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A28    world news
                 Dialuna 7 September 2020

                           Johnson says U.K. will quit Brexit talks if no deal by Oct 15

            By JILL LAWLESS                                                                                                     it was working "in good faith"
            Associated Press                                                                                                    to  implement  the  agreed
            LONDON (AP) — British                                                                                               border  provisions  but  was
            Prime  Minister  Boris  John-                                                                                       "considering  fallback  op-
            son talked tough on Sunday                                                                                          tions in the event this is not
            ahead  of  a  crucial  round  of                                                                                    achieved."
            post-Brexit  trade  talks  with                                                                                     The EU says a deal has to be
            the European Union, saying                                                                                          struck  before  November  to
            Britain could walk away from                                                                                        allow time for parliamentary
            the  talks  within  weeks  and                                                                                      approval  and  legal  vetting
            insisting  that  a  no-deal  exit                                                                                   before  the  transition  period
            would  be  a  "good  outcome                                                                                        expires.
            for the U.K."                                                                                                       Johnson gave an even shorter
            With talks deadlocked, John-                                                                                        deadline in remarks he's due
            son said an agreement would                                                                                         to  deliver  on  Monday,  say-
            only be possible if EU negoti-                                                                                      ing  an  agreement  needed  to
            ators are prepared to "rethink                                                                                      be sealed by an EU summit
            their current positions."                                                                                           scheduled for Oct. 15.
            The  EU,  in  turn,  accuses                                                                                        "If  we  can't  agree  by  then,
            Britain of failing to negotiate                                                                                     then  I  do  not  see  that  there
            seriously.                                                                                                          will be a free trade agreement
            Britain  left  the  now  27-na-                                                                                     between  us,  and  we  should
            tion  EU  on  Jan.  31,  three-                                                                                     both  accept  that  and  move
            and-a-half  years  after  the                                                                                       on," he said in the comments,
            country  narrowly  voted  to                                                                                        which  were  released  in  ad-
            end more than four decades   In  this  file  photo  dated  Monday,  May  18,  2020,  traffic  moves  along  the  M6  motorway  near   vance by his office.
            of membership.               Birmingham, England. Trade                                                             Without a deal, British freight
            That  political  departure  will                                                                   Associated Press   firms  have  warned  there
            be followed by an economic  due to meet in London start-  not imposed on other coun-   the U.K.'s Northern Ireland  could be logjams at ports and
            break  when  an  11-month  ing  Tuesday  for  their  eighth  tries  it  has  free  trade  deals  and EU member Ireland that  supplies of key goods in Brit-
            transition  period  ends  on  round of negotiations.      with, such as Canada.        it  has  already  signed  up  to.  ain  could  be  "severely  dis-
            Dec. 31 and the U.K. leaves  Barnier said last week he was  Frost told the Mail on Sun-  The  border  guarantee  was  a  rupted" starting Jan. 1.
            the  EU's  single  market  and  "worried  and  disappointed"  day  newspaper  that  Britain  key part of the legally bind-  French  Foreign  Minister
            customs union.               by  the  lack  of  progress  and  was  "not  going  to  compro-  ing divorce agreement made  Jean-Yves Le Drian said Sun-
            Without a deal, the New Year  said  the  U.K.  had  not  "en-  mise on the fundamentals of  between Britain and the bloc  day that talks were "not going
            will  bring  tariffs  and  other  gaged constructively."  having control over our own  last year.                   well"  and  dismissed  British
            economic  barriers  between  The  key  sticking  points  are  laws."                   British  Brexit  supporters  attempts  to  drive  a  wedge
            the U.K. and the bloc, its big-  European  boats'  access  to  "We  are  not  going  to  accept  hate  the  agreement  because  between  EU  nations  on  is-
            gest trading partner. Johnson  U.K. fishing waters and state  level playing field provisions  it  means  keeping  Northern  sues such as fishing. Le Drian
            said the country would "pros-  aid to industries. The EU is  that lock us in to the way the  Ireland  aligned  to  some  EU  said the 27 nations remained
            per mightily" even if Britain  determined to ensure a "level  EU do things," he said.  rules  and  regulations.  But  united.
            had  "a  trading  arrangement  playing field" for competition  In  another  sign  of  poten-  any  move  to  undermine  it  "We would prefer a deal, but a
            with the EU like Australia's"  so British firms can't under-  tial  trouble  ahead,  the  Fi-  would  infuriate  the  EU  and  deal on the basis of our man-
            —  the  U.K.  government's  cut  the  bloc's  environmen-  nancial  Times  reported  that  threaten the trade talks.  date,"  he  told  France  Inter
            preferred description of a no-  tal  or  workplace  standards  Johnson's  government  was  "This would be a very unwise  radio. "There is room for ac-
            deal Brexit.                 or  pump  public  money  into  planning  domestic  legisla-  way  to  proceed,"  tweeted  tion, but the whole package,
            British  chief  negotiator  Da-  U.K. industries.         tion that would water down  Irish Foreign Minister Simon  including  the  fishing  pack-
            vid  Frost  and  his  EU  coun-  Britain  accuses  the  bloc  of  commitments  to  maintain-  Coveney.              age, needs to be taken up in
            terpart  Michel  Barnier  are  making  demands  that  it  has  ing an open border between  The British government said  order to avoid a 'no deal.'"q

                       Rare spat between Serbia and Russia after U.S.-brokered deal

                                                                      sored  agreement  between  who have given her the job,"  has  been  forging  close  po-
                                                                      Serbia  and  Kosovo  has  trig-  Vucic  told  the  pro-govern-  litical, economic and military
                                                                      gered  a  rare  spat  between  ment  Pink  TV.    Later  Sun-  ties  with  Russia  and  China.
                                                                      traditional allies Moscow and  day, Zakharova apologized on  Trump  announced  Friday
                                                                      Belgrade.Spokeswoman  Ma-    Twitter,  saying  her  post  had  that former wartime foes Ser-
                                                                      ria Zakharova posted a photo  been  misinterpreted.  Her  bia  and  Kosovo  have  agreed
                                                                      showing  Serbian  President  boss, Russian Foreign Minis-  to  normalize  economic  ties
                                                                      Aleksandar   Vucic   sitting  ter Sergey Lavrov, spoke Sun-  as part of U.S.-brokered talks
                                                                      across  from  U.S.  President  day with Vucic, stressing the  that include Belgrade moving
                                                                      Donald  Trump  at  his  Oval  "sincerely close ties" between  its Israeli embassy to Jerusa-
                                                                      Office  in  Washington.  She  the  two  states,  the  Serbian  lem, and mutual recognition
                                                                      posted  that  along  with  an-  president's  office  said.  Vucic  between Israel and Kosovo.
                                                                      other photo, the iconic scene  said  while  he  was  in  Wash-  The announcement provided
                                                                      from thriller "Basic Instinct"  ington  he  defended  Serbia's  Trump with a diplomatic win
                                                                      showing Sharon Stone being  close ties with Russia, includ-  ahead of the November pres-
                                                                      questioned  by  police  as  she  ing an arms purchase, and his  idential election and furthers
             President Donald Trump participates in a signing ceremony with   sits cross-legged in a chair.  refusal  to  impose  Western  his  administration's  push  to
             Serbian  President  Aleksandar  Vucic,  left,  and  Kosovar  Prime   Zakkharova mocked Vucic in  sanctions  against  Moscow  improve Israel's international
             Minister Avdullah Hoti, in the Oval Office of the White House,   a comment on the Facebook  over its policies in Ukraine.  standing.
             Friday, Sept. 4, 2020, in Washington.                    post, saying he was invited to  Marko  Djuric,  an  official  The  agreement  also  calls  on
                                                     Associated Press   the White House to be inter-  with Vucic's ruling party, de-  Serbia to diversify its energy
                                                                      rogated.                     fended him on Twitter.       supplies, which are now fully
            BELGRADE, Serbia (AP)  spokeswoman            apparently  "The primitivism and vulgar-  Although  formally  seeking  in  Russia's  hands  —  some-
            —  A  social  media  post  by  ridiculing  Serbia's  president  ity she showed speaks about  membership in the European  thing unlikely to be approved
            Russia's  Foreign  Ministry  after he signed a U.S.-spon-  herself, but also about those  Union,  Serbia  under  Vucic  by Moscow.q
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