Page 9 - HOH
P. 9
local Thursday 29 december 2022
ELMAR warns against lighting fireworks near high voltage wires
ORANJESTAD – Lighting dangerous if one comes
fireworks and lights is a into contact with one of
popular way to celebrate these wires. If a firework
the year-end at home and lands on an electricity wire,
during special gatherings. it can cause an electric dis-
However, it is important for charge which can result in
each and every one of us grave injury or even death.
to do this responsibly and Fireworks can also damage
safely. the electricity wires and
provoke a disruption when
Through a press release, electricity is needed the
electricity company of most.
Aruba, ELMAR advices to
never light fireworks near To guarantee everyone’s This includes reading and wires. Instructions vary from them.
high voltage wires. Electric- safety, ELMAR insists that it is following all instructions on one product to another so
ity wires transport and dis- very important to follow all the packaging of each fire- it is very important to make With safety in mind, every-
tribute high voltage elec- security instructions when work, and keeping a safe sure of which precautions one can enjoy a happy
tricity, which can be very lighting fireworks and lights. distance from high voltage are needed for each of new year.q
Tourist bus stopping at Tres Trapi causes concern for nature in the area
ORANJESTAD – Yesterday A user posted the video
a video circulating on so- on Facebook with a text
cial media showed a bus expressing their disgust for
of a local tour company what was taking place.
stopping in the area of Tres “Really? You had to make
Trapi for visitors to get out Tres Trapi a stop for your
and appreciate the beauty massive tour buses? This lit-
of the sea. This caused a lot tle cove is now completely
of disgust because users overrun (and congested)
considered that the buses by multiple tour buses ev-
are damaging the nature in ery day, spoiling the natu-
the area. ral beauty and tranquility of
the area”, he posted. companies need to sit to- of a few people are very
“On top of it there’s no gether and make things run powerful.”
space for your buses to better than this. The gov- At the beginning of Decem-
park (or turn around), and ernment needs to wake ber, Aruba National Park
their loud engines keep run- up and make money avail- Foundation (FPNA) held a
ning while the tourists are able to make changes so press conference at Boca
gawking at the few swim- that there is more parking Catalina, which is close to
mers and snorkelers as if spaces without the need to Tres Trapi, to inform the lo-
they’re zoo animals. You’re destruct our nature.” cal community about their
damaging the Aruba ex- concerns regarding Stony
perience with this tour stop Another indicated: “There Coral Tissue Loss Disease
at the fragile piece of our is a nature and environ- (SCTLD). Contamination is
ecology. Please just keep ment department, there one of the main causes for
driving by and don’t stop is a minster of Nature, but coral disease and it is very
here.” there is zero practice in damaging for the environ-
place to protect the fragile ment in general.
In the comment sec- ecosystem. The offices are Such big buses, aside from
tion of the video, which just there for show, a lot of emitting a lot of CO2, are
was viewed more than 4k false promises and illusions. very heavy for the terrain
times, local users joined in They cannot and will not on which they park, which
expressing their disgust? bring change. The short- is very fragile and can be
One user commented: “All term economic interests damaged by this.q