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Thursday 1 February 2024 locAl
Episode XCVIII -98 Desert Island Living
Back to basics and back to the path of the sun and
simplicity is what brings you use the land completely
back to earth. By relying on to your advantage when
those plants that do well in planning an environmen-
a desert atmosphere, one tal conscious self-sufficient
can create a peaceful and project.
healthy garden living en-
vironment while saving on Now, you must keep in
maintenance and garden mind rain water recollec-
caring time. tion, garbage disposals,
food security, picking the
A desert garden can be right building material for
incredibly attractive and creating fresh well lid re-
offers many additional laxing spaces in a dwelling
benefits such as significant where without a doubt you
cost savings results. Water can do without the need
is expensive when used in of an air conditioners op-
substantial quantities when erating in the buildings dur-
trying to maintain a more ing most of the year.
traditional type of garden in
an area that is not blessed Although the so-called
with a lot of rain like our arid and maintain a lush green In our old but beautiful is- “rainy season” lasts from
Aruba, where this precious Plants like succulents per- lawn in a desert landscap- land climate is tropical one the end of October to
liquid of life can be quite form at their best in their ing with frequent watering, and hot all year round. the beginning of Janu-
expensive. The trick is ex- native climate and our it won’t matter what you Daytime temperatures ary, most of this rain falls
perimenting and choosing desert environment offers do to encourage growth, it are around 29/31 degrees in the form of short and
the right plants species and these advantages when will never be as tough as a Celsius (84/88 ° F) but the strong showers. It may be
varieties accustomed to a using these kinds of plants bluegrass lawn in a temper- wind moderates the heat. the case that mosquitos
hot and dry environment. that thrive in drought con- ate region. However some Since the trade wind blows may become annoying
Desert landscaping is both ditions. experimental varieties are constantly from mainly the during mornings hours,
profitable and a wonderful being developed. Northeast direction, it is sun down or at night. So
proposition. While it is possible to create advisable to keep in mind proper screening is recom-
mended to keep bugs out-
doors. In case of extremely
hot days solar can reduce
cooling energy cost during
extreme hot days as an al-
ternative. In the following
picture we can see a one
bed bedroom with open
windows looking east to
the rising sun. The wind
blows through the whole
room making it a place to
relax and enjoying leisure
on clear sunny but windy
A fresh and clean air wel-
comes you to the autoch-
thonous, the fusion of the
colonial and native cul-
tures that characterizes Et-
nia Nativa desert dwelling,
wood, woven tapestries
and native art work.
To get to know more over
Aruba’s and its origins, its
animals and culture, we
highly recommend you to
book your visit for our re-
nowned cultural encoun-
ter session has been enter-
taining curious participants
for decades. Mail us at et-
Article by: Etnia Nativa to
confirm your participation.
Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book Our facilities and activities
your Aruban exprerience take place close to high
Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels rise hotelsq