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P. 5
LOCAL Tuesday 16 July 2024
Initiation of Oranjestad’s Certification Completion of Phase 1 of
Process as the Next “Culinary Capital” Cas Veneranda
in the Caribbean
In a new and exciting de- A “Culinary” Destination
velopment, Minister Geof- ‘This recognition will put
frey Wever has initiated Oranjestad on the global
the certification process culinary map, attracting
for Oranjestad to become food lovers from all parts of
the next “Culinary Capital” the world. It will also provide
in the Caribbean, a valu- The application for certifi- a platform for our chefs,
able recognition from the cation as “Culinary Capi- farmers, and local food
World Food Travel Associa- tal” is part of a holistic strat- producers to showcase
tion (WFTA) that will elevate egy by Minister Geoffrey their talents and products.’
our city’s position. This sig- Wever to revitalize Oran-
nificant step marks another jestad. Our efforts include The certification process
phase of a broader strat- enhancing security and involves a comprehensive
egy aimed at revitalizing ensuring high cleanliness evaluation of our culinary Minister Geoffrey Wever re- phase.
Oranjestad. standards, improving the scene, including the qual- cently held a meeting with
city’s visual appeal through ity of our food, the diver- the Stichting Monumenten The next phase involves
The WFTA’s “destination beautification projects, sity of our culinary offer- Fonds Aruba regarding the preparing and submitting
certification” of “Culinary and increasing the area’s ings, and our commitment renovation project of Cas contractor bids, after which
Capital” is not just a title accessibility. to sustainability and local Veneranda to discuss its a contractor will be select-
but also a testament to Facilitating the return of food sourcing. progress. ed. The tentative start date
Oranjestad’s rich culinary various governmental de- for construction is planned
heritage and diversity. This partments to our city cen- We are confident that The demolition phase of for September 2.
process will put our local ter to stimulate local busi- Oranjestad will reflect our the project has been suc-
cuisine on the global map, nesses is also a focus. Addi- culinary richness. The cer- cessfully completed. This ‘The Cas Veneranda Reno-
promote food tourism, and tionally, there is an empha- tification process is set to was not an easy process, vation Project is of utmost
enhance visitors’ experi- sis on attracting more peo- begin, and we are eager and some surprises were importance and a key part
ences. ‘This initiative aligns ple, creating an interesting to keep the community in- encountered along the of the overall revitaliza-
perfectly with our ongo- environment that can host formed of developments. way. Additionally, more tion of Oranjestad. We are
ing efforts to breathe new more events and festivals, ‘Together, we can make was learned about the his- working hard to preserve its
life into the heart of Oran- among other activities. Ulti- Oranjestad a vibrant and tory and architecture of historical value and contin-
jestad,’ the minister com- mately, all these efforts will dynamic destination,’ stat- Cas Veneranda during the ue revitalizing the center of
mented. make our city center com- ed Minister Geoffrey Wev- demolition. Now, the focus Oranjestad,’ stated Minister
Revitalization Strategy mercially more viable. er. is shifting to the renovation Wever.
In celebrating 200 years of Oranjestad...
Learn about the history of the famous town hall!
(Oranjestad)— If you’ve The construction of the cost became too high to Nowadays, this mansion lies
ever taken a stroll through house started once Jacobo cover. in ruins. However, the Aru-
main street Oranjestad, and Maria got engaged. It ban government recently
you may have stumbled is said that during the time The land was sold to Land announced its official res-
upon a big green house of construction, Maria was Aruba in 1986, but it did not toration, with plans to con-
with beautiful colonial de- not allowed to see the see a renovation until 1997. vert this monument into a
sign. This legendary house, building nor be anywhere Nowadays, it serves to host governmental office and
now used as a town hall for near the construction site. weddings, and is attached public space for visitors of
civil marriages, was once It wasn’t until after her hon- to a modern building situ- Oranjestad.
owned by a wealthy doctor eymoon that she saw the ated behind—the Aruban Source and pictures cred-
and formed part of the elite completed mansion for the census office. ited to: “De Kolibrie op de
neighborhood in Oranjes- first time, furnished entirely Rots (en meer over the ge-
tad. by her sisters-in-law. Jacobo and Maria’s man- schiedenis van Aruba)” by
sion was situated in front Evert Bongers.
Jacobo Eloy Arends was The mansion also con- of another famous man-
an Aruban physician, and town hall for civil marriages tained the doctor’s office, sion, owned by Jacobo’s
in lived in Oranjestad dur- and is a cultural monument as well as a pharmacy. Af- brother Frederico Maxi-
ing the 1920s. In 1922, he on the island. ter the death of Jacobo, miliaan (Machi) Arends.
married Maria Monica the house was inherited by Frederico was married to
Lacle, the daughter of well- The house was designed his son, an Aruban dentist, Veneranda (whom the
known business man at the by architect Chibi Wever, who converted Jacobo’s mansion was named after).
time, Adriaan Lacle. The and constructed under the office into his own dental Their house was also con-
two lived a posh life in the leadership of famous mas- practice. Over the years, structed by Dada Picus, uti-
city center, and their man- ter carpenter, Dada Picus, the house was rented and lizing Veneranda’s design
sion—once the center for who was famous at the used by third parties, but vision that was inspired by
neighborhood parties— time for his construction of eventually fell into disre- a house she saw in Carta-
now serves as a public beautiful buildings. pair, as the maintenance gena, Colombia.