranjestad. De october at Aurora Funeral Home. The late
begrafenisdienst vindt plaats om 4 uur. Clyde James will be laid out from 2’o clock in
Demas famia: Vrolijk, Lacle, Nicolaas y demas Na de teraardebestelling liever geen rouwbeklag the afternoon in the church of Jesus Christ of
famia na Aruba,Corsow, Bonaire,Hulanda cu ta aan huis. the Latter Day Saint in Seroe Blanco ( Next to
mucho pa mentiona Friomax). Service start at 4 pm and after to the
Despensa nos si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida Central Cementery in Sabana Basora.
algun famia.
Condolence address; Aurora Funeral Home on
Acto di entiero ta tuma lugar diamars 17 di thursday 19th october 2017 from 7 till 9’o clock.
october 2017 pa 4’ or di atardi na
Misa Sta Theresita Conception na San Nicolaas y We would like to apologize for anyone we forgot
despues saliendo to mention in during this time of grief.
pa santana Catolico na San Nicolaas
E restonan mortal di nos mama Chichi stima lo
ta reposa for di 2’or na misa Sta Theresita . Lo tin
un box disponible pa Wit Gele Kruis
Adres pa condolencia:
Ad Patres Funeral Home dialuna 16 october
2017 di 7or pm pa 9or pm
Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero nos no ta
ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas