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30 LOCAL NEWS AWEMainta Diahuebs, 28 September 2023
Celebrating Excellence:
18 Nurses Graduate with Specializations at HOH Academy
IN a vibrant and celebratory atmosphere, the graduation
ceremony for 18 nurses took place on Tuesday evening. Lenie Denteneer, Manager of HOH Academy, expressed
These dedicated individuals are poised to embark on new profound pride, stating, “We are exceptionally proud of the
career paths, having achieved specialization in various fields students who have successfully completed their specializa-
of nursing. Remarkably, 15 of these graduates hail from the tion studies and are now poised to further their professional
esteemed Horacio Oduber Hospital, while the remaining careers in the field of healthcare.”
three represent ImSan. Their areas of specialization encom-
pass ICU/CCU, emergency care, cardiac care, recovery, dial- One graduate, Ana Mejia, who has earned the title of SEH
ysis, and cardiovascular intervention. Verpleegkundige as a specialized emergency nurse (SEH),
shared her perspective. She chose this specialization due to
The attainment of these specialized qualifications owes its dynamic nature, operating in a department that encoun-
its success to the longstanding and collaborative partner- ters a diverse range of patients with varying needs. “Every
ship between Horacio Oduber Hospital and VUmc Amstel day, I learn something new, whether it’s a minor detail or
Academie in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This educational a substantial medical insight. What makes this depart-
endeavor stands as a pivotal program for Aruba, given the ment particularly appealing is its constant variation,” she
pressing demand for highly specialized healthcare profes- remarked.
sionals. It is worth noting that these accomplished indi-
viduals are residents of our island, demonstrating their This accomplishment holds significant significance for
commitment to the betterment of our community in the Aruba, as it signifies an increased availability of specialized
realm of healthcare. nurses ready to provide care across critical departments
such as ICU/CCU, Emergency Care, Dialysis, Recovery, and
The hospital administration places significant emphasis on Cardiovascular Intervention. The dedicated and dynamic
professionalization and specialization, recognizing the crit- teams at HOH Academy, in collaboration with VUmc Amstel
ical role it plays in elevating the quality of healthcare provided. Academie Amsterdam, have guided these professionals
These professionals have exhibited unwavering dedication through a transformative journey, equipping them for
not only to the hospital but also to the community, under- fulfilling careers in healthcare.
pinned by their remarkable perseverance in achieving their
educational goals. In turn, these graduates will become The Board of Directors and the management team at HOH
educators themselves, passing on their knowledge to the extend their warmest congratulations and best wishes to
healthcare professionals of the future. This commendable these eighteen graduates, recognizing their unwavering
achievement marks a significant milestone in our ongoing commitment to prioritizing patient care. This achievement
commitment to enhancing the quality of care accessible to marks a significant step forward in ensuring the highest
our community. standards of healthcare delivery within our community.