Page 6 - HOH
P. 6

Diasabra, 21 August 2021                                                       7

                                                     Dama turista ta cay for di balcon na Renaissance Mall

                                                     Diahuebs atardi ultimo, lo tabatin un caso lamentabel di un dama turista
                                                     cu a cay for di balcon na Renaissance Mall di dos piso.
                                                     Aunke tabatin diferente storia di testigonan, na final ta aparenta cu
                                                     e dama lo tabata tumando un potret di su mes cerca di e balcon y a
                                                     descuida y cay for di dje.
                                                     Ambulans y Polis a presenta n’e sitio. E condicion di e dama ta basta
                                                     Cu urgencia ambulans a hiba e dama riba stretcher y a transport’e di
                                                     biaha pa hospital cu sirena.
        E dama a bin bishita Aruba cu su casa y su yiu homber chikito, cu tabata presente hunto cu n’e durante e suceso aki.

        Ayera 118 caso nobo di Covid a keda registra

        Segun resumen di DVG di ayera 154 persona a recupera
        y un total di 118 caso nobo di Covid-19 a keda registra
        cual 9 ta turista y 109 ta residente.

        E cifranan aki ta representa un ‘Positivity rate’ bou di
        nos residentenan di 27%. Cantidad di casonan activo
        di Covid-19 payera ta 1055 y cantidad di fayecidonan
                                                         Banco di Caribe is a local commercial bank with more than 45 years of experience in providing financial
        relaciona cu Covid-19 ta 124.                    services to its trusted customers. Next to our Head Office and Branches in Curaçao, the bank also
                                                         operates in Aruba, Bonaire and St. Maarten. We are currently looking for suitable candidates for the
        Anta-ayera a raporta un turista cu a fayece, pero esaki   following position:
        a wordo coregi pa motibo cu tabata trata di un persona
        local.                                                    SENIOR INTERNAL AUDITOR
        Datonan di Covid ta ilustra subida di casonan nobo cu                  (Located in Aruba)
        un average semanal di 99 caso pa dia y un average di
        ‘positivity rate’ semanal di 26% pa dia.         Main responsibilities:
                                                         •  Ensure that operational, information technology, financial and compliance audits are performed
                                                          according to the yearly audit plans and in accordance with international standards;
        Tin actualmente 83 persona interna cu Covid di cual 9 ta   •  Review of the systems established to ensure compliance with the policies, procedures, laws and
        den ICU na Aruba, 14 den ICU na Colombia, 56 riba piso   regulations that have a significant impact on the bank’s operations;
        general na Aruba, 2 riba piso di maternidad na Aruba y 1   •  Conduct special investigations or review new projects to ensure that efficient and effective controls
                                                          are incorporated;
        mucha riba pediatria.                            •  Draft reports of findings and propose recommendations for improvement on the identified control
                                                         •  Adhere to the Internal Audit Charter.
                                                         Job requirements:
                                                         •  Master’s degree in Accountancy or equivalent or Certified Internal Auditor (CIA);
                                                         •  Minimum of 3 years of experience in an audit function;
                                                         •  General knowledge of bank products, services and operations;
                                                         •  Language skills: English and Dutch both written and verbal. Oral knowledge of Papiamento;
                                                         •  No 8 to 5 mentality;
                                                         •  The Senior Internal Auditor will service the locations in Curaçao, Bonaire and St. Maarten as well.

                                                         Selected candidates will receive an attractive compensation and benefit package. You are invited to submit your
                                                         application, including resume, no later than August 27, 2021.

                                                         Please address your application to:
                                                         Human Resources Department, Ms. N. Vonsee
                                                         Your application will be handled with the utmost confidentiality.
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