Page 24 - KPA 3 OCT,2015
P. 24

                                                                                                                                                         Saturday 3 October 2015

Oregon gunman was Army dropout who studied mass shooters 

J. BARNARD                       This undated photo from a MySpace page that appeared                             “Some of you guys are al-     eran hit by several bullets
M. MENDOZA                       to belong to Chris Harper Mercer shows him holding a rifle.                      right. Don’t go to school     said he tried to stop the
Associated Press                 Authorities identified Mercer as the gunman who went on a                        tomorrow if you are in the    gunman from entering the
ROSEBURG, Ore. (AP) —            deadly shooting rampage at Umpqua Community College in                           northwest,” an anonymous      classroom.
The 26-year-old gunman           Roseburg, Ore., on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015.                                       poster wrote a day before     Wanda Mintz said her
who opened fire in a com-                                                                                         the shootings.                30-year-old nephew, Chris
munity college English                                                                    (MySpace via AP Photo)  On Thursday morning, he       Mintz, a student at the col-
class, killing nine, was an                                                                                       walked into Snyder Hall at    lege, fell to the floor and
Army boot camp dropout           wounded in the attack, of-     his apartment.                                    Umpqua Community Col-         asked the shooter to stop.
who studied mass shooters        ficials said.                  “He was kind of like a child                      lege and began firing,        But, she said, he shot Mintz
before becoming one him-         Harper-Mercer, who died        so that’s why his tantrums                        shooting a teacher and        again and went inside.
self.                            during a shootout with po-     would be like kind of weird.                      students, many repeatedly.    Portland Fire and Rescue Lt.
A day after the rampage          lice, was armed with hand-     He’s a grown man. He                              Survivors described a class-  Rich Chatman, who is serv-
in an Oregon timber town,        guns and a rifle, some of      shouldn’t be having a tan-                        room of carnage, and one      ing as a spokesman for the
authorities said Christopher     which were military grade.     trum like a kid. That’s why                       said he ordered students to   criminal investigation, said
Sean Harper-Mercer wore          The weapons had been           I thought there was some-                         state their religion before   investigators were still pro-
a flak jacket and brought        purchased legally over         thing — something was                             shooting them.                cessing the crime scene.
at least six guns and five       the past three years, some     up,” she said.                                    Students in a classroom       “As you can imagine, there
ammunition magazines             by him, others by relatives,   Harper-Mercer’s social                            next door heard several       is a tremendous amount of
to the school. Investiga-        said Celinez Nunez, assis-     media profiles suggested                          shots, one right after the    information and evidence
tors found another seven         tant field agent for the Se-   he was fascinated by the                          other, and their teacher      for them to sort through,”
guns at the apartment he         attle division of the Bureau   Irish Republican Army, frus-                      told them to leave.           he said. “We have a very
shared with his mother.          of Alcohol, Tobacco and        trated by traditional orga-                       “We began to run,” stu-       large team of investigators
Officials on Friday released     Firearms.                      nized religion and that he                        dent Hannah Miles said. “A    and forensic teams trying
the names, ages and brief        Those who knew the shoot-      tracked other mass shoot-                         lot of my classmates were     to process all of the infor-
biographical information         er described a deeply trou-    ings. In one post, he ap-                         going every which way.        mation.” Chatman said
about the nine dead, who         bled loner.                    peared to urge readers to                         We started to run to the      several hundred investi-
ranged in age from 18 to 67      At a different apartment       watch the online footage                          center of campus. And I       gators are involved, rang-
and included several fresh-      complex where Harper-          of Vester Flanagan shoot-                         turned around, and I saw      ing from federal agencies
men and a teacher. They          Mercer and his mother          ing two former colleagues                         students pouring out of the   such as the FBI and ATF to
were sons and daughters,         lived in Southern California,  live on TV in August in Vir-                      building.”                    state, county and city law
spouses and parents.             neighbors remembered a         ginia, noting “the more                           An aunt of an Army vet-       enforcement.q
One of the freshmen was          quiet and odd young man        people you kill, the more
active in the Future Farm-       who rode a red bike every-     you’re in the limelight.”
ers of America and loved         where.                         He may have even posted
to play soccer. Another          Reina Webb, 19, said the       a warning. A message on
was on only his fourth day       man’s mother was friendly      4chan — a forum where
of college.                      and often chatted with         racist and misogynistic
Grieving families began          neighbors, but Harper-Mer-     comments are frequent —
sharing details of their         cer kept to himself. She said  warned of an impending
loved ones.                      she occasionally heard him     attack, but it’s unclear if it
“We have been trying to          having temper tantrums in      came from Harper-Mercer.
figure out how to tell every-
one how amazing Lucas
was, but that would take
18 years,” the family of Lu-
cas Eibel, 18, said in a state-
ment released through the
Douglas County Sheriff’s
Quinn Glen Cooper’s fam-
ily said their son had just
started college.
“I don’t know how we
are going to move for-
ward with our lives without
Quinn,” the Coopers said.
“Our lives are shattered
beyond repair.”
Nine other people were
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