Page 12 - ARUBA BANK
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10                                                          AWEMainta                                    Diabierna, 22 November 2019

       Adulto a lubida menor di edad cera den Toyota Yaris


         Revised AML/CFT Handbook issued by the CBA

         The Centrale Bank van Aruba (CBA) has issued a revised version of its Handbook for the prevention and
         detection of money laundering and financing of terrorism (AML/CFT Handbook). Effective January 1, 2020,
         it replaces the AML/CFT Handbook of June 1, 2011, as well as the Guidance Notes for designated non-
         financial service providers of June 30, 2011.

         As of  January 1, 2020,  the AML/CFT  Handbook applies to  all  financial  service providers and all   DIAHUEBS  mainta pa mas o  menos 10:50
         designated non-financial service providers, as defined in section 1 of the AML/CFT State Ordinance,
         which include, among others:                                                         informacion  a drenta cu  na altura di Jacinta

                x  Banks;                             x  Lawyers;                             Kleuterschool lo tin un mucha cera den auto.
                x  Credit Unions;                     x  Notaries;                            Segun nos a compronde e persona cu lo a comete
                x  Life Insurers;                     x  Tax advisors;
                x  Pension Funds;                     x  Accountants;                         e acto aki lo baha y lubida e mucha den auto,
                x  Money Transfer Companies;          x  High value dealers (e.g. Jewelers,
                x  Trust Service Providers;              Car dealers);                        ora e persona a realisa panico a drenta curpa y
                x  Insurance Brokers;                 x  Real Estate Agents.
                x  Casinos;                                                                   a cuminsa grita.
          The revised version is available on the CBA’s website under the heading “Supervision”:
             -  “AML/CFT Framework” ( and;
             -  “AML/CFT Supervision of designated non-financial service providers and other service providers”  A wordo papia di un “eror”. E momento eynan a
                service-providers).                                                           bati alarma y aki lo a kibra e glas p’asina saca
          The AML/CFT Handbook should always be read in conjunction with the official text of the AML/CFT   e criatura. Mientrastanto a pidi tambe presen-
          State Ordinance (in the Dutch language).
                                                                                              cia di Ambulance, y na yegada Paramediconan a
          Aruba, November 22, 2019                                                            somete e mucha na un control riguroso.

              J.E. Irausquin Boulevard  8  P.O. Box 18  Oranje stad Aruba  Tel. no.(297) 525- 2100   Fax no.: (297) 525-2101
                         E-mail: informationcenter@c  Website:
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