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P. 10
Wednesday 30 OctOber 2019 heAlth
Hats Off
their early stages. The larger the tu- like Growth Factor-1 (IFG-1) to de-
mor has grown, however, the more termine your level of pre- diabetes,
extensive the treatment needed. insulin resistance.
While BCCs seldom spread to vital People with increasing levels of
organs, they can cause major dis- pre-diabetes will develop skin tags
figurement and occasionally result around the neck, armpits and
in nerve or muscle injury. Certain groin. A skin tag is a narrow stalk of
rare, aggressive forms can be le- skin that bulges at the end. Most of
thal if not treated promptly. the time, skin tags are just unsight-
Squamous cell carcinoma is the ly. However, when they appear, it
second most common form of means you are on the road to de-
skin cancer. More than one million veloping diabetes and when skin
cases are diagnosed in the U.S. tags are twisted, irritated, or bleed-
each year. Squamous cell carcino- ing, this might be a good reason to
mas typically appear as persistent, seek medical attention.
thick, rough, scaly patches that Darkening skin on your sides of
can bleed if bumped, scratched or your face and neck or spots on
scraped. They often look like warts exposed areas are often sun dam-
and sometimes appear as open age that may not be cancer.
sores with a raised border and a However, it may be acanthosis ni-
crusted surface. People who have gricans, which is not a skin disease,
Dr. Carlos Viana fair skin, light hair, and blue, green, but a skin sign of an underlying
or gray eyes are at highest risk of condition or disease. Besides the
‘Hats off’ an expression used to ex- at risk. developing the disease. Chronic development of diabetes, it can
press admiration for someone who Melanoma, the most dangerous infections and skin inflammation reflect kidney problems or colon,
has done something praiseworthy. form of skin cancer, accounts for can also increase the risk to devel- or breast cancer. When a patient
So, let us take our hats off to thank up to three percent of all pediatric oping squamous cell carcinoma. presents with darkening and thick-
our local dermatologists who con- cancers. The treatment of child- Furthermore, immune deficiency ening of the skin, occurring mainly
ducted a free skin cancer screen- hood melanoma is delayed 40% diseases, chemotherapy, and in the folds of the skin, I make sure
ing for the public. The dermatolo- of the time due to misdiagnosis of there are dozens of medications not to run a blood test to find any
gists donated their time and mon- dark growth that look like moles. and over-the-counter drugs that underlying cause.
ey to provide this valuable service. Most melanomas are black or can cause sun sensitivity. Some of Get The Point! We have tipped
No medical government agency brown, but they can also be skin- the most common include: Anti- our hat with thanks to those that
provided any financial support, colored, pink, red, purple, blue or biotics: doxycycline, tetracycline, took the time and effort to screen
additional sponsorship was by the white. Melanoma is caused mainly ciprofloxacin, antidepressants: our community. Now let us put our
local media and print companies. by intense, occasional sun expo- doxepin (Sinequan); and a herbal hats back to protect a little more
sure. So, cover baby’s head when supplement that I never recom- from the damaging sunlight. Cov-
Being older than sixty- five I was out in the sun. Among adults Mel- mend, St. John’s wort can cause ering up and avoiding the hottest
excited to be screened and was anoma kills an estimated 10,130 sun sensitivity. part of the day, may be smarter
happy to see how many people at- people in the US annually. Coun- In our clinic, I diagnose medical than chemical sunscreens. And,
tended. Over the past thirty years tries closer to the equator will have conditions that put people at high- be careful of the reflection of our
more people have had skin cancer greater numbers. er risk. Most doctors do not ask for beautiful sea even in the shade,
than all other cancers combined. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the a comprehensive blood test to see when sitting on our white beach-
That means that each year there most common form of skin cancer. how close you are to developing es. Prevention is much better than
are more new cases of skin can- More than 4 million cases are di- diabetes. Certain types of cancers having to be treated for cancer
cer than the combined incidence agnosed in the U.S. each year. The are more common in people with and goes a long way. Come in for
of cancers of the breast, prostate, warning signs include: open sore diabetes. The frequency and risk a blood test to ensure you are not
lung and colon. And as we baby- that bleeds, a red irritated area, of developing overall skin cancer, developing an environment where
boomers get older more than 50% a shiny bump, a slightly elevated including melanoma, is higher with cancer can grow. Let us help you
who live to age 65 will have either pink growth, a scar-like area that people with insulin resistance (pre- by identifying chronic inflamma-
basal cell carcinoma or squamous is white, yellow or waxy. These five diabetes). Many doctors check tion and reducing risk for develop-
cell carcinoma at least once. But warning signs should not be ig- fasting blood glucose, not learning ing diabetes.q
do not think only older people are nored. BCCs are easily treated in how to connect insulin and Insulin-