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locAl sports Monday 21 august 2017
Final List Announced:
Team Aruba Set for 2017 South American Youth Games
ORANJESTAD - The final list
of youth athletes to rep-
resent Aruba in the 2017
South American Youth
Games was announced
this weekend by Kamilah
Dammers – Naddall of the
Aruba Olympic Committee
After much evaluation and
cooperation with different
federations on the island
with athletes in preparation
for international competi- ara Petrocchi; for Triathlon, All 14 National Olympic
tion, the Technical Com- Giannon Eights; for Table Committees of the ODESUR
mission of COA is encour- Tennis, Ching Ho Chung are expected to compete.
aged with their selection. and Jeandry Mathilda; and The games are held ev-
The following are the 11 for Tennis, Frederick Sydow ery four years consistent
youth athletes chosen to and Patrick Sydow. with the current Olympic
represent Aruba in the The 2017 South American Games format. The first edi-
2017 South American Youth Games, also known tion was held in Lima, Perú,
Youth Games: For swim- as the II South American from 20 to 29 September
ming, Keeley Maduro, Youth Games, is a multi- 2013. The age limitation of
Anahi Schreuders, Brandon sport event to be celebrat- the athletes is 14 to 18.
Cheong and Daniel Ja- ed in Santiago, Chile, from 4 years ago Team Aruba
cobs; for Judo, Sofia Pet- September, 29 to October participated in the first
rocchi; for Taekwondo, Chi- 8, 2017. South American Youth
Games, and brought home
no less than 5 medals. This
year Team Aruba plans to
surpass this medal count by
a long shot with this talent-
ed roster of athletes.
All members of COA, the is-
lands’ many sports founda-
tions and federations, and
the entire community wish-
es Team Aruba all the best
at the 2017South American
Youth Gamesq
Brazil Taekwondo Foundation Celebrates 23 Years
ORANJESTAD - On August 18, the Brazil Taekwondo
Foundation celebrated their 23 year! Master Alberto
Klabér, an avid and loyal supporter of sports and com-
petitive combat began the foundation back on August
18, 1994, and his vision continues to guide the founda-
tion to success.
For years the Brazil Taekwondo Foundation has helped
teach members of the community physical and men-
tal discipline in the arts of Taekwondo, and has brought
its members to countless competitions both local and
international, garnering several medals and honors for
their achievements along the way.
Local athletes Ishell van der Linde and Stuart Smit of
the Brazil Taekwondo Foundation are two particularly
noteworthy members to emerge from the foundation,
having found success in competitions in Central and
South America as well as in the Caribbean.
Congratulations Brazil Taekwondo Foundation!q