Page 24 - MIN TTC DEC 4,2015
P. 24

AWEMainta Diabierna, 04 December 2015                                                                         9

                                       Despues di hopi aña di existencia

                                        ED-Card di Inmigracion
                                        ta drenta era digital

                                          Turistanan por gosa di e conviniencia y eficiencia

TA OBVIO cu e historia di                      departamentonan           promove mas eficiencia y den crea    moderno di “Happy Flow”.
                                            mihor aceso n’e carchi,      mas beneficio pa pasaheronan.
e carchinan di Inmigracion,             cu entretanto tabata contene     E pasahero awor tin e opcion pa      Cu e adkisicion aki, Servicio di
conoci como e “Embarkation and      mas informacion cu ICAO tabata       yena e informacionnan necesario      Inmigracion y Aruba Tourism
Desembarkation Card” (ED-Card),     rekeri.                              “online” for di momento cu e         Authority ta sigui cana dilanti den
ta cana man den man cu desaroyo                                          cumpra su pasashi caba.              e region, den tecnologia moderno,
tecnologico. Inovacion digital      Na aña 2008 a lansa e servicio       Esaki lo evita tur e yenamento di    den eficiencia, den mihor maneho
semper a influencia e forma di      cu nos tabata conoce te awor,        carchi den avion of para den fila    di fluho di pasahero y den beneficio
traha di Servicio di Inmigracion y  esta RADEX, cu tambe a nifica un     na Inmigracion, loke hopi biaha      pa turistanan yegando y saliendo
di Aruba Tourism Authority, cu pa   rediseño di e carchi, incluyendo un  t’e motibo pa tardansa.              di nos isla. Mas cu djis un website
mas di 50 aña ta trahando hunto     number OCR (Optical Character        E turista lo ricibi un email bek cu  pa yena informacion, e turista tin
den procesa y analisa e datonan di  Recognition) cu tabata ta masha      cual e ta mustra e ambtenaar na      aceso na otro servicio, producto y
turistanan yegando nos isla.        unico.                               su yegada of proces’e via e sistema  atraccionnan turistico di nos isla.

Na inicio di añanan 80, e era di    Como cu a                       Working at AAA is more than just a job.
computer a haci su entrada na       cuminsa scan e                                             It is a start to an exciting, service oriented career with a great impact
Aruba, uzando computernan           carchi, no tabata                                                               on our tourism industry and economy.
marca Apple. Asina, hunto cu        necesario mas pa
refineria LAGO tabata procesa e     tin un “carbon       Aruba Airport Authority (AAA) NV, manager and operator of the Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix, plays a prominent role in the
carchinan, p’asina manda nan pa     copy”.               Aruban economy as principal gateway for our tourism. Currently the Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix is one of the busiest airports
Servicio Central di Computacion di  E carchi tabata      in the Caribbean region: with more than 30 different scheduled airlines, AAA facilitates almost 2.300.000 passengers and 44.000
Gobierno pa interpreta e datonan    parti den            aircraft movements per year, mainly from the US, Canada, South America, Europe and the Caribbean. AAA undergoes continuous
y produci raportnan.                dos, mitar           upgrades to maintain its position as one of the region’s most innovative airports. Since 2004 AAA has a strategic cooperation
Cu tempo, desaroyo a sigui          tabata contene       agreement with Schiphol International B.V.
modernisa e sistema di computer     informacion
y na aña 1982 a cuminsa uza         rekeri pa Servicio   Launch your exciting and rewarding career in the travel industry by joining our team as an
computernan Apple “stand alone”     di Inmigracion y
pa haci “input” y asina produci     n’e otro banda                                           ICT Administrator
raportnan instantaneo.              informacion pa
Mientrastanto a rediseña e ED-      uzo di mercadeo      As an ICT Administrator you will be part of a team responsible for operational maintenance and monitoring tasks of AAA’s ICT
Card, añadiendo “carbon copy”       di Aruba Tourism     infrastructure, resolve Helpdesk requests and perform on-call duties, assist and sometimes manage certain ICT related operational and
di cual ta keda pa Servicio di      Authority.           capital projects, and comply with administrative duties and procedures.
Inmigracion, pa Aruba Tourism       Un parti tabata
Authority y p’e pasahero mes.       keda den man di      Profile:
                                    e bishitante y e
Tecnologia a sigui dal pasonan      mester a entreg’e    - A Bachelor Degree with specialization in Information and Communications Technology or Computer Science equivalent
grandi te cu na aña 1997 tabata     na su salida for di                 education with at least 3 years relevant work experience in a similar function. Has knowledge and skills in solving
asina leu cu a lansa e software     nos isla.                           relatively complex ICT problems.
“Immipro” cu un diseño nobo
di e ED-Card, conteniendo un        Y awor, na 2015,     - Relevant up-to-date training, certifications and work experience in the field of automation, for example with Cisco network
“barcode” cu un number pa           despues di 7 aña                    management, Microsoft certifications (MCSE), ITIL, VMWARE, Exchange, SQL Server, etc. are necessary and familiarity
registra e carchi mas facil, ya     di uzo di RADEX,                    with Ethernet and fiber optic networks. The ICT Administrator is strong in this field and is prepared to follow relevant courses
cu parti di e informacion tabata    atrobe Servicio                     to maintain certain certifications up-to-date.
haci pa Inmigracion y parti dor di  di Inmigracion
Aruba Tourism Authority.            hunto cu             - Strong communication skills and is able to translate technical aspects into language that is relevant to the end-user.
E number tabata duna e              Aruba Tourism        - Is a team player but can also perform independently.
                                    Authority ta         - Takes initiative, is innovative and solution-oriented.
                                    dal un paso          - Can handle stress and can cope well with deadlines.
                                    mas dilanti den      - Has a flexible and enthusiastic personality.
                                    tecnologia, den      - Has good verbal and written reporting and communication skills in English, Dutch, and Papiamento.

                                                         Main tasks include:

                                                         - Planning and conducting (preventive, corrective and perfective, adaptive) operational maintenance, management and
                                                                        monitoring tasks by assigned ICT infrastructure, with the aim to guarantee and optimize availability and performance
                                                                        of airport systems.

                                                         - Running the existing procedures for reporting and troubleshooting, as well as analyzing and preventing disturbances, in the
                                                                        systems for which he/she has been designated as a technical administrator.

                                                         - Support of the functional management of the assigned systems by training users, taking care of reports, and the like.
                                                         - Available and flexible for on-call duties for the purpose of performing corrective measures for ICT related incidents after

                                                                        working hours or in the framework of the emergency organization.
                                                         - Various other ICT related tasks can be assigned.


                                                         If you recognize yourself in this profile and you are ready to make a positive contribution, further develop your skills and knowledge, we
                                                         invite you to apply. Please send your letter with resume, diplomas and certifications to the email address below. Deadline for
                                                         applications is Friday December 16, 2015.

                                                         For questions regarding this vacancy please contact Mr. John Becker, Head ICT (tel: 524-2412). A personality and management
                                                         assessment will be part of the selection procedure, and employment is subject to a thorough background check.
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